Is dancing Jow Forums approved? can you dance?

is dancing Jow Forums approved? can you dance?
what is appropriate around parties / clubs?

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guess not

Yes. It's decent cardio, social gains, gets you laid.
I can get loose, also square dance, line dance, waltz, reel and even do a bit of jig.
Grew up around Highland dancing, those broads are serious.

Another bonus of dancing is that there are well established dancing communities pretty much everywhere you go, with beginner classes and the like. It’s also just loads of fun. Would recommend.

In clubs in college towns the standard is grinding, edm shows are more about actual dance moves
A lot of festival girls can "shuffle dance" and if you can go up and do that with her you're getting laid

how incredibly lame

Good way to get bitches, for sure. Not really Jow Forums though unless you're really into it. It's not very intensive cardio most of the time.

Attached: dansingforfit.webm (1920x1080, 1.15M)

I go to Zumba class.
It's really fun.

lmao based is this OC?

Attached: 1507506828554.gif (420x315, 1.52M)

Imagine doing this in a club lol.
Even the reloading animations dance is better.

maybe in America and if you're a massive retard, if you do this at a rave in he UK people will just laugh at you.

Shuffling is something from like 2010 afaik.

imagine going to a rave


Nothing beats doing terrible, vomit inducing uncoordinated salsa moves but nobodys gonna say shit because youre fucking going for it full force.

why? it's not all brostep shite, plenty of good parties round here

Needs a lot of work. Thats very shitty

t. never been to a music festival. just stfu you boring faggot. You must drain everyones energy when you are around.

it is

Attached: defaultdance.webm (1920x1080, 1000K)

Based, do more of these

Attached: 5237FC4C-63EB-4F32-89DA-5AD1EA4DAABD.gif (398x421, 964K)

All you need to learn is how to kick off one foot to the other, bounce the basketball and your powermove is to throw n catch the basketball upwards.

That's it.

Never put any effort in. Never be seen to try hard. Do it to every second or fourth beat, look like you don't care, that you are just enjoying a good song with your crowd. When you and others around you are more energetic, just goof around and have fun. But never put effort in and always look content, happy and easy-going.

Video 1,000,000% unrelated.

wtf is that video

I wish I could.

How can I learn without having to go to a fucking club or dance classes and make a fool of myself?

Attached: 1548202692578.png (612x491, 98K)

>1,000,000% unrelated.

Fucking sweet moves in that vid, wish I could go to the club and spazz out like that.

I wish I could.
Well I feel like dance well on my own or with friends but every fucking time I danced with a girl, I felt like I was going the wrong way and or without the good range of motion especially when she has her butt on my crotch while we're dancing with hips movement.

How to learn that shit ?

>Spending time in a mass social situation doing moderate cardio with girls while spiking their libido is lame.

Post body.

Cutting shapes is alive in the UK. You must not get out much

I teach hip hop dance classes and they are always filled with 16 year old high school girls. Im 29 years old so its awkward when they try to hit on me after class :(

>always look content, happy and easy-going

You weren't buff when you started at the gym, were you? You can't fuck up too bad and you have to start somewhere.
But seriously, try youtube. Most modern dancing is just kicking to the rhythm and moving smoothly. Not much to it.

ahmeds laugh at you

Someone post the webm of the guy bouncing while reloading the gun because he didn't know how to dance

That is the most lame dance I have ever seen
I can understand teenage girls doing it but if I saw man doing it, oh boy

I always found dancing ultra awkward, I can understand the classic dances to romantic, slow music and etc though

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I only got one more

I learned this and did it at a club once, everyone went nuts


Fucking gay. I don't dance and I fuck so many girls at the same time


post your fortnite dances they were amazing

yes, but not the dancing in this thread

learned basic bitch ballroom dances in mil academy, it's a fun 1st year parallel task to everything else

on a different note, i have a lot of respect for breakdancing due to how well some of the momentum generation/preservation carries over to some styles of grappling


the best club dance is to loosely mimick reload animations from FPS games. just imagine you are holding that AK, reload, then you are holding a Glock, reload, then a shotty, reaload etc.
Loosely is the key, dont fixate you hand and point out your trigger finger, just follow the motions of the hand and thats it. Lean forward a bit, head down and go for it. Enjoy.

How do I learn this?

>ywn live through the swing era, and wildly dance with a qt to fast music whilst pulling off wildly complex dances in a crisp suit

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Based zoomer

I would not put my hands on a dirty floor.

This thread made me get into cutting shapes

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I dance between sets to stay loose, warm, and keep my heart-rate up.

