Is there honestly a real way to break porn addiction...

Is there honestly a real way to break porn addiction? I thought I could build a gym addiction would break this but it hasn't.

Attached: 1552838509630.png (1000x896, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:!P3hD0Y7B!xZ8BkDkTlEqV4qqAYnlNmA

>porn addiction
not a real thing, just stop watching porn

Attached: 1508221186071.jpg (655x527, 71K)

Addictive or not it's no good for ya.

>t. brainlet

Wank without it or find a loving girlfriend

What if I want to remain celibate for the rest of my life

Read what you just wrote and think for a second

i mostly used to jerk before bed so i just bought sleeping pills and took them around 7pm and was too tired by 9 or 10

>t. disciplinelets

Attached: 1500987027439.jpg (487x423, 6K)

You're right but still, eat shit

That's your choice.
Good luck. Women want what they can't have. So either keep it secret or seek seclusion.

There is, you just have to avoid artificial sexual stimuli, specially in the first few months.

I do think we can argue porn is not an "addiction"
It is a dependency.
Addiction, IMO, denotes something that presents serious (potentially lethal) consequences if it stops being consumed.
Opiates & alcohol for example.
Sugar, nicotine, marijuana, porn; these are dependencies.

Fwiw you're more likely to die from benzo withdrawals than opiates

For some people it is an addiction in that it gets serious enough that it interferes with their daily life. They stay up late watching porn, they watch porn at work, they ignore relationships. It's much rarer than you'd think though since you have to be an idiot.

I tried this and it made it worse bexause the sleeping pills (benadryl) enhances the pleasure

Try melatonin or CBD. Diphenhydramine - the active ingredient in Benadryl - is synthetic adrenaline.

Attached: Capture.png (1320x232, 55K)

Laughing at this idiot

Some collection on this.
The .zip file has tons of information.!P3hD0Y7B!xZ8BkDkTlEqV4qqAYnlNmA

I won't click that shit bro sorry

just a collection from screencaps related to OP

Here is the album from the zip file

Attached: file.png (2168x733, 1.58M)

You need Jesus.

t. Church of later saints missionary

I went cold turkey on porn 5 days ago after seeing those autogynophilia posts. I don't feel a lot different yet, but I did save a lot of time.