Am I making it

Am I making it

Attached: I have whirled with the earth at the dawning when the sky was a vaporous flame.jpg (1210x1613, 498K)


Would succ/10

Very good. You look plain strong.

Great progress user. You will look like a god in a couple years if you keep it up.

Haha this is mind of what i look like after 10 months. I'm also 5' 9"

I meant 10 weeks and kind of instead of mind of. I'm drunk, my gf is sick and sleeping in the bedroom in watching star wars episode 5 or 6 nor sure which

I would unironically murder a lot of people for a bf who looks like this

bost pody

Am I making it

Attached: IMG_20190518_171148_691.jpg (2178x2178, 933K)

protip: holding your camera so far down deforms your face
hold it at chin/nose level for optimal results

Here you go faggot have fun

Attached: Snapchat-542793477.jpg (999x1920, 444K)

Looks good. More lateral raises would make you look even better.

Attached: 1453498599001.png (592x477, 20K)

Fuk u frogger

Attached: dude.png (396x400, 25K)

Fuk u I said. I have a gf

at reching gymcels levels yes

You look great honestly.

Yeah but hold your chest out higher

Nice roidgut you got there

Post forearm routine

I do normally just wanted to pose for that arm shot
looks better normally, see above

Attached: i was old when pharaohs first mounted the jewel deck'd throne by the nile i was old in those ep (1210x1613, 413K)

Attached: tenor.gif (380x498, 368K)

>be me
>plunge like a deer thro’ the arches of the hoary primordial grove,
>Where the oaks feel the presence that marches and stalks on where no spirit dares rove;
>flee from a thing that surrounds me, and leers thro’ dead branches above.

This is very close to my goal body user, very nice

mirin'. How long did this take you?