What the fuck is this

What the fuck is this

Attached: rash.jpg (432x576, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=whitetail bite&iax=images&ia=images


am i destined to suffer

Go to a doctor, either it's cancer and you are fucked or its a ingrown hair and we are fucked since you'll get live.

But why does it smell

That's a good fucking question OP

w-what part of the body is that op?

Attached: 1413465128853.jpg (1000x869, 257K)

Go see a derm, could be a fungal infection you dirty skank

Its my left armpit.
the reason ive left it so long is because all my strength comes from my right

imagine the smell

Did you recently change deodorant/anti-perspirant?

You have the plague.

Ive had it for a few weeks, right around when i switched to an adidas brand deodorant

It’s just burning from your deodorant, for me the clear liquids gels do this really bad. Never had a problem with white solid ones

Most likely a very bad rash. Seriously go to the doctor, if it isn't already infected, it will be soon.

Attached: 1518380998859.jpg (803x552, 46K)

I've had this happen a couple times before actually
Once it went away on is own, another I had to discontinue using that brand, both were gel type. Now I only use Arm & Hammer.

Stop using that brand of deodorant. Throw it all away. See if that helps. If not go to the doc

Happens to me every time it gets humid outside, just a form of prickly heat. Switch to a gentler deodorant and throw some gold bond on it in the mornings and it should go away. I think the reason it gets like this in armpits is the lack of airflow/sunlight, it never fully dries and gets more irritated than other areas that get prickly heat.

Could be an reaction to deodorant I have the same problem if I use the jelled stuff had to switch to the chalky white to finally get it to go away.

Tranny frankenvagina

What the fuck is this?

Attached: IMG_20190518_131113.jpg (4032x3024, 2.89M)

Red clay? Do you live in Alabama or just get done cleaning a deer?

Ah fuck I've has this before it's a fungal infection athletes food under your arm. Go to the doc and get some ointment or some antibiotics before it's impossible to put your arms down from the burning pain.

Looks like eczema

Nope. I've had this for like 3 months now.

Isn't eczema bumpy and itchy? This is neither

Attached: IMG_20190518_132200.jpg (4032x3024, 2.61M)


>why does festering tissue smell
Because you are evolved to recognize the stench of you dying so you can attempt to avoid it.

Weird. Looks like a recently healed grease burn

If it isn't eczema it looks like a bruised knuckle.

Armpits smell, shitdick.

I get this if I put deodorant in my pits while they're still wet after a shower. I have to get them dry as the fucking sahara before applying anything. I think that certain aluminum containing compounds can react with water and irritate the skin, which is thin and sensitive in the armpit, on top of the fact that the skin rubs itself a lot in that area.

Your skin needs time to heal. Keep your armpits as dry as possible. Try to avoid applying deodorant directly to the affected areas for a week. Should go away on its own.

If it gets dry and crusty, congrats, you have psoriasis.

Because it's a yeast infection under your arms

Nobody should be using deodorant/anti-persperant. Just make sure you clean you pits everyday.

everyone knows their armpit smell. but this if a fucking smell

I’m so sorry OP...

What’s this ?

Attached: 35383A0A-A130-48F8-885F-AEC4357D4EC0.jpg (634x421, 42K)

That's cancer. You're gonna die op

Irritated skin that has become infected with ring worm. Over the counter anti fungal cream will fix it.

i had this inbetween my balls and right leg. you're eating too much salt

How do you get herpies on your knuckles?

this its because eaither: you gained weight that your body is not used to such as for bulking and it stretched your skin. when you get stretched skin it is immediately more prone to infections and acne. give it time to heal keep the area dry.

ask your mother


wash n aerate


Your dog's asshole?

Change your deodorant. Apply jock itch spray for a week

Acanthosis Nigricans. You might have insulin resistance.

spider bite? some kind of necrosis anyway? This seems deadly.

That is actually a chemical burn caused by dangerous bacteria. The skin turns red as a signal that it's dying. Nothing funny about this image at all. Make no mistake, this man is in excruciating pain.

Just noticed
>medical journal of australia
I'm gonna go with spider bite indeed

You have important glands there go to a doctor immediately

>Hidradentis Suppurativa
look at the symptoms and see if they match yours

Probably a whitetail. They inject a toxin, not venom and most of the time you dont know youve been bitten until you wake up with a swollen, pus riddled limb

See a doctor

probably the deodorant your using.

duckduckgo.com/?q=whitetail bite&iax=images&ia=images

Best thing about them is they like to live in piles of clothes or your bed.

And why exactly does the rest of the world permit traffic coming out of australia into their air/water/land space?

What's the difference between venom and toxins?

So they can get our sex tourism bux

Pilonidal cyst

Bad fungus go get some ointment

I honestly can't say user. I just know they're different and for some reason many whitetail bites result in necrosis.

If thats your armpit, i had something similar, is It sensitive to the touch?

It's a fungus. Trim your hair back, get some antifungal cream and slap it on there at least twice a day. It's gonna feel weird af. Do it for ~2 weeks. If it's still there after 2 weeks, go to a doctor

Black salve, don’t google it


you're punching things in your sleep