/plg/ powerlifting general

Muh feels edition

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Currently eating my bodyweight in bacon ama

currently choking on the putrid smell of shit coming out of my ass because i haven't showered in 7 days ama

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How do you feel about abortion rights?

reminder that anything above 20C is hellish and humans are not meant to live in such atmosphere

Tell Alex he should buy Mercedes instead of BMW.

6th for up the ra

are you dehydrated

hey guys, what is your belt recommendation? I'd like it to be ipf approved if i decide to compete there in future but sbd belt seem so expensive. what is your suggestion?

Inzer or Titan single prong/lever. Wahlander's quick release.

Go shower

God damnit user I'm spotting and loading in 20 minutes I'm not opening that can of worms right now.

He says he thought about it but they were more expensive

No I only had one beer last night. I'm probably gonna have to shit during the meet though

Should I cut with - 1000 caloric deficit because I hate slow cuts.

I don't want to shower !!!

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I got a 435i with 23k miles on it for only 34k plus taxes. Pretty sweet deal desu. I wanted something fast too instead of just luxury.

That's how I do it but that's like ~2700 calories/day for me

Just bantering, bmws are alright, but require more maintenance from what I have seen here in Europe. I prefer comfy and luxury cars, so a new Mercedes E AMG is my dream (saving for it atm).
I think it's 2300 calories for me at less than 90 kg. Trying to be beach body ready by mid July.

>Less than 90kg
>Not already beach ready


>34k for a used car

Fantastic use of money.

Twink genes like Alex and not tall (178 cm). I could eat myself over 90 kg, but I hate being fat in summer since I'm insecure if I'm shirtless without abs.

Why are you shirtless

After 2 weeks of absolutely glorious training sessions I had a very shitty deadlift sesh yesterday. I couldn't get my lats to work for some reason and I couldn't manage as many reps as I know I can on my amrap sets.
My squat sets felt weird as fuck so I recorded one and I was squatting high ffs.

Ahhhh kill me, just this monday I did my 3+ squat for fucking 9 reps.

End blog

New cars are for retards. Cars are not an investment, they lose value immediately off the lot.

You don't buy cars as an investment. You buy them to show your station or because they're fun. I'm not saying I'd buy a new car but you have to realize new cars aren't bought for their practicality

Live near sea coast and have river near house where a lot people come to swim so I am shirtless for several hours almost every day in summer.

Have you considered getting a job and not being a beach bum

I do have job and have at least 5 hours of free time after I finish my training session.

My ass feels weird after all the squatting I did yesterday, is this normal?

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Try a smaller size squat plug

Long time highbar squatter here. I tried lowbar today with bitchweight. Bar right on my rear delts. It felt like I was holding the weight in place with my arms and if I didnt the bar would slip right off. Is this normal?

it means your form was 120% fucked uip

your bar on low bar should be so tightly in place that you can pull against it

Do you have some video or tips on how to set up for it then?

Honestly starting strength by Mark Rippetoe or Alan Thrall video how to squat. I know they have meme status, but it's worth checking their videos/articles.


24 sets of arm work in home gym before going out

What does your programming look like these days


id that MA in the first vid?????

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looks like a lanky twink version of him

What if I told you I bought it in cash and 34k isn't that much to me

wtf richfag

Accumulated fatigued or just bad session?

>maintaining lifts for 2,5 months now and only lost 3 kg
stupid life always gets in the way of getting strong

This has been my progress after doing the juggernaut method for almost 4 months (skipped 2 deloads).
I'm at like 83kg bw atm.

Is this good progress or would any program achieve something similar?
Should I continue doing JM for another cycle or try something else?

btw I don't think the squat progress is accurate for the middle 2 weeks.

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Squuuish plopliplilplooiop plopliploooopp sploshsplosh... SPLOSSH splop!

Oh my that Norman khan came out like rapid fire; still in solid chunks however

(5 minutes later)

Squiiish splosh

>adding 10 kg to your press in 4 months
Not stellar progress, but it's still pretty decent given your level. Are you actually doing it military, so feet together, absolutely no hip movement or layback?

Other lifts basically don't matter so I shall not comment on them.

Any good exercises for alleviating shoulder impingement?

I have some hip movement on some reps. But I went from not being able to do 80x1 to being able to do 80x3 any day


I try to do it like this, feet together aren't a thing I've ever heard of

Speaking of which
I fucking did it lads
Just barely, and I half fainted lole.

Now this should have been almost easy, so by now I'm 100% sure the albanian gypsy nigger cursed me or something.

Attached: press 110 20190518.webm (720x1280, 2.86M)

You have a ton of hip movement and lean back though
weren't you criticizing it just now?

user called his military press, which doesn't always have a set definition, but is generally stricter (feet together, no hips etc) than overhead press (aka The Press™)

No, I was saying if you call it military it should be military. Far too many people say they do military presses and then basically push press it.
>Other lifts basically don't matter
That referred to squat bench and deadlift.


Actually I just kept what the excel file had as the name, didn't really think about it. I do OHP but not push press.

that facial expression afterwards is just too familiar.

