Do you guys shave or trim your pubes and balls??? Shaved my balls for the first time, usually I trim but I wanted try a new look so I shaved, it ended up taking me a fucking hour to shave my whole pubes and balls clean, then I realised that I might have used my dad's razorblade and I didn't really use shaving cream so I kind of stung my balls a couple of times(microcuts), and my pubic area, now I have all these red spots on my balls and around my penis area, wtf should i do guys, I'm really fucking scared, I think I might have aids
Do you guys shave or trim your pubes and balls??? Shaved my balls for the first time...
Damn nigga chill it’s just some irritation. From experience most girls don’t like the clean look anyway, just trim it up and shave the shaft and you’re gucci
You don’t have AIDS but buy your dad a new razor
Washup with warm water.
Cover it with alcohol
Cover it with a thin layer of coconut oil
Wear loose pants and no underwear.
Keep dry.
I have technique in clean shaving my dick.
Just go hard in the bath.
Its impossible to cut yourself.
If it was possible to cut yourself Gillette would have been sued.
I would love to have my balls/pubes/ass professional trimmed (not waxed). That would be comfy as fuck. Get my legs up in stirrups and let some cute asian lady go to work
I find that a surprising number of guys don't like the clean shaved/bald look either. At least from what they say.
Never use anything but an electric razor or wax on your body.
I just neaten it up with a razor. I'd rather use something I can control than a clipper that could grab the hair and yank it instead of just cleanly cut.
user. I don't think you know what you're asking for. It's awkward as fuck. You feel like an animal and/ or an experiment.
Sounds absolutely based desu
stop using razors and nicking your shit up, just buy one of those norelco body trimmers/nutsack shavers. spent 40 bucks and never going back
How does a guys keep his asshole clean?
>inb4 gay jokes
remove excess hair and wipe wet
I've shaved a few times. That shit get's itchy. So, I'll trim occasionally, but never shave anything. Never had a trick trick instead of treat.
HOWEVER, if I run into a girl who isn't bald, I ain't fucking. I'll deal with the 5'oclock shadow situation, but I need to see attempts of takin care of dat puntang.
don't! I shaved my ass hair once and I regretted it. It makes your farts louder, butt itchier as it grows, and sweat accumulate more easily on your underwear. Unless, you do anal, which i don't, it's definitely NOT worth it.
I'll shave my face and she can shave her pussy. We'll meet lip to lip.
The best is trimming above the dick and shaving balls, taint and asshole.
I found out it's the best feeling and what the girls like more.
Fresh shaven taint feeling is the best.
idk why but this picture makes me hard.
Yeah. I use the same shaver/clippers I use on my face to buzz trim my pubes. I shave my nutsack in the bath. Quick, easy, never once cut myself in about 15+ years.
Yeah but how did you shave it?
get them cold so the skin is nice and tight and lightly make passes with the razor
this is actually a really good tutorial on how to shave and not get razor burn
no homo
>not using shaving powder
Imagine being so stupid that you think taking a blade near your genitals is a good idea ever. Nobody wants to gurgle your scar-ridden balls user, not even me.
just trim it takes me literally seconds every couple weeks
Takes less time to shave my nuts and shaft than it does to shave my face lmao. I trim the bush on the pelvic area once every two weeks or so. I shave if I feel like it.
>lather up
>use one hand to keep the cock out of the way
>only straight lines along the shaft. Up and down.
>might need to move your legs or squat a little to do the ballsack
>don't pull on your sack or anything. Just shave it the way it's hanging
>never ever go sideways with the blade
Rinse and repeat for ultra smoothness. That's literally it. Never have ingrown hairs or zits on the pubic area yet always on my face... I wish my face was as easy to shave as my pubes.
Uh razor and shaving cream...bad choice. I cut myself once too. Never again.
tell me how you took the hair off your ass >.
>shave my pubes and balls area
>prickly hairs grow almost immediately
>fuckers tear up girl's pussy
>can't fuck for a week or so when it's grown back enough
Anyone else know the feel of being too hairy for your own good? Unironically thinking of getting everything lasered off
That's what I did, i just said it.
What else do you want from me?
Don't do it anyway. Listen to my advice.
Has anyone used Nair for sensitive skin on their balls? It's incredibly annoying to try to shave them.
God that fat flaccid fucking cock is hot asf
DON'T use Nair. It's designed for legs and so it's much stronger than you'd want on your nethers. Get shaving powder so that you can mix for the appropriate strength yourself.
but how can you see your ass to shave it its behind you
I just fucking fawn that shit, girls love the curls
if you're comfortable with using a straight razor, shaving your cock/balls with one is super fast and doesn't leave ingrown hairs
I just felt for the hair for the most part but thats exactly why I cut my self once and why I'm telling you not to do it.
okay thanks dogg. I guess most guys just go to a depilatory store and have it waxed by professionals? there's gotta be an easier way
>straight razor
>cock and balls
I don't think you understand how hairy I am. Have you ever had to shave halfway up your shaft?
