What is Jow Forums up to on this fine Saturday?

What is Jow Forums up to on this fine Saturday?

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Frantically finishing stuff around the house because my wife might go into labor very soon.

son of daughter

Good luck bro

meant or


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Getting flying kicked in s*uth america

contemplating suicide if i should go take the pink pill or keep lifting

drinking with the intention of blacking out since today has been an absolute wreck

Are you both white?

I want to go out to a bar or some place but have no interest in socializing.

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sit in the corner of the bar, that's a good sign you don't want to socialize.

how hot are you? depending on that you won't have any issues.

She is but I'm not

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Hot. Hope you put a baby in her fertile white womb and destroy her genetic purity

kek yes we're both white

I hit a cardio session earlier today.
Made some food.
Now I’m resting prior to my graveyard shift.

It’s a good day

Watching uzamaid and smoking a stogie in honor of Arnie

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I'm 36 and I live with my parents. I keep texting my buddy/coworker who has a family to go out, but he's not getting back to me (even though he said he would)

that's literally what i do every time i go out.

somewhat average. i've been told i have a baby face despite being 24

I'm watching iron man 2 right now and eating chicken and rice

Pretty based desu

>suicide, the pink pill or keep lifting

Suicide and the pink pill are redundant.

yeah I know. it's been a shit month where I'm just thinking of what am I really lifting for

Eating chicken and waiting to hit the gym tomorrow

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