Imma keep it real with u chief

Imma keep it real with u chief

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Other urls found in this thread:[3493]=3493&ajax=1&sort=recent

don't know why this is so surprising, it's based entirely on evolution

men can pump and dump without consequence

women are locked down by the guys who pump them, thus they want to have the absolute best genetic offspring, so they are naturally way more selective

>Most of the men using online dating are pathetic and undateable
Wow, what an upset. Who knew that the men taking the coward's approach to dating aren't desirable?

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it's more the fact that a 5/10 woman will get quite literally hundreds of messages per day from guys ranging from 2/10 to 10/10, so the roasts are spoiled rotten

Merely a coincidence.

All of it.

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t. incel

incel and proud

Unironically who cares

You hate incels cause you hate the truth. Incels have been preaching OPs pic and theres proof of it. Unless youre a chad youre gonna get leftovers.if youre an average looking guy and get married shes only with you cause youre just a provider. Congrats on dating leftovers

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lmao she touts her number like it's an accomplishment. might as well count the number of flies on a pile of shit.

>health and fitness

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>being this new

>not taking the faggotpill yet

It's that or incel Jow Forums. Your choice OP

Fuckin puke.

>put the barest amount of work into your appearance and don't have shit-tier genetics
>instantly better than 80-90% of men
Seems right.

Seems about right.

I'm a solid 6.5/10 and even 4/10 women won't match with me on Tinder. It's a nightmare out there bros. I'll literally just swipe right to everyone. Everyone. And I still don't get any matches.

There's going to be a whole lot of people dying alone in another 50 years.

Pregnancy is both preventable with modern birth control and abortable with abortions, so they have no reason to be like that anymore, therefore they are being cunts

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they're literally programmed that way tho

its not them being dicks, they just don't find 5-6s attractive, and based on the bell curve, that is literally most men

Ya because their instincts embedded into them by thousands of years of evolution should come to an abrupt halt and dissappear because of extremely recent inventions. You are a dipshit


Commencing red pill dump

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which part of the lower graph in looks like a bell curve to you?

I don't care, men are programed to rape non compliant women and kill competing men, but you don't see us going off our "natural instincts"

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Explain this chart to a brainlet pls.

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which one

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the OP

i'm talking objectively, and also should have included 4s in there

objectively speaking, most men are 4-6s, yet females are not attracted to these men for their looks. This goes back to the super selective nature females are programmed to have. Men rate like a bell curve because they don't have this super selectivity. Why would you carry a man's baby for nearly a year if his genetics were trash? That is such a huge liability and investment

Women actually aim to get better than they themselves are; that's literally their evolutionary goal. Men seek to spread their seed as far as possible (Fuck everything that moves) while women seek the absolute best

Now combine social media and the absolute inflated sense of attractiveness females today have coupled with their desire to mate with people even *more* attractive than they are and you see why 20% of the top men are sharing 80% of the women (I would argue it is more 10-90)

>not remembering when this place wasn't infested with robots and "women doing x" threads
congratulations, you got yourself caught

The Finnish board of health did a study pretty recently, and it turns out that a small group of men are having sex with almost all the women.
Basically, Chad is fucking 80%+ of the women, so now they’re spoiled and won’t settle for average or below average looking guys.

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It's saying that basically women are only attracted to a fraction of the total men, whereas with men its reversed (when it comes to being into women)

It's called the 80/20 rule, its hard for us to get an exact ratio because there aren't any widespread academic studies being done, but 1000s of years of men's advice, anons around today, common sense, observations, etc etc, say its around only 20% of the men that women are sexually attracted to, so the remaining 80% are left fighting over the scraps

Basically, men are down to fuck any girl that isn't fat, ugly, too young or too old, women only want the absolute best of the best IE Chad

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What you're leaving out is how most men won't date a woman they find unattractive but most women will. It balances out and all you faggots worried about this are retarded

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>most women will friendzone guys they aren't attracted to if they think they can get something out of him

Women are supposed to be subservient to men. It doesn't really matter what they want. It's only because we (cough cough...) have allowed women total freedom and lack of accountability that this happens. We need God.

