Sexual Health

How often should a man have sex to be considered healthy, Jow Forums?

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I'd say 2-3x a week and with nofap is ideal

Never. Sex poisons the soul. But to be truly healthy it must be a conscious decision.


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t. Jew

It depends.

If you don't ejaculate 21 times a month you have a 30% higher risk of prostate cancer.

But if you ejaculate at all your motivation is annihilated and you'll have a harder time reaching your goals.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the fate of men.


>If you don't ejaculate 21 times a month you have a 30% higher risk of prostate cancer.

Actually, excessive masturbation/ejaculations in youth lead to prostate problems later in life.
Later in life you need more ejaculations to prevent problems that were created from excessive masturbation in youth.

When the physical need arises or when it's emotionally fulfilling. There's no set number I believe.

But masturbation or excessive viewing of sexually stimulating material with no release is psychologically and physically damaging on every level. This was known in the past and it's been scientifically and annecdotaly vetted today.

I really don't care if my risk of getting cancer is 0.015% or 0.019%

Is fapping really gains goblin, I nut at least 3 times a day

I don't know I never had sex ahahahhhaah

I jerked it twice this morning before I went out on a 13 mile run.
I think it affects everyone differently

stop coping and being in denial
you prob cant not touch your dick for more than 3 days


How is that ideal? That's certainly low test, shit libido.

I fuck at least once everyday.

Semen retention is a thing, besides I find it makes sex more enjoyable if you do it 2-3 a week as opposed to 7-14 a week

It's a good idea to give your anus time to recover between sessions

Any more for prolonged periods and it isn't special or really even entertaining.
My first gf never wanted to fuck, never felt comfortable in bed etc until one day she just started needing it every day multiple times.
I swear in a 3 month period I had more sex than most people do in their lifetimes.
You can definitely over do it.

>If you don't ejaculate 21 times a month you have a 30% higher risk of prostate cancer.
Meme it

being so unsure and ignorant of yourself that you cant even determine if something as inconsequential as fapping is helping or hurting you certainly is
get your test levels checked

Maybe she was really stressed out?

is there a more beautiful sight than this?

A nice sunset?

Sex is a distraction from all Gains.

men need 2-3 times a week
women need 7-14 times a week

Where did you pull that average, your ass?
The answer is it varies from person to person.

i think it depends on the age, I'm about to turn 27, if I don't get laid at least once a week I go insane, I haven't had sex in two weeks and right now I need to get some otherwise I can focus at anything.

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New question: Just how detrimental is it, exactly, to have NO sex whatsoever? Is it a mild setback, or is it destroying your health completely?

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never. you dont want hpv

I knew a guy from high school who never had sex and died a few years after graduating. Not having a strong physical connection is awful for your health. Go get a prostitute my fren.

I'm happy with once a month, gf is not


Your first claim sounds like complete bullshit. Since when did we have studies on masturbation that have lasted entire lifetimes? I need a source on that horseshit.

it doesnt protect

At 20, at least once a day.
At 30, at least 2-3 times a week.

As many times as he wants with the woman he's married with.

Just get the fucking vaccine, brah. It's now recommended for everyone up to age 40, not just teens.
Anyother hpv strain you that the vqccine doesn't contain isnt a big deal.

think its too late brah
i remember as a kid the doctor offered it but my parents said no

When he wants to make a child

Based and 40 y/o pilled

every other day
less than this and you are a low libido anxious boomer with ED
more than this and you are an inexperienced horny teen zoomer with PE

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It probably doesn't matter. I have sex roughly 2-5 times a week. A bigger problem for me is I jerk off 2-3 times a day when my gf is at work. I thought a gf was supposed to help me stop masturbating but I think I'm addicted to porn, please help lads

1. Delete all porn from phone/pc
2. If, at any point you are tempted to look up porn on phone/pc, turn off your device and walk away.
It's not that hard, bro.

I used to fap like 2-4 times a day.
Got a gf and stopped fapping, had sex almost every day. She even had to convince me a few times.

At the time 3 times a week would seem appropiate.

>If you don't ejaculate 21 times a month you have a 30% higher risk of prostate cancer.

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As in encounters or days? I'd say 4 days a week but two times per session.

I'm becoming one of those guys who are "a mouth is a mouth and pussy is pussy"
I want and look for women I find attractive but..opportunity and the need to fuck something hard dominate and cum is overwhelming.

I don't want to be or be known as that kind of man. What do I do?.
I cant become that almost stereotypical large dicked well built creeper pansexual pervert that makes people nervous.

I'm being serious. Help.

Exact same as

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Wrong. Daily at least

Is it normal to still feel horny after I buy during sex?
When I have sex I cum one or two times but I still feel horny and the feeling can remain to the next day.

Yeah. It happens.


Every single time?

Nothing wrong with it. Either have more sex, be at off, or just keep that energy and spend it wisely.

Just get a gf idiot

I'm not good at people. Should I find a female friend to hang with tease and do the lovey thing with while whoring in the side like a degenerate

Or should I just find a compatible woman and hole she is able to handle what I want to do to her.

Lads, I have no problem getting a boner or ejaculating or anything like that. But I have noticed that I don't orgasm at all recently. It all shoots out and I feel nothing; the first pee after waking up is more pleasurable. What's the deal? Anyone else have this happen? It's been happening on and off for years but it's relatively recent that it's been happening with such succession.