That's sick, you gotta teach me those moves.

@Hardstuck2 on tw

>Tfw basically bounce up and down on my toes, shifting the angle of my shoulders every few seconds
>Throw in a few reload animations from games
>I actually do it, it works
>Doesn't fucking matter what I do anyway because I'm not a sperg and I have a few female friends who are legit all 7+ minimum with me

The secret friends, is to rock up with a few smokeshows. Instant social validation. From there on doesn't really take much to maintain it.


Nice hips

I am extremely new to dancing, trying to do basic bitch shuffling/T-Step/Running man kinds of stuff

How do people make it look like they're gliding across the floor? I feel as if they're "light on their toes" while I feel like I weigh a million pounds, my feet just stick to the floor rather than glide like I feel they should


Nah the point is usually people who shuffle are shit and take up a lot of space, seeing someone good is pretty mad. Also you can't really shuffle to much rave music is much more something for house with a steady beat. Reason it's less bit in the UK is because we live drum and bass or chart shit. Americans have more house and what they call EDM which again is based more in house

if you did this in Europe people would straight up laugh at you

I've been hitting night clubs for 10 years and this is how it always goes

1.get drunk or pop some pills
2.your body will automatically start waving around like a noodle or violently shaking like a drill but your brain thinks you're pulling off some MJ moves
3.people (girls) will think the same thing and if they're really into you (or likewise drunk or on drugs) will approach you and ask if you wanna have sex with them

that's it, no fucking clown hiphop moves needed, just a lot of drugs and alcohol

I might do a tutorial, but it's really simple.

can you give me some pointers? I've tried taping my shoes and everything. Maybe I'm just too inexperienced as yet

not him, but play a song with appropriate bpm and do it in front of a mirror. eyes don't lie, if it looks good, you're doing it right. I've been practicing x-step basic for a week before it looks passable

shit, x-outing no x-step. this is how it looks it's usually done in faster styles.
here's a list of cool dances for certain bpms
here's the best x-outing tutorial in case (You) are into dnb

enjoy it my nigs, you can get 100x the pussy with dancing than with lifts

I gotta get real good then lol, I listen almost exclusively to 150+ BPM music

guess I gotta start practicing

solid movies dude!
This is dancing you bunch of retards

Dancing like this is Jow Forums approved, this will get you laid all the time if thats what your looking for
also, being in a dance group is great cardio, and you get to learn to control every inch of your body

t. in a latin dance group (Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cumbia)

>tfw always get hit on by girls in the crowd after a performance

>there is only one style of dancing
>and it's to the faggiest music in existence

couple dancing is fun, but it's nothing compared to the energy you get from a rave. I've done salsa and swing, great places to meet girls, I'm not arguing that.

> and you get to learn to control every inch of your body
t. homo

>tfw always get hit on by girls in the crowd after a performance
sure thing buddy

My group does this type of presentations

trust me, if your even just a little above the average guy in terms of looks, look somewhat Jow Forums and are not a homo and know how to dance, latin girls will wet there panties for you

>cope the post

I wonder if that Russian guy is still around on here who does all kinds of dancing.

Dancing is for fags, women and slaves.

I don't have girl problems, plus I'm not into latin girls. Latin dances are great, but the music sounds bland af. I did a salsa course though, met some hot girls and too many old lonely women.

t. whitey Mccan'tdance

how can people even stand the music

t. cookie cutter

Your right that guy implying you can't dance cause your white is a cookie cutter retard response so I'll do you one better.

Your a colossal bitch for implying that one of man's oldest activities is an effeminate act meant only for members of lesser social classes than (you). Your life is miserable, not cause it lacks dancing, but because your a no fun elitist nigger.

>man's oldest activities is an effeminate act meant only for members of lesser social classes
It literally is.

I bet you pretend to enjoy straight liquor because mixed drinks are for pussies huh

So what do you guys think? How many pedos watched this video?

Which is why the old monarchs and nobles used to hold massive promenades, dances, and balls in their palace ballrooms, right? Where the fuck do you think dances like the waltz, minuet and gavotte came from?
Read a book, niglet

nice moves bro


Imagine some autist beta coming to you and dancing like this

Attached: deflated boi.jpg (1236x1174, 824K)

Most Jow Forums-approved dance

>all these betas criticizing some guy for dancing, when you know they don't have the nuts to bust a move on the dancefloor and make every girl in the club wet with admiration for your massive confidence, and spend their whole night with backs against the walls, wallowing in their crippling anxiety
get rekt you no rythym fags

fucking zoomers man

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