>OHP is a good mass buil-
OHP is a good mass buil-
how much weight does he have on there?
110 kg
>that fucking back arch
about 2 degrees from folding back on himself like origami.
>wearing a fucking belt doesnt make you immortal fuck boi
Wtf was that shit
Pretty good OHP desu. He should really be dropping the weight into a rack position instead of whatever the fuck he did there... Guy is asking for a trip to snapcity.
>thinking that was a significant arch
These are the worst kind of threads that are still actually Jow Forums related.
Would be surprised if that guy could do 5 CLEAN reps of 80kg desu
>I half fainted lole.
It wasn't intentional.
Stop comparing natty to roids. You can literally do meme exercises on roids and look ripped and have shit strength. Natural lifters going for strength won't look like all these youtubers who are full of shit. He's not ripped but looks like he's at least 200 lbs and yes it does build mass, like most compound movements.
geared lifters going for strength look like shit too
>enter /plg/
>look for webm
>pick random fat powershitter doing x lift
>post "x is a good mass buil-" and attach webm
they make it too easy
the difference is that OP is flexing at the lower back and has horrible APT, while this guy is flexing his upper back
100, it's a 15 kg bar
Not this fucking argument again
watch closely, he's flexing his glutes hard and hyperextending his hips
how do you ohp if you don't arch? you don't move the bar around your body instead of moving your body around the bar, right? you do maintain a vertical bar path so you keep your shoulders safe, right?
110kg according to himself
Filename says 110. Plates are normie plates, not colour coded, so I doubt the bar is colour coded. Most likely that manufacturer just happens to have yellow end caps on their bars.
It looks like a small weight room, they usually don't have 10 or 15 kg bars.
Anyway, even if it were a 15 kg bar, that'd make 105 total, not 100, retard.
Don't listen to that guy, he's never OHP in his life or hasn't filmed himself on the side when he does. You have to move your head out the way and the only way to do that is to move back. OP's post is not bad.
Plenty of mass there alright hehehe
>These jelly 1pl8 OHPers critiquing his form
The only problem is his shoulder mobility
If you arch that much it becomes a chest exercise. OHP is for training the delts man.