You're at the gym in the power rack doing squats when this guy taps your shoulder and tells you to fuck off so he can...

You're at the gym in the power rack doing squats when this guy taps your shoulder and tells you to fuck off so he can do reverse monster mini band jefferson rack block pulls.

What do you do?

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op here this happened to me , alex was so rude to me,oh i forget to tell you i were being raped by few high school bullys in private school,they took me in the bathroom and hold me they were like 5-6 guys,they fucked me with broom stick untill i bleed from my poopie hole,just because im a tranny,and this post are just my mental breakdown because there is not enought attention to me in other boards exept Jow Forums , hope you understand me

Sorry man, I've still got a few more sets. I don;t think you'll be able to work in with me, maybe ask the guy doing reverse banded overhead box presses?

you mean he taps my lower back, or tugs on my shirt

I've got 4 more sets buddy *Puts headphones back on*

Squat on his head while he's standing

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Shoot him for trespassing on my homegym.

its against the laws of physics for something this small to ever reach my shoulders

He unironically looks great now, glad he's dropped this caveman look. Good for him.

kick the chair from under him


The premise is impossible.
I never do squats.

taps me on the shoulder? id probably kick his stepladder out from under him.

kick him back into the pit

>he levitates
What now.

Say "sorry, didn't see you down there"

How did his head get less round ?

The most alpha guy tried to walk up to me and started shaking... these guys who are "alpha" are clearly afraid of something when I'm around and in my zone.. yes whatever some "alpha" is going to talk shit to me in thr gym yes right

So the pic related douche walks up to me and tells me to move so he can do some block pulls or whatever? That wouldn't happen

Motherfuckers in the gym know to stay away when I'm in that zone and adrenaline is pumping through me and I'm screaming as I pace back and forth ready to destroy the next set

>taps on my shoulder
Why would he have a ladder with him?

A similar thing actually happened to me. I was in the power rack doing my push presses and this asshole comes up to me and asks me to step aside because he wants to do heavy bench. Told him to fuck off and go do dumb bell press like a normal person.

Why do manlets so often
1. overcompensate by lifting
2. go bald

He's Greek right? Him and Grizzly have a subtle grayness to their skin. It's weird. Reminds me of a Sith.

Sip on a cool glass lemonade

I want him to lift with Grizzly

Double dubs for the sperg in people clothes

based sperg poster

Sorry short stuff, I'm not done yet

Stare down and see a ant

Reach down to knee level and pat him on the top of the head, then I'd go inform the gym staff that one of the children has gotten out of the kid zone

Wanna know how i know that you're super insecure?

Pick him up and place him in the manlet receptacle to be returned to the pit

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Tell him no and talk to the gym staff after my workout.
>inb4 I'm a pussy
That's their job. I'm not losing my membership for this douche.


Say hello to copedestiny who will probably watch the video

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Who are you quoting?

that surely was a shitty tv series mang

"Sorry little guy, you'll have to wait."

>say "o-okay" and pretend to be a cuck
>until he turns his back
>then i choke him out using a BJJ move i've practiced a lot (12 times)
>if that doesn't work, say "s-sorry i have schizophrenia"
>leave gym
>get gun
>enter gym
>do mass shooting

No problem dude I'll let you know when I'm done

Tell him to step down off the box he needed to reach my shoulder -- my QT Asian gf is using it for box squats.

Inform him of the 5 ft height requirement so he runs away crying

>doing squats
>just moved up
>taking 5 minute breaks because squats exhaust me
>failed the last set
>still taking 5 minutes for my break
>guy is sitting next to my squat rack
>won't even ask me how long
>I make him wait
>I fail on the first rep
>as I'm deloading I'm just grinning in his direction
>5 more minutes normie

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Tell him he's the perfect size to suck my cock

I've got 2 more sets. I'll come find you when I'm done, or you're welcome to work in.

chuckle and move out of the way of m'coath

>I mean you can have it after I'm done, but I just started my warm-ups. So unless you want to wait about half or hour or so, might want to find something else to do.

>What do you do?

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>>do mass shooting
You have to have a 600lbs deadlift for a mass shooting tho.


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"Wait your turn, nigger. Don't talk to me again until I'm finished."

enjoy your pesticide cocktail you dipshit

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Big brained posters

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Tell him to fuck off so I can do my squats

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Get the gym Priest of course.

-------> Re*it

I don't think he could reach my shoulders... not even on his tippy toes...

>not realising this is a classic four chan meme