I used to fuck every few weeks before social media but since Tinder came out I've basically become redundant. Even the ugliest whores are fucking gigachads off dating apps. My obese friend showed me her Tinder profile and she legit matched with a fucking 6'5" PILOT with some superhero jaw. Shit's a fucking joke.

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Women are such a fucking meme
FYI, in reality as in if it wasn't a game show and they were actually stranded, the part where the chicks come crawling back to them is the part where the guys would fuck them in exchange for proving for them

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That surely explains why, a few thousands of years ago, 1 man reproduced for every 17 women.

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It's true, but if you're even trying, you're doing better than most people.

Well, no shit. The fact that this article is surprising to anyone shows how fucked our society has become. Gender roles are natural and there's nothing wrong with that.

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We're gonna lose a war with Iran

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Just fucking adapt a MGTOW mentality already. My life has become so much easier after I stopped being a slave to the vagina.

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Im starting to become like the second guy more and more

correlation is not causation, and i fail to see what you're trying to achieve by dumping or even saving this.
>inb4 shut up roastie
to what end do you harbour such hate?

It's darkly amusing how many people take introductory statistics and then go around spouting 'correlation is not causation' without really understanding the relationship. You cannot have causation without correlation, and significant correlation on its own is sufficient for making a working predictive model. You do not need to understand precisely how gravity works to make accurate predictions about its effects based on partial information. The corruption of academia by these sorts of half-assed appeals to perfection (which are extremely selective in their application) is destroying the entire Western intellectual system.

Daily reminder that feminism was pushed by the Rockefellers as a way to effectively cut wages in half by doubling the supply of labor

So is the graph valid or not? If academia is so corrupt then why should i trust such meaningless statistics?

this is what 100iq looks like, folks.

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>if i call you a funny name i win

=== A scientific look at women ===

In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.

Men’s brains are 8-13% bigger in absolute volume.

Men have 5 more IQ points in general

Men generally score the highest in the SATs

Men make up 75% of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Women are twice as likely to get depressed, due to brooding.

Women are twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder.

Women are twice as likely to develop PTSD after a traumatic event.


Mothers are more than twice as likely to abuse their children as fathers.
>Stats for all years ->[3493]=3493&ajax=1&sort=recent


Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.

“user if this were true why haven’t I heard it before”
Sex in society, is the highest form of social validation and acceptance, so many people base their self-worth on sex they have/have had. When you say sex isn’t important (or women) you can attack somebody’s sense of identity.

There’s a reason why:
-> cunt is the one of the most offensive words in the English language.
-> there have been extremely few successful matriarchies in history.
-> 90+% of inspirational historical figures are men.
-> women feel like the world treats them as lesser to men.
-> it’s frowned upon for men to hit women.

>"Men and women apparently achieve similar IQ results with different brain regions, suggesting that there is no singular underlying neuroanatomical structure to general intelligence and that different types of brain designs may manifest equivalent intellectual performance."

>brain volume has no effect on overall intellegence

>useless link

>nothing in this link suggests any differences between men and women, only who was able to attend classes

>useless link

>"Although statistically significant, the effect sizes for gender differences in rumination were small in magnitude. Results are discussed with respect to the RST and gender differences in depression."

>useless link

Lol chads are a memetic joke
Saw one stacking vape pens at a 7/11 the other day. Jaw line that could cut stars, so handsome I would of low key sucked him off. Great pecs/ass, total chadvatar
We left at the same time I even held the door for him. Stacking vape pens Hahahahahahahah
He then got in a fucking Saab.
Chads are a joke. I’m so glad he can score quality pussy that’ll leave him after they figure out he stacks vape pens Hahahahahaha JUuls hahahahahahhaah

This is going to be funny.

