Why do you want to be fit, Jow Forums?

Why do you want to be fit, Jow Forums?

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For her.

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Because being anything other than the best version of yourself is the ultimate failure.

I just want to be healthy and my clothes to fit better

i'm not obese but overweight according to bmi 6'2 215

The weights keep my mind from deteriorating during my spells of social deprivation

General health and wellbeing, being able to be an active and present father, and to prove to my family that I'm not a lazy slob

To honor Christ our Lord

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I got nothing better to do

Well, why not?

this song uses that image

I have a very hairy chest.
I consider hairy chest on a twig looks gross, so I want to pack some muscle toa void looking like someone glued some hair on a stick when I go to the pool.

I wanna lift heavy objects with ease.
I wanna be comfortable with my body, because I used to think I was trans. I'm pretty sure it's from self-loathing, agp, sissy porn. I've gained 36 pounds since last August and I'm planning for 20 more.
6'4, 176lbs, 22

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To slay the postmodernist left, feminists and trannys.

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I am never less aware of the big sad than when I am exercising

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Nice job man, but you saying you've gained 36 pounds worries me because its clear from that pic (assuming it is you) that very few of that is muscle. Don't fall for the dirty bulk meme, eating clean and progressive overload are your two golden rules as a natty. Keep bulking, get massive, and don't look back. Its nice to see someone on Jow Forums actually trying to improve themselves with non-memes.

So I can live up to the ideal and to honor the world we could have had

I just want to be strong. I just don't want to be a pushover anymore.

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Because a fat body is just pretty gross to look at

Ditto. Training to wreck communist scum, feminists and their faggot beta-orbiters, obnoxious social justice minorities, child-abusing trannies, and every other adherent of resentful leftist ideologies.

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Because I'm tired of being a twink, I wanna be a strong manlet at least.

Because I retired at 27 and i got bored so it’s something to do. Besides it makes me feel and look good.

Honesty, I just like to increase my reps


Thats not healthy for your social life user

Kek. U guys will make it

Cause I respect myself more now that I'm progressing and noticing that others respect me more also.

Have sex, incel

I want to lift a smart car enough to disengage the breaks, move it around and freak people out

How so?
If anything my social standing has increased since I started lifting for her.


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>delusional schizofag
>being social

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Because no man should ever be content being weak. I want to be able to defend myself should I or my loved ones ever get attacked. I'm only 5'9 which isn't intimidating so I need to be strong enough to manhandle a jacked 6'6 bully should the need ever arise.

Did you retire rich or at least rich enough to live comfortably? If so, what did you do?

You could swap motorcycles from their parking spots as well.

To look like a part 2 or 3 JoJo character. I also think Street Fighter is p cool, and even the fucking yogi is just ripped.
Being strong makes life a bit easier on top of it, but it doesn't make that much of a difference in 2019 outside of social interactions.

Multiple reasons:
1. Because I've been fat most of my life and never got to experience being in a fit body
2. I want to look good and get women
3. My moobs shatter my self esteem as well as any hopes of getting a gf
4. I want to look /fa/ and after long introspection I realize all clothes look good on fit people, and all clothes look bad on fat people
5. By building muscle I'll probably grow a little taller, not that it's big deal
6. I'll live a longer and healthier life
7. I repeat again, I'll face great improvements in self esteem
8. It has been the bane of my existence for far too long. It's gotten fucking old. It's the one thing that still times me to that shy/nervous kid in elementary school. It's time for me to move beyond this. I'm already living on my own, pursuing a great career, and getting my shit together, my body is fucking bullshit and it's time I fix it for once!

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For him.

And to kill a man in one punch.

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Makes life easier

To restore the Roman Empire

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Seconded, whenever I lift I think of all the potential children that could have had a chance at life when they were ripped from the womb.

For Felipe

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Helps me male money jerkin it for dudes

How low test you must be. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to dominate some grade A twink butt.

I want to be in the NFL

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>Represent my country as best as I can
>Represent whites as best as I can
>I like lifting shit
>I want to live long

I want to be as explosive as possible, have superior stamina, and generally turn my body into a weapon. At first it was about the mires. Got the mires. But eventually it became about health and lethality.


for my waifu of course

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I watched a lot of Arnold movies as a kid, so being swol was programmed into my brain as a necessity for survival.

Discord tranny Samefag

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Based and depressionpilled. Iktf too damn well

I dislike the left as much as the next guy but holy shit this image made me cringe so hard I busted an artery

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Same. Lifting and weed are my two refuges from the shit heap that is my life.

Anybody who doesn't lift to look like Joseph is never gonna make it

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People who aren't fags

Too much onions in your diet.

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To be heather, look better, and to protect my nation in case the fashies get uppity again.

