Roiders look way better than any natty alive,What's the point in natty lifting anymore?

It's like driving a Toyota Camry and attempting to race an F1 Racer. Why would anyone even do this shit? Why did I do it? I don't even have a chance against roiders. I've been lifting for 10 years and I can't compete. And fit doesn't know anything about what women want. Women WANT the roid look. Except you just have to claim natty. Literal roiders like this are every women's wet dream. He's more aesthetic than any natty to ever exist in the physique. What's the point?

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Stop lifting for women you weak bitch

have sex

But you can't fraud being natty when in a relationship. Sooner or later you have to ask your girl to pin a needle into your ass. Imagine how gay she thinks you are when you expose to her you pin your ass with needles lmao

another roid cope post

I'm not very good at telling who's on roids and who isn't.

I'd have to take your word for it, this dude is. That looks achievable naturally to me, but like I said, I'm not good at telling with guys like this.

why does this look archivable natty to you? do you look anything close to this? post body pic

Who said it was a competition?
unless you’re actually competing in physique or bbing

If you take your health seriously, it doesn't make sense to do something that ruins it and you do it well knowing it does.

I didn't say I looked anything like that at all. I'm a relative newbie. I know everyone hates him on here for whatever reason, but Jeff Cavaliere looks pretty close to that, and he's natty.

Jeff is a manlet dyel and looks nothing like OP's pic. Retard

The point in natty lifting is to progress at something you enjoy to do, keep yourself healthy and boost energy levels. Why would i want to be 10-20kg more heavier, it doesn't feel good and i would have to be constantly eating. I enjoy being lean and somewhat muscular, being able to play lots of different sports. If you're fine with yourself, you don't need to feel huge with other males around. You appreciate other things more like your education, athleticism, natural good look, charisma etc.

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>Jeff Cavaliere
Those two are mutually exclusive you faggot.

Jeff is like 40lbs smaller

No, if you follow jeff I know you are a dyel as well

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Jeff's also in his 40's asshole. This guy is at his peak in his 20's

Who do you follow then? Because Jeff is one of VERY few youtubers who actually has something useful to say.

No YouTuber in the history of YT has ever said anything useful. Why are you a social media cock sucking bezos liberal zuckerburgfag shill?

as a newbie, what makes you believe you can know the difference between whats archivable natty and not?
you're the kind of gullible fuck who gets scammed on instagram by a fake natty

No he doesn't.. Jeff advocates isolation movements and meme exerises. Look at his lifting trainer Jesse or whatever the fuck his name is. After 1 year of training him he still looks DYEL and like shit.

Listen to Jason Blaha instead

Pretty much highlights the issue with roids. It goes one of two ways

>you are basically viewed exactly the same way to normies whether you're natty or roided
>you go too far and people start to get grossed out or see you as vapid

Only other lifters will care. Don't go down the rabbit hole.

Jeff is ripped but he is small, you dumb fuck

you cant be these three:


>first post of mine literally says I have trouble telling with guys like this are natty or not, that will take your word for it
>hera derpa "what gibes you authoratai to sez who iz and izn't"

Learn some fucking reading comprehension stupi fucking piece of shit.

"That looks achievable naturally to me"

you're a fucking retard

>I dont know much about niggers but I think they should be all killed
>why are you calling me a racist I clearly said I don't know much about them!

Why are you such a faggot. Fuck off faggot

>I'm not very good at telling who's on roids and who isn't.
>I'd have to take your word for it, this dude is. >That looks achievable naturally to me, but like I said, I'm not good at telling with guys like this.

>"I can readz honest guize..."

Again, you're a fucking stupid piece of shit

Don't @ me again retard

>"That looks achievable naturally to me"
>"That looks achievable naturally to me"

go buy some fake natty training programs you fat fuck


>herpa derpa I can't read the very explicit part that says: . >That looks achievable naturally to me, but like I said, I'm not good at telling with guys like this.

