How do I improve my sexual health?

how do I improve my sexual health?

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have sex

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How the fuck do you even meet people? Honest to fuck. I’m the oldest of my siblings and I’m unmarried. All of my friends are in relationships or married. I always hear most people are single so why the fuck am I surrounded by actual functioning adults instead of others members of society’s leftovers like me.

I go to work, go to the gym, and go home. On the weekends i’m either sleeping, grocery shopping, fixing my car or other random shit. I’m really in awe of people who successfully meet in real life.

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People in relationships are always out and about, which is why you see them more.

Singles hide themselves away like nosferatu in the sewers.

I’ve been hitting bars solo to meet people. I sit in the middle of the bar and talk to anyone who sits next to me guy or girl. Had some great nights and incredible boring nights where I only talked to the bartender to buy a beer. It’s really helped me with social interaction and I’ve even made new friends.

The only reason I don’t go more is I’m trying to get fit and beer is horrible for you. Still fun to do and I’d recommend it.

I also met new people through hobbies. I do bjj and know 30+ people by name just from getting back into it 4 months ago.

>tfw never bought condoms
just the thought gives me anxiety

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An ant just crawled into my mug of almond milk and now I can't drink it anymore. What the fuck man.

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>hahah the loser is buying condoms. probably gonna have sex later lol

Who cares about one little ant its not gonna kill you

This is precisely what I am afraid of

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You're not likely going to meet new people in places where you usually go. The fastest way to meet single people is to go somewhere where there are a lot of them- things like Tinder, clubs etc.

But that shit can be a crapshoot, I personally like to meet someone more than once before getting closer, so try to make friends with the friends of your friends to get introduced to even more people, and join clubs or something else.

Just basically do the opposite of what you do now, which is sticking to your comfort zone.

Dumbfuck just go buy condoms, get them at the supermarket if you're that much of a beta. Only chads like me go to the pharmacy with the sole purpose of buying xl condoms

>turning down free protein
did you honestly think you were ever going to make it?

Where do you go if you want an actual girlfriend and not a whore for the night? Something unlike Tinder, I mean.

>Go to Publix to buy condoms
>pick the cutest cash register girl to go through.

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Great gif

An ant once fell into my sprite and I drank it and ants taste like banana candy. Sprite and ant skin tastes like those little hard banana candies. I didnt swallow the ant but man what a taste.

>not buying condoms to make you squat plug easier to clean

>How the fuck do you even meet people?
Get hobbies that require social interaction. Maybe sign up for a yoga or boxing class at the gym. Honestly, in this day and age you kinda have to go out of your way to be a true autismo, might wanna look into that before wondering about meeting people.

I've got no idea, maybe someone else around here does. I never know how to talk to people unless I have some kind of reason to. I try to go out with my friends to meet people they know, but they usually don't show up with large groups of people I don't know or anything.
Whenever I'm out somewhere and alone I just stick near the edges and don't talk to anyone. I like bartenders though because I have to talk to them to order a drink anyways.
Why are all hobbies where you meet people so expensive?

How do you get more energy to talk to people?

I routinely push myself to converse with as many people as I can when I out but it dosen’t take much conversation to exhaust me. I don’t mean that talking to or listening to people is boring, I just find so many interactions do fucking draining and I don’t know why.

that sounds exactly like my boyfriend before i met him good luck user love you

>How the fuck do you even meet people?
Try for random people.
Okcupid for women.

Go to church/join a sports club.