Hhonestly if you’re shaving to be smooth you’re legit a closeted pedo cause you love that naturally shaven look (young kids don’t got no hair) no if’s ands or butts just the way it is. Steer clear of women who want it completely shaven too that’s a massive red flag. Daddy issue s
Not him but no you raging homo. Most "men" don't shave their assholes lmao
I don't like hair in my mouth and she doesn't either.
Can confirm. Made the switch to the Norelco one last week. Easiest stuff on earth.
No! You just don't do it! What reason does a person have to shave it unless you have anal sex considering all the side effects I mentioned?
I haven't shaved it since that time Im telling you about, about 6 years ago. I regretted it and so will you if you try it.
I'm not a guy and I don't do it anymore because of the side effects.
I'm trying to tell him there is no utility to it but he just doesn't get it...maybe he does have anal sex I guess.
Tits or GTFO
Stopped doing that when an Italian woman was weirded out by it when I was 20. It was a nice wake up call. Shaved pubes on either sex is a huge ref flag if they are over 21. Creepy stuff.
I agree.
Trimmed short is fine but completely baled, no.
As if i need a reason to gtfo this shit board where almost no one actually works out. Already leaving.
Tits or GTFO
>Italian woman
she probably grows more hair on her body than you
>red flag
What's the big deal? It's just preference, like preferring blondes over brunettes. It'd be different if this was fetish territory but I don't see what the problem is here.
> Do you guys shave or trim your pubes and balls???
Clean shave. Arse too.
> I have all these red spots on my balls and around my penis area,
Just use some antiseptic for fuck sake.
My first time was awful too. Got Irritation on whole area and itchy spiking hair in my arse. Damn, it was worst experience.
But it was only first, later on it was always easy and smooth. And it's never itching again.
My recommendation - don't use Gillette shit. Just safety razor. Don't use any shaving creams from can. Only simple soap. It's much better.
No homo, but i would like to see how you deal with nutsack.
Red flag of what?
i shaved my balls for this
I trim a bit with some very tiny and very blunt scissors meant for eyebrows or something, and I'm still a little freaked when I do it.
Dunno how anyone can put a sharp object like a razor down there and be ok with that.
i put the smallest guard on my beard trimmer and go over the bush over the dick, but i leave hair on my shaft, im too nervous to shave my actual shaft or even touch my balls. ive heard horror stories about how itchy it will be if you shave clean then it grows back, even in the crack between your sack and shaft because hair is supposed to help with friction
also why im terrified of shaving my asshole
Being a faggot cosmopolitan.
I fucking love that magazine btw
country bumpkin detected
You're all faggots. Anything other than full bush is gay as fuck. It's only acceptable for women.
I really just want to get it all waxed but im scared the regrowth will be awful
This will save you so much time my bros
Just don't leave that shit on for more than 10 minutes motherfuckers or you will REGRET IT
Good info for a shit post.
Skip the alcohol though, it dries your skin too much. Alcohol free witch hazel is vastly superior.
Would also add, clean your razor first with a qtip and hydrogen peroxide.
Rinse razor in cold water, not hot.
This takes more time, costs more and has a higher probability of negative consequences.
I clean shave all my pubes (balls, shaft, asshole) using a shitty disposable razor blade and shaving cream. It never itches! And it makes my ass smell way less bad. Idk why but my ass smells fucking awful and it deters my girlfriend from going down on me.
When I sit down to pee, I can literally smell my ass when I stand up to flush. My ass scent permeates the air.
Yeah, and I'm gay.
What about it, faggot?
Post body.
Being that hung up on it is pretty gay. You know what isn't?
Women are more eager to put their mouth on a smooth dick and balls that isn't collecting a cloud of sweaty tainty musk and poop-particle filth.
that is fucking disgusting dude, clearly it means you cant wipe your ass. if i was a girl and a guy's ass smelled so bad i couldnt get near it, dump city baby
>when i sit down to pee
wait what
Bush smells like shit, harbors bacteria and looks like shit, you unkept incel
i trim my pubes to make my dick look bigger, full on shaving is too much tho.
What I do (or did since I no longer have a gf):
>trim pubic area using one of those electric hair cutters
>shorter closer to the legs, longer over the pubis
>trim ass and area between legs low, never shave
>apply shaving cream on shaft and balls
>shave shaft from base towards middle, slowly
>shave balls slowly, stretch only a little, slowly too.
