Which one of you was it?

Which one of you was it?

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>NoFap day 5.

heheheheheheheheheheheb LOL

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>banned from Virgin Active
Maybe I should follow in his footsteps haha

You don't have a gym masturbator?
>Never gonna make it

There isn't anything explicit in the original video

Also, there's absolutely nothing wrong with public masturbation

kinda hot desu

This is why every gym needs a gym twink.

Kys you disgusting faggot.

That's the number one shit gym sign, if they can't attract a gym masturbator why would you want to be there?

>t. your local gym masturbator.

>tfw no gym masturbator or village rapist
I hate living here

so when Diogenes does this, he's a great philosopher but when it's this random dude it's wrong?

When you gotta go you gotta go

this is the reason i go to a gay gym, no thots filming me for internet points

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>found the video
>no nudity FYI


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T. Diogenes

Lmao desu goddamn, powerful post.

Based as fuck

Atleast gym twinks are funny

underrated af. this is military grade humor. i kek'd and learned something useful. op you are the generation's philosopher


support the #Cum2Gether movement

>not bringing Greek philosophical literature to the gym to read inbetween sets
Never gonna make it

>not reserving philosophy for your post-workout state of euphoria
sry bud but you and making it? never the twain shall meet

having a guy jerk off to you at the gym...is this the female version of Making It?

>not making greek philosophy in between sets
i shiggy diggy

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It's natural user, just like breastfeeding :)



yes, but only if you record it and post it online to ruin him for life afterwards

based and gaypilled

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He did nothing wrong and the faggot filming deserves to be arrested

It was me, ask me anything

this guy probably killed himself today, someone who know him will eventually find it (if they didnt already) and spread it to everyone else in his town/city

I thought this too. I got caught jerking it when I was 12. Anyone else feel bad for the guy, like he's probably a fuck up in many other ways too. Seriously the poor guy will probably kill himself.

I doubt he will kill himself
People who jack off in public places usually don't give a shit about what other people think

It's not fair. Women don't understand just how much sexual drive testosterone gives us and they parade in that kind of outfit. That's literally cucking you.

lmao dude like... there's a lot of people there and he's right in the open, in the middle of everyone, what the fukk

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>Not self sacrificing to make protein shakes for all your boys
Never gonna make it

>those replies
Yeah, I remember now why I don't browse twitter.

t. serial gym masturbator

Fuck, I was not ready

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He was doing HIIT and the leftist press is now castrating him in the public. Man has every right to exercise any body part that's what gyms are for.

You must be on the wrong board mate


I masturbated in public before and i also masturbated in the gym locker room, but never would i masturbate in the middle of a room full of people. What the fuck is wrong with him lmao?


>not shooting for wizardhood
We've come this far user we can't give up now

Jack it in the bathroom at work all the time gang

Caught FtM co-worker going at it in a bathroom stall once.
Looked like a kid who was caught with her hand in the cookie jar...which was kinda correct.
Went to the next stall took a piss, locked the door to the bathroom, came back to the stall they were in and well...I've been using them as a masturbation aide for two months now.


absolutely based man. Serves this bitches right for being in the gym.

It's not gay if balls don't touch and there's no kissing.

Besides, why do you care how I jack off. I dickdown an FtM with daddy issues till I drain my balls in that throat or pussy and kick them out of my house.

You sound like a soulless faggot.

I'm not gay and I do have a soul. The little cunt gets off on being used and abused.

Know what, I'm just too chill right now to argue.
I put in work on that pussy last night, like balls fucking deep making that pussy speak toungues.
Made them lick their cum off of my completely drained dick before kicking them out. I don't care what you think.

You're gay, soulless and a rapist.

Soulless gay tranny lover

you guys are seriously faggots. thinking you're clever because you understand a joke about one of the most notorious ancient philosopher's most notorious act does not make you smart, it does make you a member of an in-group, and it certainly doesn't indicate that you know shit about philosophy. it was a vaguely humorous maymay reference that you had to ruin, fuck you niggers

not the time or the place, trumper


Depends if he is a schizophrene or a psychopath

wtf i thought he was a girl from the ops picture

look at the forehead on this guy


It was me, I was penis voring the desk lady because she tapped the "please tip the desk help" sign too.

You think that's more notorious than his chicken incident?

what kind of a mental illness must you have to censor his fucking hand?

How do you manage to be such a gigantic faggot?

Imaging being this ass mad

What's this guy's beef

Exactly, all you people are fucking hypocrates, masturbating on private like it's nothing, and talking shit on the guy for doing it on public like what he's doing is any different from what you do

>it does make you a member of an in-group
oh cool, which one?

Most people don't know who Alcibiades was, let alone Diogenes


Dude everyone knows Alcibiades, son of Cleinias[a] (c. 450–404 BC), from the deme of Scambonidae, was a prominent Athenian statesman, orator, and general. He was the last famous member of his mother's aristocratic family, the Alcmaeonidae, which fell from prominence after the Peloponnesian War. He played a major role in the second half of that conflict as a strategic advisor, military commander, and politician.


If he has social media he is fucked.If he doesn't he might get a pass since people forget faces.As far as police goes he could argue that he was only scratching is crotch

What’s wrong with that dog?