>I'm a fucking autistic piece of shit guise

>"That looks achievable naturally to me"
>"That looks achievable naturally to me"
>"That looks achievable naturally to me"

Jeff clavalieere is natty so this guy is too :^)

>"I'm going for gold in the retard olympics, look ma, I'm posting on Jow Forums

Just shut up you dumb spastic. You made yourself look stupid so be quiet and learn to man up and deal with the consequences.

let him be, as he said he's a newb

I have never met a single woman who likes a roider look who was a quality person.

Women who like muscle freaks are like men who like shallow trophy wives. Zero depth, zero personality, husk of a human.

Working out natty is enough.

>What's the point?

the point is not being sterile, not being dependant on needles and vials, not having to do regular bloodwork if you want to monitor your health, not having to worry about test if you have to travel for more than a couple of days.

the positive about natty lifting: it's a lot more sustainable in the long run and it's a lot about an internal struggle against you, which builds discipline. you still need discipline with roids, but by being natty it's all you.

that's not true, I actually kept it a secret for years quite successfully.

depends on what you mean by "roider look". if you are thinking rich piana leves, yes. However the "tren look" ala zyzz or christian bale in american psycho, then no, women absolutely love that shit.

except virtually all women like Jason Mamoa and Chris hemsworths physiques, both of which obtained by roids.

so if you work out to impress girls then its only the next logical step.

>after one year

Dude, people look dyel as fuck after training for 5 years. 1 year is nothing

Being natty is your ability to train as much as you can, as well as you can, eat well, and sleep well. There's nothing more to it. Roiding is just taking a needle in your ass and doing the same. Natty gains aren't even the result of your hard work alone. There's people like Cassidy Campbell who can do everything right for years and make no gains. In the long run you can always come off and be natty. Older guys don't even look jacked after decades of training due to dropping test levels. Those guys just roid and tell everyone they're natty. It's a cope

Do you not realize that looking like your entire life revolves around having big muscles is extremely sad? It's the staple of being a low iq, low status manchild. Pic related mogs the shit out of yours and it took him a lot less effort

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>And fit doesn't know anything about what women want. Women WANT the roid look.

It depend what you mean by the roid look. They don't want an unnatural looking freak like what most of Jow Forums idolizes.

As long as you stick to something simple like 600mg test or so you're good.

ok roid then, what was the point of this thread, nobody fucking cares what you do you spastic fuck

You look terrible. On-top of that there's always a guy who has the physique of these guys and an IQ of 160+ as well as better looking than you. With steroids you can train less than a natty and be more jacked. Infact, YOURE the gymcel and you have to be for decent natty gains. Roid chads could lift once or twice a week and destroy the trash you are

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Roidfags getting desperate at this point

What if in my opinion these dudes don't even look good? What if i and the most girls like an athletic build more?

Another one of those Roidfag cope threads.. Lel

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Because nattys can still look good without all the sides.

Plus lifting is fun

Because nattys can still look good without all the sides.

Plus lifting is fun

Roiding gives your skin that leathery look that I really don't want. It looks especially bad on the overly tanned white boys that tend to take roids in the first place

I can look like Bale in AP or Zyzz if I just pin tren and lift?

You're such a faggot, do you always get this triggered?

The guy on the right is a faggot who claims hes natty. Lying out of insecurity is not very alpha or chadlike.

He also claims Dwayne Johnson is natty. 160+ IQ? Come on now.

Both you and him have had your brainmatter convert into muscle. Watch out for saunas and cardio, roidmonkey.

Women on fit are here because they're ugly as fuck. Attractive to average women legit wouldn't be ugly enough to come to this board
2) you can't even notice the athletic build in a shirt
3)you wouldn't have a chance and when women are that far out of a league they know their place

He's clearly trying to cover his ass you fucking moron. OBVIOUSLY he's going to make the claim that there are natties way bigger than him to make it seem like he's not the best of the best "natty" genetics, else it would seem suspicious.
You're natty, stupid AND look like shit.

That would be a reasonable opinion if your muscles were absolutely the only thing going for you

>that's not true, I actually kept it a secret for years quite successfully.

How did you manage that? And how did she react when she eventually found out?

Jeff is nowhere near that size. Plus he's lean but flat. The major difference between roiders and natties (besides the total lean body mass) is the fullness when lean.
Idiots like you are the reason the fitness world is full of scammers.

