What are some benefits of training my pelvic floor?

What are some benefits of training my pelvic floor?

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>strong stream
>strong erections
>less prone to hemorrhoids

How would you even workout this muscles?


I've always found reverse kegels better. I think i've unknowingly done kegels my whole life so i actually had some sort of imbalance.

Figured out how to juice my prostate from training my pelvic floor.

Better erections, way better nutting.

Power bottom routine

how do you do reverse kegels?

When you try to piss harder

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Mmmmm, boi pusci

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Horse cock.

How do you "Juice your prostate" and what does this mean?

How do I train my pelvic floor?

These motherfucking muscles have given me chronic pain for years. Don't sit an obscene amount like me, bros. It sucks.

to add to , benefits to posture + core strength

ever stop pissing mid-stream?
make a game out of it. you'll stop being a taintlet in weeks

why is half my dick inside of me and how do i get it out

id literally have a 10 inch dick if this photo is accurate


Jelqing gets it out. Just dont do it too much or it will fall off and you will need a doctor to stick it back in again

>juice your prostate
Means you’re able to trigger an orgasam(s) in your prostate as oppose to your dick.

When you nut there are two distinct things that happen: 1. Ejaculation and, 2: Orgasam, Most guys assume these are one and the same even though they are not.

A shit load of sexy-time nerves run through your prostate and when you’re able to use your pelvic floor muscles to stimulate your prostate, you stimulate these nerves. The god-tier of this figuring out how to stimulate your prostate, and its nerves, to get an orgasam without ejaculation as it allows a dude to have multiple orgasam outside your dick and back-to-back since there’s no refractory period that comes from ejaculating.


don't fall for this jelqing meme

Thanks for explaining. Can you still cum(Ejaculate) by just tensing the pelvic floor muscles?

I’d assume some guys could (?) but part of nutting is your body automatically tensing the pelvic floor. Think of it as 2½ parts: arousal > orgasm + ejaculation.

Tensing the pelvic floor muscle should give you a harder dick during arousal and let you shoot stronger on nutting. If just tensing your pelvic floor can get you over the edge, then you’ll cum.

For me I’ve learned how to tense my pelvic floor to hit my prostate which kicks up the arousal. When it’s just me I can turn this into multiple prostate orgasams (i.e. arousal > orgasams without ejaculation).

Not him but I did. Ended up in ER with a UTI.

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Can shoot web for miles

how do i shot web?
please teach.

checked 'n kek'd, nicely done

>fags and trannies actually want someone to stick their penis in here
Absolutely horrific.
But anyway, basically. Think it also reduces any chances of prostate cancer or ED , all that stuff. It's literally like dick/asshole workouts.

I have hard time understanding this. I can get prostate based orgasms without penis or anal stimulation, but isn't prostate orgasms always followed by ejaculation? How do you stop yourself from shooting a load?

>I have hard time understanding this.
Orgasam and ejaculation are two separate things. Both feel good but the downside to ejaculation is you've got to wait out the refractory period before you can go again. This is not true for an orgasam. Males can have multiple orgasams back-to-back if they can avoid nutting.

That's why when you figure out how to juice your prostate you unlock the ability to get to orgasam without ejaculation vs. beating off your dick where orgasam and ejaculation go hand-in-hand...heh.
>but isn't prostate orgasms always followed by ejaculation?
It can be but the goal I aim for is a few prostate based orgasams (multiple) without ejaculation.
>How do you stop yourself from shooting a load?
Rather than stimulate your dick to get arousal > orgasam + ejaculation you learn to stimulate your prostate. This gets you aroused and to orgasam but lets you avoids nutting. You can still bust a great nut with prostate stimulation but the when you do bust, you've got to wait out the refractory period before you can go again.