I dont have an electric shaver but it might make things simpler for the balls. Still I prefer just going slow with one of those gillette mach3 razors
Also, my ex gf prefered me going fully clean, I used the hair cutter on lowest setting for my chest and abdomen. Never shaved my legs tho.
Who in heavens name would put a razor next to their dick?
user, buy a good pair of clippers and shave that shit down.
I always shave the entire area around my dick and my balls((CAREFULLY)), my shaft and make sure to leave some business on top so my chest and stomach hair doesn't stop abruptly if my pants sag a bit too low giving everyone the 411 on the hair status of my cock n balls.
Which happens a lot because I don't wear underwear and my clothes are all loose as fuck after I dropped all of that weight.
I shave.
My girl shaves my ass and legs for me. She loves to lick my asshole so she gladly shaves my shitcannon for me.
Get my ass eaten while she jacks me.
Kinda curious to see what it's like to get fingered.
I do similar but don't use any guards with a Wahl T-pro. It gets the hair down to about 1/16 of an inch, didn't want to shave down to the skin because of possible ingrown hairs. I was nervous about shaving shaft and ball hair too, especially the hair that sits between sack and thigh. Turns out it wasn't a problem, felt kinda odd for a bit then was fine. No itchy, scratchy nightmare, sack does stick to thighs more in really hot weather. But considering how much more clean it feels the trade off is fine. Just gotta squeeze the balls tight because the shaver will nip loose skin.
>also why im terrified of shaving my asshole
Shaved the whole area with the T-Pro, most noticeable effects were that the area felt "scratchy" for about an hour the first time I did it. That went away for good. As for friction, in hot weather my ass feels slippery with sweat because there's no hair. But I will take that any day over the swampy, nasty feeling of damp hair back there. And no kidding, the first time I took a crap after shaving off all that ass hair, I just laughed with actual joy because wiping was so damn clean and hassle free. No more of that "getting peanut butter out of shag carpet" feeling. Have to go slow and carefully or the shaver will nick the hole and it'll bleed a bit. Doesn't hurt though.
Overall getting rid of ALL the hair down there makes it feel so much more clean and I can't think of any downsides besides no more stealth farting. Big deal. Also shaving pits = about 80 percent of underarm BO is gone.
>t.Gay agenda
Virgin ass pussy.
Bro, what the fuck kind of girls are you into that like the prepubescent look? They don't watch as much porn as we do.
>T.Gay agenda
Used my beard trimmer and got a blood on my sack with it first time. Been just using a razor and foam since then instead. Was worried at first that I might cut myself but it actually feels cleaner and safer instead somehow.
Still using clippers for the rest of the groin though.
Itch also isnt annoying. I actually like scratching my balls after a good shave desu.
Essentillay keep the shaft and balls completely clean and trim the rest to a nice formal length.
Jelly, trimming leg hair is such a pain in the ass i always miss spots at the back.
Just trim bro
whys everybody scared of shaving their fucking dick and balls I just use a gillet face shaver right on my dick, no cream no foam, and never knicked anything
literal thin skinned faggots putting their dick on a pedestal. it's just skin
>first its fhe finger
>next its gay orgy untill 4:30am
you gonna make it
I've got hairs halfway up and I'm not even that hairy. Either go full bear mode or fuck off
>tfw pubes on shaft
Just a quick trim down with a scissors is all I do.
Nah bro do it in the shower, the skin is relaxed and start trimming.
Afterwards i just apply lotion, and baby powder
>tfw i can still feel the feel of pussy hairs in the back of my throat
>especially when I breathe
>the sensation lingers
Kinda miss her sometimes but tis history. You know what I mean?
>shave dick and balls
>beat off
>feels 10x better
Life changing experience.
I remember I got waxed all over (except my head and underarms) a while back.
Wiping my ass felt amazing and sex was fucking spectacular.
...going to jail for rape
i just know it...
It's really not a common preference.
Men being completely shaven is a meme started in porn.
Like how a huge majority of men prefer feminine women, a huge majority of women like masculine features in men - this includes a scruffy patch above your cock. Trim, sure. Shaving is overkill, and is counterproductive in most cases.
Anyone looking to shave their balls get this. No irritation whatsoever and gets a pretty close shave (IMO there's no point in your dick being smooth as a baby's behind unless you work in porn)
That body holy shit
Oh god them titties
plastic you mongoloids
my dick itches all the time especially after i jerk off. i dont know if its caused by my pubes, i do trim them down but dont shave. maybe if i shaved the itchiness would go away but apparently when shaving and growing back they are so prickly it would be unbearable so i dont want to try