This is such a pathetic cope. So if you took steroids and became this, youd instantly have nothing in your life but gains? Theres always a guy who has the exact same qualities as you expect he's jacked and on steroids. Difference being is that you're just dyel. Get used to it

>Shilling for something that needs to be covered up to avoid suspicion.

Like being a closet homosexual, faggot?

>Getting this mad.

Be carefull, roidmonkey. That fragile ticker of your might give out any moment. Wouldnt want to die young now do you? Oh what am I saying? You will.

based. this is why i started climbing and bodyweight.being fit>being big all day

>natties can still look good
>look good


you will always be DYEL as a natty, unless you go for builtfat

this is just not true. You won't look as good or ripped as smart roider (not every roider looks good, actually a lot of them look disgusting), but you can get pretty decent and well above, fuck no, miles above what people consider "normal". I'm extremely dyel by Jow Forums standards and I always think I could lose a bit more fat or gain more muscle when I look in the mirror, yet people are always saying how I "look a lot more muscular" or "you're getting bigger" or "looking like a statue, man" . So, from normie-tier I might look good, for Jow Forums, no. Many such cases.

Sluts like the roid look. Real women prefer real men, natural and fit.

t. skinnyfat dyel teenager

No, there are particular risks bound to steroids and you basically become a drug addict once you depend on them to maintain your image. It's not a free ride.

Lol you're misinterpretating what's happening. You're just getting a most improved award based on yourself, a participation ribbon at best. You don't actually look good

>getting your dick wet every day
>never getting laid again

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you sound like a roastie

Final redpill of lifting right there. Every grown up above 25 will understand, manchildren excluded.

> Look way better
Okay so a marginal aesthetic improvement in solely the domain of muscle definition is worth the infertility, post-cycle depression, etc., loss of sexual function, and everything else?
Seriously what type of faggots keep making these threads?

You can have that body natty minus the left arm vein.

>hey honey, i need you to inject testosterone into my ass

You know, if it weren't for the fact that you can avoid every single one of these problems with proper protocol, you'd have a valid argument.

If you still look small and weak after a year you've been doing something wrong. You can make immense gains with good diet and training your first year.

600 test is big man. 250 is more than enough to put you in twice the high normal range, and you could realistically cruise 250 for YEARS and come out with no sides while still btfo the natty limit.

looks both good times


Roidcels still havent recovered from this

The problem with steroids is that your unholy gains slowly start to vanish as soon as you stop injecting
Now do I wanna buy roids, inject every week, take orals and deal with side-effects for the rest of my life? Nah fuck that

Post body, incel

I really doubt you aren't a subhuman with shitty genes

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Post body.


>you look terrible
actually, he might be the hottest pic in the thread. I'd have his kids.

t.girl just passing through for some eyecandy


post body

If you think it's so good then do it and leave us alone faggot

Post body

Yeah your so totally right, I like my boyfriend to be natural and not too big and bulky.

I'm not the guy advocating for roids, I just don't want to hear about your disgusting perversions you roastie whore. No one cares what you think. You can't comprehend aesthetics with your feeble mind. You come into this thread acting like you have some kind of authority on how a man's body should look, but you know nothing. I laugh at you.

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>there's always a guy who has the physique of these guys and an IQ of 160
American idiot.

That early 20th century mustache has a weird kind of pleasing aesthetic

>this is what r9k incels look like

Anything lower than 1 GRAM per week is DYEL-tier and has been for, I dunno, like 15 years or so, mid-00s.

Reminder that guy in photo made a 20 min. video about how he's natty.

Not the 'post body' faggot but congrats on your first 2 weeks of lifting progress!
Nice facial hair though it fits well on you no homo okay maybe a little bit.

Imagine his mental heath once he comes off, roiders are no better then thots. Fake feminine men with broken balls and fucked up hearts among other things

Roids are bad. They can make an otherwise stable man do stupid shit like flip out for no reason or cheat on their long term partners. not to mention the bad health effects.

lmao my gf does this for me regular and thinks it's awesome. i normally fuck her right after. cope harder

>flip out for no reason
>cheat on their long term partners
chad and alpha as fuck
>bad health effects
live fast die young bro


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