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>to Protect my nation
>Nation gets overwhelmed by the brown hordes
>Brown hordes vote overwhelmingly against his country's traditions (if you're American this goes for guns, free speech, low taxes, property rights)
>Country becomes a Latin American socialist hellhole
Thank Marx the fashies are gone!

To become a strong, positive, male role model to my 5+ white sons in an ever growing sea of soi and degeneracy.

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I train because it makes me a better athlete overall.
You guys who go to all this trouble just to look good? Even worse: just so you can get more attention from women? I think you're pathetic and massively stupid and need a reality check.

So I can become the man I have the potential to be

Spite mostly


>oh no daddy fuhrer help my entire race is under attack by mean brown people existing near me :( :(
If you've known any real first-generation immigrants, you'd know they're generally very conservative, especially when they're from Latin America.
Stop baiting people away from real economic struggles with your identity politics, save that idealist bullshit for your safespace board. Go make some white babies if it bothers you so much, faggot.
>vote against guns
What are they going to do, try to take them?
>America's history and traditions amount to low taxes and property rights
>being this much of a classcuck
"Property rights" are the rights of the property-owning classes to extract as much wealth from working people as they can get away with.
>Country becomes socialist

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Health, and peace of mind. I want to be able to fight, run, and endure, and I want to live for a long time.

>"Property rights" are the rights of the property-owning classes to extract as much wealth from working people as they can get away with
It's funny because I've never seen this talking point from anyone below upper middle class.
The most capitalist people I've met are working class people, to be honest.

I want to know how it feels to be at my physical peak before I die. And because a certain shitty hereditary gene means I'll probably die young, I'd like to be at my physical peak when I die.

to be a small twink and get fucked

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I lift so my body can be the best it can be, as the Lord intended.

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Yeah, of course most people under capitalism are going to be capitalists, just as most people living under feudalism believed in the divine right of kings, and those living in Greco-Roman societies viewed slavery as part of the natural order. The prevailing ideology of a society is what it is because it legitimizes and perpetuates that society's socioeconomic structure.

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No, I mean that the entire working class does not work if they don't get money for their work. It's the only incentive that works apart from outright barbaric shit like threatening them into work.
Look at how unskilled work is performed in socialist countries, it's literally worse than hobby tier.

>No, I mean that the entire working class does not work if they don't get money for their work. It's the only incentive that works apart from outright barbaric shit like threatening them into work.
Right, so it is in the interests of the working class to push for an economic system that allows them to benefit from all the wealth generated from their work.

That's not even a possibility without property rights.

it´s all just a massive cope.

Based and god pilled. May your peaks be magnificent and your troughs shallow.

How so? By "property rights" I'm referring to private capitalist ownership of means of production. I'm not saying people don't have the right to own things in general.

based bro in christ

I started thinking that it'd help me get girls or something stupid like that, but now I lift because that's the only time voices quiet down.
I already gave up on getting girls. Now I just want to make it without getting into a psycho ward.

because i don't want to be another washout with a broken body who 'used to skate'
and i want to fuck cute boys
iktf, stay strong user

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confidence & be more comfortable
be able to do manual labor & physical tasks easier
health in general

because not being fit while being able to is literally immoral


bro same. scary how similar we are. started lifting october of 2017
6'3 182lbs 22y/o
have a gf now and she climbs on me like a jungle gym. no better feeling, honestly

being happy with my body for once in my fucking life, also military so its like a part of the job really.

because I am an NBA player

I want to be Jow Forums for the coming European race war

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My father is an alcoholic that wasted his life and now leeches off his second wife. He smoked tons of weed before having me and abused my mother while she was pregnant, which I think may have a lot to do with the mental health issues I have. I inherited asthma, ADHD and depression from him, along with scoliosis.

I want to be fit and successful to be a better man, to change my DNA so to speak.

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>to change my DNA so to speak.

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Because I hate women. Rage and spite fuels my every lift. I want to become a Boomer Chad so I can give Post-Wall sluts false hope and smash it, the same way women in general have ruined Western civilization for men. It is my petty, meaningless, small scale revenge that will change nothing, like a frenzied wolf clawing at the moon.

I guess this too, eventually. Sooner or later the day of reckoning will come, it helps to be ready. Just remember: we hang all traitors. No WW2 shit where women get off easy.

I wish I could lift for love rather than out of hate.

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Which will never happen. The arabs and africans will further intergrate into European genes and will make mix of complete subhumans.

so when I meet her she would look at my body and think to herself wow this guy works out. "nice " that's literally it i have nothing and I am nothing. I am just a typo.

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I want to kill people.



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Not really. Exogamy rates are really low, as well as European fertility rates in general. Replacement is far more likely than mixing.

why are you picking on the pussy left? tranny and fem men?they are weak and will never fight. I get paid in bitcoin to make wannabe tough guys like you cry. . i wish a retard lefty would hire me i would love test how tough you bitch boys really are. all you do is complain.

I want to be happy.

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