BJJ or Boxing? Which is the intelligent white man's choice?

BJJ or Boxing? Which is the intelligent white man's choice?

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Boxing has always been a black guy's route out of the streets.

calling the police

BJJ for intelligence. Boxing hurts your brains.


>rely on authorities goy
Straight up semitic post, my friend

I’ve done boxing since I was 14 and competed at amateur level. Smashing nigs is fun but like the others said watching you’re brain health and how you’re basic functions are holding up after sparring is important. I’ve also done BJJ and it’s incredibly fun if you have the strength but it needs a lot more work and dedication to truly get skill gains but they will be worth it in the end as the skill level between even a blue belt and a white is abit if a jump.

To sum up
> if DYEL box
> if big guy BJJ

I'm decently strong for my size but boxing seems more fun. I'm worried about the brain damage thing. Any tips on how to avoid it?

If you do BJJ you get to beat up redditors. That's the key factor that keeps bringing me back to it.

>I’m worried about the brain damage thing. Any tips on how to avoid it?
Yes, do BJJ instead.

BJJ is worse then boxing when it comes to Brain problems.
Why is that?
Because the guys who take it are 100% sure that no brain injuries are occuring.
What's worse, no one can recognize or are willing to acknowledge that it is not only a possibility but happens all of the time.

Wrestlers and Jodoka know this is the case and are more then fucking wary of it.
BJJ fags?
They pretend that it doesn't happen or has never happened ever and CANT happen.

Get a gun

reading a book

Your logic is so full o' dentz mate that this has to be bait.

Just learn it for fun and the ability to light people up if need be, but keep hard sparring and competitive fights to a minimum

Join Mma gym that specialises in BJJ. You will most of your work on the mats and then finish of with basic striking





OP specific: Do both faggot, or the one you’re less a pussy about. “Wah I dint wanna get hit” “ew rolling with guiz is gay lol”

Fascinating image.

Absolutely kill yourself and then fuck off to reddit you fucking piece of shit cockroach fuck.

for fitness purposes, boxing will involve more cardio and bjj more anaerobic exertion. generally speaking, youll get stronger doing bjj than boxing (unless youre lifting aggressively alongside boxing training) and leaner doing boxing than bjj (again, unless you're doing heavy cardio on the side)

for self defense purposes, a little bit of both is the way to go. go check out any rekt thread on any other board and watch street fights, 80-90% of the ones where someone isn't knocked out cold immediately end up on the ground within thirty seconds or so. grappling on pavement instead of a mat fucking blows but knowledge of chokes and submissions are a huge advantage over most of the populace in a street fight. you're also a fucking dumbass if you get into a street fight in the first place.

source: used to do both but now am oldfag and do gay pilates shit

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Seriously though I hate reddit and never go there, how about you calm your autism?

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>he thinks he’s too old for Jiu-Jitsu
user, I...

more injuries than old, honestly. my back and wrists are both really fucked up, and i cut left hand pretty badly (in the stupidest fucking way possible, you wouldn't believe me if i told you) a few years ago and sustained bad nerve damage in that hand. can't even really play guitar anymore after 15+ years of playing :-(

Spelling boxing "boxin" or wrestling "wrasslin" is fucking cringe as fuck and you're a garbage human being. Never post again faggot.

Well user I will have to believe you for what it is but knowing I train with a guy with no legs and a guy missing an arm. But wrist and back shit can be quite awful.


damn, kudos to those guys, honestly.

also just have soul crushing corporate shit 9-7 job and gay pilates shit gym is in my office building. nearest bjj/boxing gym is about two miles from office and i live in the city and don't have a car, so making gay pilates shit work.

This if ur white or krav maga...or just move out of the hood

Well I can’t blame you for that. Work and commute are the biggest hindrances to my training schedule, I just do my best to go as often as I can even if it’s only twice a week some weeks.

depends if you wanna not be able to hold a fork at 45 because your hands are mangled or because your hands shake too much.

t. competitive purple belt who can't make a fist.

