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What is the best form of Cardio
Where’s the rowing option
sex with my gf haha
>inb4 hur dur fucked knees
lose weight
I forgot to add it
Sex with this guy's gf
How do you even know who he is? This is an anonymous website
None of those. I'm big brained.
Seated 10th in state high school league
How do you know the guy you replied to is the one you're responding to?
Running actually makes me feel like i'm working the hardest
Swimming. Professional D1 swimmer here.
Kettle bell swings.
High intensity interval training is the name of the game. I can sit on my exercise bike, crank it to a high difficulty, and sweat for an hour, but it doesn't feel like it's taxing my system nearly as much as 5 sets of 50 kettle bell swings @ 35 lbs.
High rep kettle bell swings make me feel like I'm going to keel over and die. If high intensity interval training is really so good for you then kettle bells have to be up there as one of the greatest exercises you can do.
Running feels the worst but physilogically Swimming is the most taxing on the body
1hr of swimming at your max speed burns almost twice the amount of calories of 1hr of running at your max speed.
And i just prefer swimming in general because i hate being drenched in sweat
I enjoy the group fitness classes as long as it's not zumba. They're good cardio, pretty fun, and full of cardio bunnies
Running is probably the hardest out of those, biking is the least effective, swimming is the best.
Why is biking not effective sir?
Might as well get an exercycle if you're biking for cardio.
Get some sweat wicking clothing and you're good to go. Gamechanger desu.
for me its cycling on my cx bike through the morning forest, when the air is crisp and everyone is asleep
or running
occasionally I would do this or jumprope in the gym
Speaking of rowing, is there a difference in the impact of the different types of rowing machines?
Some are just the bar you pull while others try to mimic an actual rowing stroke. Does it matter?
Fuck that, indoor cardio sucks. It becomes 100% more interesting when done outside.
Concept2 rowing machines are the gold standard of machines that you'd be likely to find in a commercial gym.
Wouldn't bother with most others unless your gym for some reason has RP3 dynamic rowers, not that it ever would.