>feet together, absolutely no hip movement or layback?
redundant gimping

any plg bros cutting on fasting/omad?
Im almost failing for the snake diet meme only eating a huge breakfast and training at noon

110kg so 242 burgers

That's just my "fuck I'm dying, I can't see shit" expression. I'm very happy about the lift.

I don't like them, but that's what they are. You don't call it a competition bench if you're going to touch and go half rep it, right?


Anyone seen good size gains from the Hepburn method?

>that dingus that barely gets his 2nd squat with mong form and then jumps 15kg

My coach has had me doing
Day 1
Comp squat
Comp bench
Bench accessories

Day 2
3ct ecc beltless squats
Spoto press

Day 3
Belt squats
High rep comp bench

Day 4
3ct eccentric bench
Comp deadlifts
Don't get injured accessories

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yeah its a slightly different lift but its useless to hang in to it just for muh credz

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I'm at a 100kg press right now, but I haven't been making much progress lately while maintaining at around 83kg. Is it pretty much a necessity to be on a bulk to increase your strength after this point?

Thanks fren

It's an absolutely massive difference. I can barely move 85 kg actual military style.

Unless you're bb tier lean with a dogshit CNS, yes. Eat food.

That is pretty good

wtf you talking about? It is stellar progress

>Unless you're bb tier lean
I'm around 20% bf with a BMI of 30

>I'm around 20%
is 20 the minimum someone can go without sacrificing strengths or can you lower that,

Natty bf should preferably be between 15 - 20%. Obsessing over abs is the dyel's downfall

Okay chunky cheese

True patricians have visible abs at 15% and angle themselves in pics so it looks like they're less fat

Shouldn't you try to get under the bar after it passes your head? wouldn't that make it easier to lock out?
Seems like its a bit too far in front of you man.

I look so fucking good in the morning that I might just fast on offdays and see how it goes

You need to stretch your shoulders. Their mobility is shit

I'm at the perfect bf percentage. I look big and lean in clothes

No it's not. It's good, but not THAT good. For comparison I went from 80 to 90 kg in about 6 weeks.

>83 kg
>30 BMI
Wow you're half my size and I'm already a fucking manlet. That's a nice lift though.

I know, my technique isn't that good considering how much time I spend on these things. I think I'll take a month to work on technique and do some hypertrophy memes.

Elaborate pls

hi plg,

I've made some really good gains doing my own programming but i've now hit a wall. Everything feels heavy and slow.

I was thinking of dropping back to 65% and running back up with more volume e.g. my deadlift 1RM is 275x1 kg and resetting it back to 180Kg and doing 4x10 whilst focusing on my weaknesses and ramp back up over the next twelve/sixteen weeks to try and get 275x3kg?

what do you think of this approach?

giddamn talentchads lifting 300kg juat like that and false modestiying up the place with their stink

Are you the same guy who has been coming in here for weeks making this exact same post over and over

yeah he is

>255 of squat @10+
>go 270 next
At least we caught it lmao
That was the dumbest 3rd I've ever seen

No. I'm stuck and wanted some advice.

Should have given him the MA shh go to sleep.webm treatment

He didn't even move it an inch from the hole. He just collapsed lmao

Should have let him neck himself, definitely an intentional suicide attempt.

If you are stuck at 275kg deadlift and are unwilling to get a coach then just buy fucking cereals and masturbate.

At that level you cant just keep doing programs off the internet?

Sheiko is a realistic choice.
Or if you want to put time in the work and become your own coach, RTS.

>For comparison I went from 80 to 90 kg in about 6 weeks.
at what bodywheight though lmao

I bet he'll blame the equipment on Instagram and

I mean, it's not really stuck. I more missed it the other day. Why do I need a coach? Can't I just run volume and smash past it? 275Kg deadlift isn't heavy at all, and it's quite weak desu; 800lbs is where it starts getting good

Also weight is 95Kg

92 to 94

>275kg deadlift is weak
If you keep going with this logic then an 800lb deadlift is weak too, because several strongmen can lift that

800lb isn't even strongman dl. territory. It's 360kg, pretty normal deadlift nowadays.

450kg+ and you are talking

fuck my stupid face for misreplying

Bad sesh I think, if todays sesh is bad then its fatigue.

I felt out of focus yesterday

> Program has both conventional deadlift and stiff legged deadlifts.
> but my conventional is stiff legged already

i die

Can I use deep weighted dips to increase muh bench? My chest seems to be way weaker than muh tris

>trying to get my energy up to go to the gym
>just feel tired, grim, and morose
>cant stop thinking about her


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It depends entirely of your response to 'deep weighted dip' programming. For me, dips never translated to bench and I did them deep and I did them obviously without pausing and with a lot of weight. Did them for heavy triples and did them for 10s. Basically only thing that translates to bench for me is flat bench variations (floor press included.), dumbbell rows, arm isolation and flies.

So, if try and, very important, track and log your response to the training stimulus.

>without pausing

>Elaborate pls
You compensate your bad shoulder mobility by curving your spine at lockout. You should be able to hold your arms straight up with a neutral spine.