That guy who lugs his gym bag with him wherever he goes in the gym

>that guy who lugs his gym bag with him wherever he goes in the gym

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i dont want to get fucking robbed in my shitty gym faggot

>what are lockers
>what are padlocks

do you realize how easy it is for someone to pick a padlock?

lockers cost $1 at my gym, im not paying for that shit

That's me but only because I'm carrying my water and my microplates.

Got a problem with that?

>that fat fuck "powerlifter" eating sour patch kids between reps

What sort of jew gym are you going to?

you really think someone is gonna pick a lock in a gym locker room or walk into the gym with a pair of fucking bolt cutters just to steal some dirty clothes? like what's even in your locker? i keep my phone and keys with me.

What, you gonna cry about it, big boy?

who knows brah, some people like to sell stolen phones and steal cars

the oly lifter that walks in with a massive bag and starts spreading their shit everywhere so everyone knows they are very serious

>that guy who jerks off to thots with bootys doing kettlebells

> he does not carry his shit whenever he goes
enjoy being a backlet

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in my old gym nobody used them because the ''swarthy'' people stole its contents all the bloody time

Some of us have to be aware of basketball americans in the area.

I keep a pistol in that bag. Stay the fuck out of it.

Live somewhere better

I do this. In my bag I have:

> Microplates
> Belt
> Chalk
> Straps
> Lifting log

I unironically think the above items are base requirements for any remotely serious lifter.

All of these are just accessories to make you feel serious, none of them are necessities. Not saying they aren't helpful though

Can you use chalk in a gym that doesn't provide it and not get in any trouble?

i bring my bag to the rack if i'm doing deads or powercleans but that's it, don't really see why people would do it otherwise

I believe chalk is 100% a necessity and microplates are nearly a necessity. Expecting to make 5 lb jumps on things like the press is retarded.

I just use chalk discretely, you beta iqlet faggot.

t. about to hit a 6pl8 deadlift

that guy laughing about microplates probably hasnt even hit 1/2/3/4 LOL

>muh micro plates
jesus imagine being this big of a fucking faggot

ask about chalk, but you can always use alcohol chalk

Post body, I want to laugh

I guarantee you I outlift you, faggot. Imagine being so much of a faggot that you don't realize the potential value of being able to choose your weights with greater granularity.

listen you obese subhuman
only a egolifting faglord thinks adjusting the weight you are lifting in increments of

or fucking gummy worms.
>muh mass moves mass
fat fucks just want an excuse to snack in the gym

Except fat deposits beneath muscles increase the angle of the tendon attachments at the bones, thereby increasing torque for an equivalent force production and literally moving more weight.

But keep being a retarded idiot, user.


What's the point of formatting this into a 'that guy' thread if the retards are so enticed and bootyblasted by the shittily formed bait that they only reply to the someone makes these kinds of insecurity-ridden threads as if they ever self-reflected in their entire life enough to consider your opinion on their retarded and judgemental opinion.

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I can't tell if this doesnt make sense or if I'm too high to understand

Imagine this being a real fear

Yeah it doesn't. I just didn't feel like correcting it.
>they only reply to the person that makes

I do this, I pretty much don't care anymore. Half the gym knows me on a first name basis, all the receptionists know me, and most of my gym bros keep their gym bags with them too. It's also great for marking my territory.

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Based, dyels on Jow Forums will shit on you though

you lost me at lifting log.

If you have straps this is mostly an excuse to get the gym messy

You forgot your stepladder, manlet

Nancy Van Vessom was a classmate of mine.

My girlfriend's padlock failed me once and locked me out of my locker. Went to my car and got freezer spray and a hammer. Walked straight into the locker room and bashed the shit out of my lock til it broke. Not one fucking guy batted an eye and I'm not even big.

I have in my gym bag
>wrist wraps
>thumb tape
>water bottle
>mid-workout snacks
>lift log
>few resistance bands
>knee sleeves
>small first aid kit
>"crossfit shoes"
Don't have chalk but gym has plenty of it.