Is it though?

Is it though?

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No. He/she will not survive the catabolic collapse.

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This. Everybody is weak in someting, or at some point in their lives.
This... thing, in the OP however, is part of the recent breed of "humans" that glorify weakness and victimhood. They do not seek virtue, only pleasure. They have failed the Choice of Hercules.

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>is part of the recent breed of "humans" that glorify weakness and victimhood.

They literally think that their obesity is s ingrained as their skin tone or other features and can't be changed. They're just born like that. It's a self-defeating mindset.

someone post that socrates quote

I mean, it's technically fine to be weak, because society will always have stronger people and weaker people, no matter the "strength and weakness caps". But if you're weak you're just more likely to be hurt, so it's more logical to make yourself stronger in most situations.

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This nibba would run thru half u twinks

It's not just OK, it's the rule if you're a dumb nigger

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Something about those pics makes me discard anything the poster says.

Not the fact that he believes in free will?

Came here to say this.

What is this from?

Or you could think some all-mighty godforce determines everything beforehand and sit around on your useless ass like a smart person

plz OP i even reverse searched and didn't find shit
i want to know what this dude sounds like kek

It's from Now This. Either facebook or twitter. Gonna guess some fat acceptance shit.

You don't even realize how fucking stupid you are. Do you know how many people believe in free will but still sit on their ass all day? And the amount of people that know that it doesn't exist, yet still work hard?
You don't have the free will to not be a naive faggot, so I don't blame you.

You know it's actually the other way around right?
If we are physical beings made out of the same stuff everything else in this universe is made of then the only way for free will to exist is the existence of beings that are above us that would somehow transcend the laws of physics we operate under and grant us free will. You have to believe in some form of metaphysics to even start arguing against determinism.
Before anyone starts arguing about such complicated topics I would recommend reading some basic philosophy like Plato and maybe later moving to something more modern like Kant. People have thought about things like that for thousands of years and we should use the knowledge we already have and built on it. Starting from zero while having problems with basic logic won't get you far.
I know some people shit on philosophy and say that it's not real science but when you get into it you will understand that it's very methodical and they don't just go around saying random stuff. They use tools that people before they invented to test the validity of the statements they make.

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Try namedropping some people who weren't retarded

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Why did you quote me when my argument was that people who believe in free will are still lazy, regardless of whether they believe it or not. It's all predetermined. Overall most people believe in free will and they are still 100% lazy. We take the path of least resistance for a reason, which literally wouldn't be a thing if free will did exist.


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I don't think Plato or Kant are retarded and I don't think a single person who has the tiniest bit of understanding of philosophy would either, but hey, maybe you are right.
Also, I understand how you may think I was just name dropping some random famous people to sound smart but that wasn't my intention. I honestly believe a world would be a better place if most people would understand the writing of Plato so I try to advertise him as much as I can.

I know orangutans are smart enough to recognize themselves on a mirror, but still, I wouldn't take an advice from one

Plato was a fucking moron and all of his ideas were ass-blasted until people decided we all live in our heads when they lost God and were to fucking stupid to notice the world is real whether god exist or not.

>pic related

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Hearty kek

It's ok to be weak. It's not ok to stay that way.

Guy calling Plato a moron here. Forgot to address Kant. Kant wasn't as regarded as Plato as he was a product of the fall of religion, he just propagated retarded ideas searching for an answer to God dying. He is the reason post-modernism exist in its current form so I don't like him.

What is the current form post-modernism according to you?
Please don't start flailing some Jordan Peterson bullshit at me.

I honestly have never even read or watched any Jordan Peterson.

The belief there is no absolute truths. Everything is a product of our cultural bias.
i.e. our muscles grow because we believe in a tried and true system of hard work in the gym tearing them down or hard manual labor putting continual strain forcing them to become stronger, vs the belief of another group saying muscles grow because the gods make them.

To say they are both true and both wrong is absolutely buffoonish.

I was going to ignore you after you said that Plato was retarded but I gave you a chance because I could see a point where someone who has spent some time learning philosophy would start thinking that Plato is kind of useless. Sure he is a good starting point (Best I would say) for someone that is new to some basic philosophical concepts but after reading some more modern philosophers I would say that there are better, more encompassing and grounded theories that a person could choose. Unfortunately, after reading your horrible take on postmodernism I must say that my first hunch was right and I should have ignored you from the start.
Thank you for wasting a few minutes of my life. :)

The irony of not realizing that Kant was trying to find a process to make morality secular.

If you don't believe in God then Kant should be required reading for how to determine how morality can be found in an existential reality.

Some people have no choice but to be weak.
I was strong, only 4 years ago. Then I got bitten by 463 ticks at the same time. And it killed my kidneys. Now I'm stuck in skeleton mode. I'm very weak now.

That's literally what I said. He tried but failed.

Uh...Kant is kind of required reading if you DON'T believe in a higher power or being.

He basically discussed about how to derive morality in a secular society.

Without Kant you wouldn't get JS Mills which basically would mean shit like the Bill of Rights or the US wouldn't even exist.