It's not too hard to be better than 80% of men to be honest.
Got a 6 inch dick? Congratulations, you're in the 80th percentile for dick size.
Are you six foot? Congrats, you're taller than 80% of men.
Are you lean? Do you have good hygiene? Do you wear fashionable, well fitting clothes? Do you lift? Do you have a haircut that suits you? All stuff that will land you in the top 4 of a random group of 20.

sick weight reduction mods bro

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I don't know what she's celebrating. Men have to do all the work to catch that rancid fish only for it to not be worth it.

well, if men make more money than women on average and the income tax % goes up with increased income, then is wouldn't it be surprising if men didn't pay more income tax than women??

>Now I want to settle down
Is there even a beta out there that would take someone with a bodycount of over fucking 300? The entire army of Sparta who faced down the Persians is less than this chick's sexual history.

Good point but you kinda ruined it by posting a trashy fat black chick as your example

you can feel the spite in that cunts writing

The fuck is this

Aren't nursing students always complaining about studying for 20 hours a day?
What were they doing?

>inb4 getting plowed by Dr C. Had

Hitting the the bottom of the top 20th percentile of men puts you on par with the top of the bottom 20th of women. If you want to be attractive to an average woman, you need to be in the top 20% of the top 20%, which is 6"3", 7", and a face that could land a small time modeling gig at low bf%

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And yet men regularly beat the shit out of each other. What’s makes you think we’re better?

This only happens because of women

>They often disregard whatever opinion you have about them with "good to know", "OK", "you're free to think whatever you want", even if you're outright calling them nazis
Your main issue is that they're being polite to you? They probably don't care what you think at all, I wouldn't.
>They spent their young adult years without any sort of social interaction but for those they have with people who are just like them
You mean their friends? I find it hard to believe your friends are much different from you either. This is a fucking retarded point to make. "People interact with people they get along with".
>even when we criticize their behaviors that make them isolated from the rest of society (like excessive gaming, not going to bars, not even chatting with coworkers or going to after-office parties).
The problem here isn't that they don't do these things, they just aren't interested in them. The actual problem is that dumb ass "normies" view it as a problem. Why are you so incapable of accepting that people have different interests than you?
>The whole last paragraph
There is nobody forcing anyone to work for these companies. They could all just quit, and then the companies would be forced to change their policies or go out of business. It's the fault of the employees for not making use of this ability. They're weak willed cowards that will only ever complain but never take action, always desperate for someone else to fix the problem for them.
Her points about a lot of these engineers being pathetic betas that hold onto resentment towards normies due to being ostracized by them is accurate. It's the same pathetic victim hood mentality the leftists take up. She's a hypocrite, however, for completely writing off the "suffering" they went through and then criticizing them for acting in the same manner once the tables have turned. Treat others as you want to be treated dumbass.

You know what's actually hilarious about this post?

This guy, by ironically larping as an undateable doucher, has more verbal game then all of you combined


Human beings aren't nice!

When you ACTUALLY act in all honesty with who you are as a person, your likes, your dislikes, and stop saying these fucking manipulated "what I think she wants me to say" answer to everything, women will ACTUALLY get to know you for you, and be able to trust you unlike 90% of these pandering fake nice betas

It's literally every fucking profile nice smiley boy "hurr why am I getting no matches"

Stop being an unauthentic little pussy, talk about yourself in a way that fucks off 70% of all women, and to the 30% of women WHO ACTUALLY LIKE YOU it'll be smooth as a babies ass.

How can that be true? You're telling me that the average woman only goes for the top 4% of men. That would be ridiculous and the hypergamy would be so noticeable and absurd that even mainstream retards couldn't deny it anymore.

Not to mention that 4% isn't enough to go around even if all women openly accepted harem lifestyles

It isn't a linear distribution like that, don't be retarded. Anyone in the bottom 20% of women is, in their mind, settling for a man not in the top 20%.