how long and how many times do you lift per day Jow Forums?
How long and how many times do you lift per day Jow Forums?
lets be honest here, arnold was a dyel
He was a chad
>lifted tons of weights
>drank beer
>smoked cigars
>partied with his friends
>smoked weed
>still mired by normalfags worldwide
>considered best bodybuilder ever by many
>implying smoking kike weed is based
go back to your containment board election furry
>kike weed
>one of the only drugs that isn't synthesized by kike pharmacists
>literally just grows like that
Look dude, if you're a lazy fuckwit, that's on you. Don't blame a plant for your actions.
>doesn't explain why kikes push it constantly
Fuck off Rogan shill, enjoy your schizophrenia
Ok Nigger back into your cell
Unironically post your body
S E E T H I N G Jow Forumstard
4.5” (hard)
Twice per day with weekends off
>muh safe space is being invaded
>mommy where is my coloring book
dumb anime poster
>kike weed
Indo-Europeans spread weed throughout Eurasia, there is literally nothing more Aryan. Alcohol on the other hand comes from the Middle East, home of the (((eternal hops))).
Weed is the swastika in herb form, this is why 4:20 is Hitler's birthday
Jow Forumscels are the 2016-2019 equivalent of the furry; you're hated for good reason
U listed 3 things he consumed and u think that makes him a chad because he drank smoked and smoked drugs?
are these images supposed to be ironic? honestly can't tell
>pol is the most popular and active board on site
>many boards inc. Jow Forums have community overlap with it