Recovering from illness weight loss

Do I have a poor bone structure or do I just need to pack on some muscle? I'm looking for ways to gain shoulder width and a better overall form.

Right now I'm just doing a standard strength program and swimming. Are there any special lifts I should add to improve my silhouette?

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>those hips
you're gmi

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Bro you are thicc as fuck I wanna clap

>improve my silhouette
You faggot

you're face is ugly af I can tell from your head shape, it's a shame too because you got real discord hips

wtf your*

What does this mean? How do I accentuate my shoulders etc?
Wanting a manlier silhouette is gay?
nah women call me handsome, it's just a manly face

You need to gain like 40-50 lbs. You don't need to worry about "specific lifts." Gain weight, do all the basic heavy compound lifts. Get your total over 1,000. Add some lateral raises and facepulls.

You're just a skinny twink. Do all the usual shit that skinny twinks need to do.

Attached: smol back.jpg (302x403, 52K)

post face. from what I can see it has the same width as your neck.

you're a girl (male), right?

Come train in my home gym baby. I'll train you good.

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>You need to gain like 40-50 lbs
That's what I plant to do. I'm 6'2" 143lbs right now..My worry is that I have some sort of congenitally fucked up bone structure/fat distribution making me gain weight in the wrong places.

maybe I should get my test levels checked.

I'm a 6'2" hairy guy with a full pube beard and a deep voice

Why would you think that? You look like a normal skinny faggot. There's nothing wrong with you, except that fact that you are underweight and have been pathologically sedentary your entire life. Stop reaching for reasons to explain your failure before you've even tried to implement the most basic solutions.

Attached: anentiregallonperday.jpg (250x250, 14K)

>ou look like a normal skinny faggot. There's nothing wrong with you
that's a relief
>and have been pathologically sedentary your entire life.
read the thread title

i look kinda lika this fella, i have one of those narrow pointy chin scots-irish faces

Attached: wilson_portrait_1902_cph3b11773.jpg__400x515_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg (400x515, 28K)

Based, rock this look

this is legit one of the most feminine frames i have ever seen

srs? I thought at least my shoulders were wider than a woman's

op, you're say you're already on a strength program, what program? regardless, that is already a step in the right direction. just make sure that you incorporate plenty of pulling, that will give you a wider upper back. lat work especially will help.

basically SS with emphasis on upper body. I do the big four (squats, dl, bench, ohp) curls, pectoral flys, chest dips, pull ups and chin ups

I only started a month ago

Bench (or pushups if you cant) to widen shoulders dude

Attached: Signature-Incline-Bench.jpg (1000x1000, 110K)

i'd add in barbell rows so you have some horizontal pulling as well, and also because your program is push heavy right now. maybe add in some lateral raises to make your medial delts wider.


You don't have an ideal bone structure, so yea, if you dirty bulked, you would likely exacerbate the problem. However you do need to build mass, so clean bulk; count your calories.

Take it from someone who fell for the dirty bulk meme and ended up having to lose 50+ pounds of fat, wasting an immense amount of time.

thanks, ill add those
good advice, thank you