How do I get arms like Gordon Ramsay?

How do I get arms like Gordon Ramsay?

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Whisk hard peaks until failure erryday

Based and whiskpilled

30+ years of working with your hands will do that to your forearms. Whisking, tossing food in saute pans, tenderizing meat with a mallet, etc. He probably has pretty solid grip strength.

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Ramsay also trains for Ironmans for the sole reason that being fat can lead to accidents and slow-downs in the kitchen. He's so dedicated to his craft it's actually amazing.

The working man forearm thing is a meme. It's genetics, I've worked in the trades my whole life digging ditches and fixing cars, tiny forearms, can outwork and lift every boomer I work with, but some have massive forearms. Life's not fair sometimes.

>My genetics are why I can't gain muscle!!!!!!!1!1!1!111
No, lol you're probably not working harder than your boomer co-workers
I bet you're the guy who sits on the side and watches while everyone does the actual work, then bitches and complains every time they have to do something or something changes and you have to learn how to do something new

You just described all the boomers on the jobsite bro. They literally do nothing and complain about their pay.

>Show me your hands. SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!!
>Y-yes chef
[Peels off callus]

Fuck off. All the boomers I work with either have the forearms of God with calluses and a work ethic to match, or they're skinny faggots like you who bitch about back pain.

God dan I bet he jacks off so much mmm big chef cock so juicy mmmm stroking his cock big forearms and no foreskin mmmm im in hells kitchen tonight baby my ass burning but I had no spicy food

Work in a kitchen for 10+ years
Rock climb (optional)

Worked for me, pic related

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>t.never worked with boomers.
Wanna know how I know you're lying?

Good god that's a weird looking body

This. My boomer dad never lifted in his life yet he mogs 99% of Jow Forums with his huge arms, his biceps are 17" and he's got massive forearms too plus good vascularity. If he cut and got rid of his beer gut he would actually be aesthetic as fuck

>forearms bigger than upper arms

weird but not gonna lie immense mirin

He's a karate black belt you mongs

That is both unbelievable and believable at the same time

So is my gf's son
He's a 14 year old piece of shit and dyel tier


You forgot to eat