Stronger than Willpower

Have any of you found that you use something stronger than willpower to achieve your fit goals? Not necesarily like motivation, but an emotion or an easy to implement habit that keeps you on track when you're about to falter?

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you’re never gonna make it senpai

Yes, anger! Complete and total malice towards how disgusting I look. It's comparable to the anger one would feel towards someone who murdered your child. Pure and simple hatred of the most severe degree.

Spite, disdain, hatred. But not despair.

Willpower leads to discipline and habit. That's how you make it.

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How long can you keep that fire burning though? Anger is effective for a week at most, and but then I fall back on willpower. Staying angry is surprisingly difficult for me

Fear of death does wonders

Willpower and motivation are fleeting. Purpose is something you develop from failing over and over until you want to accomplish something so bad it becomes almost unhealthy. Purpose is perfect and infinite will power

But I don't fear the long sleep, that's not to say that I'm looking forward to it and I'd rather stay healthy, well healthier than I was 100 pounds ago, but I firmly believe that death is not to be feared.

Kept me going for 8yrs when I was an elite runner going 80 plus miles a week minimum. Set my highschool 2mile and college 10k records on shear hatred alone. Don't even like running, just need to get the hate out by punishing myself.

So what is your purpose for getting or staying fit? At any point, did that purpose change or feel less important? Even when you get stressed or you have an unexpected bill show up, did that purpose remain strong despite the other things going on in your life?

And what about today? I assuming you're fit so do you still hate yourself? How do you maintain if you aren't angry with how you look anymore?

Gonna agree with the other user itt, rage alone keeps me going. Anger at everyone who ever wronged me or even looked at me funny. Rip and tear

After college I found alcohol helped and for the next 7 years almost drank myself to death multiple times, then about a year ago had to quit or i knew i would die. By then i was 80lbs overweight skinny fat disgusting. Now i'm lifting as hard as I can every day and trying to get back to 8%bf or less. Still not even close. The rage goes on!


Okay, that's good and all, but how will squats help me topple the demiurge and bring and end to this physical plane of suffering?

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The itchy, lumpy mattress of comfort-seeking. You have any idea how uncomfortable it is to be obese? I've been like this for like 5 years but it's just gotten worse, until I've started exercising and dieting. I'm only down a few pounds but the rebuilding of the blood vessels in my legs from walking is already giving results.

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Its a habit user, it becomes part of yourself. Its like washing your teeth.

Just make sure you're not overtraining or you're only hurting yourself

Win win for me user.

>easy to implement habit that keeps you on track when you're about to falter?
You mean like will power?

Yeah I worship Odin and ask him consistently for strength n shit

You mean like a sense of duty? Sure, it's called a habit, discipline

>asking for alternative to willpower
just start forcing yourself, it becomes habit, habit breeds willpower you might not have felt before

Got my heart broken 5 years ago, started to lift so she’d want me back (was 16, kek) been lifting ever since because it’s a habit and I hate myself if I don’t go 6 days a week

Shit that's rough man, at least you developed a healthy habit from it though

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Habit, if you just do something every day then you will do it regardless if you are tired, motivated, unmotivated.
I had a buddy who would brush his teeth and put in his retainer every night before bed, and this dude would get fucking shit faced where he could barely walk and not remember anything the next day, but guess what, that motherfucker would brush his teeth and put in his retainer.

Yeah, a gym buddy.

I hate going to the gym unless I have a bro there with me.

Have a reminder that keeps you angry. For me it's looking at snapchat friday night seeing everyone having fun with their friends while I'm at the gym alone since I have no social skills

Manipulating your paths of least resistance.

You want to stop drinking beer? Don't buy any so you can't walk over to the fridge to drink it. It's easier to save your money at the store than it is to look in your fridge and not want to waste the beer you already bought.

I've heard that this works well in many scenarios. To not put yourself in a position to have to utilize willpower in the first place.

It's called dedication you pathetic fuck


Incredibly based

Problem is when that situation inevitably arises, you're fucked.

Yeah, it's called discipline.