I had ED for the second time in my life yesterday.
Beforehand, it had been 2 years since I last had sex.

How do I make sure it doesn't happen again ?

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1. Get sex more regularly
2. Viagra is your friend

Kidding aside, just hook up with someone who gets your dick up, you'll know it. I had used viagra with previous hook ups bc they were ugly and I was desperate to have sex.

Needless to say, it got old pretty quickly so you gotta find a real girl that makes you naturally aroused.

I've had this feeling before, I was fapping 3 times a day around 30minutes each. Orgasms were shit.

So I changed to 1 time a day around 2hour session, and the orgasms are unreal. Just learn to edge dude I promise the orgasms are from another world.

Interesting. I usually go for 30 minutes or so on average (sometimes I'll fap in 2 minutes just to get it out of my system). I don't fap terribly often but that's more like a symptom of this ("why bother, it's not going to feel good?").

Its depression and lowered testosterone from increased prolactin buildup and estrogen dominance.

You've all but castrated yourself and its going to take months of total abstinance from masturbation and sexual stimulation to fix.

Haha I've been there, I remember my first edging orgasm, I came buckets, it felt soo good I just started laughing and I just stood there smiling at the roof for like 10mins. Good times

this is what having no idea about how addiction works looks like

Depends on the girl, when I have a girl for one day and a half I try to do it 4 or 5 times in total, other stuff like watching a movie and cooking included. Few times a week maybe

Just eat red meat and garlic, give it a week his test levels will be OK

This. You don't know how detrimental it is to your health until you change that.
Was an incel until 20 years old, and then I changed myself. Kissing a girl was already such a boost to my psychological health, and then having sex regularly made me see how much if affected my overall health, motivation and general mood

Has nothing to do with test levels user. Has everything to do with estrogen dominance, test receptors being shut down and enough prolactin in his body to make him produce milk.

Complete avstibance plus a change in diet is the only way to fix his abused body.

Why do fat chicks give such good head unironically?

Since they recognise themselves as physically mediocre, they go the extra mile to ensure that we're satisfied in the relationship. It's pretty awesome, too bad you can't settle down with them.

Same way beta/small-dicked man will eat pussy

t. virgin

Eating pussy is off times required to get cuntlets ready for a larger then normal dick.
Sure it's fun to crush without the foreplay and push them out like a light.. but I want repeat to speak

Women instantly lose respect for you when you go down on them

I have lost 25 pounds of fat since March, made visible gains in muscle, I have ED now. Wtf?

If your woman is clean and doesn't have any infections down there, the pussy can taste pretty good man. I always like to start the session by going down on my gf and getting her juices flowing. It also tends to make them a lot more enthusiastic when it comes to sucking your cock. 7.3x5.5 btw

25 pounds in under 2 months is pretty steep. When you're on a big caloric deficit, that tends to kill your libido. Make sure your deficit is no more than 500 calories and that you eat a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids and zink for test production. Also, 4000IU vitamin D3 a day.

I don't have respect for women so I honestly don't care what they think.
Head is to make going balls deep easier without putting the cunt in the hospital thus cutting the sex session short and fucking up any chances of getting any pussy from her female friends/family members and maybe any curious dyke that finds out that my tongue game is on point and my dick is huge.
It's a necessary evil in most cases.
But if I just want to smash and give no fucks I'm going in on it, busting a nut or three, and putting her ass out of commission for weeks.

Excessive exercise and low calories = dead dick.

Going that hard will kill your libido completely and you'll have to spend a good long while eating at maintenance and cutting back to fix it.


massive incel cope

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This is gold, my sides are in orbit

>mfw i actually did pic related, watching myself fucking a girl and shekkling a kek.

Charming is for my princess
Fuckmeat is there for one thing and I don't need or want to charm them.

At least once for the purpose of procreation.
Fitness is defined partially by the ability to successfully reproduce.
If you make a child once in your life, you've successfully checked the box on things that should be done to not be a total loser.

Having sex regularly doesn't designate alpha behavior either.
Can't remember the statistics or the guy who wrote the paper on it, but sex is just a numbers game. If you keep hitting on women at bars regardless of how ugly or beta you are. You can easily have more sex than a handsome man who just goes on dates.

It's all a numbers game.

This desu

Why would anyone not have sex, seriously ?
Nearly all girls are sluts and even my friend who was a 30 yo virgin balding manlet with a facial difformity got a decent and loving gf.
Just don't get attached if that's not your thing.

It makes you feel good and healthy.

>How often should a man have sex
As often as he feels like.

>104-152 times a year
>these are the fantasies that incels who call women sluts have

LOL few years ago I could masturbate 4 times a day, for every day. Now I'm 26 and few times a week is the ideal for me, with my gf it's more than that though

This isn't funny anymore.

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At least once a day.

> white master race
> I know that having sex kills gain
> but I have read that a true Aryan should make at least three babies to win the race war
> I found the solution
> ask niggers to fuck my blonde girlfriend and to impregnate her, she is so white I guess the child will be white too (I guess)
> niggers lose gains by having loud sex everyday, while I lift in the next room with a chastity belt
> still a pure virgin
> the race war is almost won already

no fap + 2x week.

But I don’t want the weight loss to slow down...will my dick come back when i hit maintenance? I still have 35 pounds to go.

Any of you got some tips on how to hold from cumming when you're about to cum but like really about to cum ?
I heard that taking a deep breath might work.