What’s your response to the old Brazilian black belts that seem to be just fine?

yeah and the camaraderie at a good bjj/boxing gym is special too, good for you getting there are as often as you can.

i will say my body is not at all used to gay pilates shit and im insanely sore after each session

>inb4 because im getting fucked in the ass

They're probably better than me, and they probably dont have to work or study. I dont know?
All I do know is since I started my degree, i have to change the way I hold a pen because the first knuckle of my ring finger is irregular.

muay thai / k-1 kickboxing is a lot of fun and an awesome workout, especially if you focus on partner preservation. combat sports = good friends

not being mean but if pilates are giving you doms and shit, probably wait til pilates are not giving you doms before you start wrasslin


>combat sports = good friends
I literally dont have any friends who i haven't seriously injured at one point in time, and my second best friend is the reason I can't raise my left arm up fully any more (thanks josh fuck you)
my best friend is like 20kg lesser than me so hasn't caused me much harm over the years but I did fuck his hammy pretty bad when i attempted to walls of jericho him

my main you ain't read my posts, gave up wrasslin' because old and injuries, hence gay pilates shit.

I’d look into other things in your life that could be effecting your hands is all I’m trying to suggest.

The atmosphere of the gym is truly unmatched. I owe my sanity to it sometimes.
Good on you for doing what you can though, user. We all know the guy who got fat and lazy because of an injury. There’s always a way to get some exercise in.

my apologies bro, i'm writing a letter to my grandma subtly suggesting my income doesn't match my expenditure and if she wants at least one grandchild with a degree, maybe she should open her coffers.

How old are you and how bad are your injuries, and is there anything else you could have done to prevent / recover better?

I'm the 30 year old dude who can't hold a pencil properly; makes engineering hard haha. please to be helping me, online friend :)

>I’d look into other things in your life that could be effecting your hands is all I’m trying to suggest.

my old duck has pretty bad rheumatoid and i'm worried it's that setting in to be honest. I've completely quit spider guard and all that shit, and i've recently quit my fishing job to furher my studies, so aside from the carpal tunnel i'll no doubt get, the longevity of my hands should be increased, i assume. I hope.

I typed this with touch typing and made few errors and i'm really proud of myself. trying to learn touch typing between semesters.
gotta get my speed up though, i had to solve the captcha twice lol :)

Cringe post

>I don't like what this guy posted
>So I'm gonna add "le" and "reddit" to it
>then say his post is bad because of all the "le" and "reddit"

Your post is reddit because I don't like it and things I don't like are reddit. Reddit le meme cringe cuck beta bull based and redpill mogged onions senpai autism 9gag and Jow Forums will unite to make 13chag suck my fat fucking chode you mongoloid cancer faggot



I'm scared to do BJJ because I don't want my knees snapped.
I'm scared to do boxing because I don't want my brain atrophied.

Learning BJJ is a great way to prevent people from snapping your knees. Learning boxing is a great way to prevent people from damaging your gray matter.

I am a casual fag who does both at a McDojo, but in my experience boxing/kickboxing/muay thai is preferable to wrestling/jiu jitsu because in a real street fight it fucking SUCKS to end up on the ground, even if you are dominating. I'm a big guy (for you) and I once fucked my shit up by bringing a guy to the ground in an alley and getting a rusty nail pierced into my abdomen. Its also an issue if you're ever going against multiple guys because as soon as you bring one guy down the rest will dogpile you. With boxing you can stay on your feet and have a better chance of avoiding those situations

Boxing is a bit of a meme. It's popular because any average joe can throw a punch.

Muay thai is literally just boxing but with less rules.

Reality check, boxing is only 10 different punches. Which you perfect thru thousands upon thousands of hours of bag work.

more like 3 punches


bjj is not useful in real life


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So become a world champion and earn millions if it's so easy.


Didn’t say it was easy.

*10 different punches which you perfect thru thousands upon thousands of hours of bag work AND a defensive balletic art involving intricate footwork and head movements that also take thousands upon thousands of hours

Boxing is for white trash and poverty minorities who don't mind brain damage.

BJJ is for middle/upper class thinkers.

I like both though. Work at a gym and teach BJJ. Muay Thai is way more fun than boxing DESU.

If you're learning martial arts for some autistic street fantasy and want to argue about which one is better, I think watching an episode of Sonic the Hedgehog would be a better use of your time.

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this is the best thing i've ever read and I am immensely turned on; my new watermark for making it is getting a girlfriend who also does bjj and we can bjj sex weird shit fuck yeah.

love your post, what belt are you and whats your comp background?

So fucking funny.

Dutch kickboxing.

as much as it pains me to say it...wrestling.

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How can you bring yourself to literally hug and roll with a man instead of just smashing his face in or digging into his spleen

boxing+judo is best combo, you'll be able to punch and throw after a combo

For you? Probably fitness boxing courses

Fucking reddit, man

Boxing when you're young and BJJ when you hit the wall (30)

Why not boxing and wrestling? You can shoot after punching. It's also no gi which is very nice