What's your craziest gym story?

What's your craziest gym story?

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I fucked your mom

Got a PR of 405 in the squat
Fucked a midget woman in her suv in the parkinglot.

personal: did 1000lbs for a few reps when i was like high school/early college age and was still a very active athlete

witnessed: smoking hot perfect ten high school aged (19-20 at the very oldest) girl lifting in a weight room that was 99% men wearing like a white sports bra and tiny yoga shorts, with her mother. every dude in the room is incredibly distracted, and eventually one of the crustier, cringier elder-chads (think like mid 30's, frosted tips, sweatband, 311 tanktop, lifting wearing a gold chain) approaches her and starts chatting her up. its a small room so everyone not wearing headphones can hear everything, and he's being super flattering to the mom while also just straight up hitting on the daughter. this goes on for maybe 15 minutes before he inevitably asks her on a date...and she agrees. the motherfucker did it, and he'd flattered the mom so much she was thrilled he was taking her daughter out. never seen such fucking elder chad wizardry.

>Be me HS weight room
>Group of Freshman come in
>Only one empty bench
>they grab Lmao 1pl8 no clips
> No spotter these 14yr old prepubescent lanklets start their set
>first 3 cant even lift off the rack
>4th one lifts it off and drops the bar on his chest
Fucking Freshman because of them we couldnt work out without supervision so most of the time the weight room was closed.

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*1000 lbs on the hip sled/leg press, im a retard and forgot to say on which exercise

>be me
>18 at the time
>go to gym regularly, have noticeable gains
>always this qt I see there that I catch mirin sometimes, know each other by name
>always comes in, headphones on, beautiful ass, 9/10 face, dark brown hair
>she's 17, goes to the other highschool
>one thursday afternoon I'm lifting and see her
>she looks kind of sadder than normal
>I work up the courage to start talk to her
>"hey (qt's name) how's it going?"
>"oh.. I'm fine, how are you user?
>"I'm good, you look kind of sad, is is there something wrong?
>"No it's all OK I'm doing fine"
>her voice falters, she looks like she holding in shes tears
>I say "alright " and do my workout sets
>she still looks like she is still sad
>I finish workout day (biceps and chest) and see her doing cardio on machine next to me
>she is still look sad as before, I see what's wrong
>turns out her mom kicked her out because of her her bad mom kicked her out behaviour
>I invite her over to spend time at my house for the night
>she agrees
>she comes over to my house after we change and get dressed and shower and her is still wet from shower when she leaves lockers
>she nuzzles up against me and thanks me when we walk out of gym and into car parking and walk
>we drive back to my house wher eI'm living and where I take her and she gets out of car
>in minutes we are in house and on couch feel her up and her tits are are sotf
>she begins stroking me and me and I look watch her eyes as shes look at me and jerking off my dick
>in seconds all of clothes are come and she gets on me and her me clothes are on me my floor
>her smell and her she smells so and good she is so pretty to look see at
>I take off my and reveal my abs before and a she looks like
>I open her up and her bare and she has ass as she looks behind and I put in it
>She squeezed tight and her ass beautiful and she looks behind and I put in it
>she screaming and beg no and she say please please screaming

besides the fact that this is bait, it's also fucking illegible

Dad, pls go

> did 1000lbs for a few reps when i was like high school/early college age and was still a very active athlete

C'mon boomer, we heard this 1 million times already

Used to workout with a gasmask on in the FOB gym in Afghanistan, masked made wheezing noises. The local workers started calling me “the pig”. Got cool name “WarPig” after that

this reminded me of the spoderman post

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Chad dad strikes again. Literally a MOTHERFUCKER

I would like a greentext of the midget lady.

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Kek, strokeposter

i'm fucking dying. absoLUTEly based and redpilled.

Bloatlord takes all the 45 plates, 35 plates and does a 2500 lb leg press.

>some fat sweaty boomer points at people doing cardio
>says something along the lines of "can you believe this? Why does anybody do this shit?"
>just shrug and say "idk man"
>looks me dead in the eye and says "just makes you want to kill them all huh"
>awkwardly laugh
>says "have a good day" and walks off
Dude was 100% serious. I've never had alarm bells go off that hard when talking to someone. He just approached me out of the blue and said this shit.

Ok. Tempting thread but I wont post the whole story. I lost control a few times in the gym and started screaming at everyone. No need to explain what I said

>What's your craziest gym story?

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I once saw the most disgustingly hideous pajeet lifting in UFC gloves to impress an even more hideous negress that was larger than him.

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While I was working out this guy took those stepping squares and he kept stacking them, literally every one of them in the gym into a tower. This guy jumped about 5ft or higher I don't remember to the top and smashed his head into the ceiling light. A ton of glass shards flew everywhere, And the employees cleaned it up. I had a video but its in my old dead phone.

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Strongpilled and midgetpilled

Went in really really high. Heavy weight. Fumbled it and tried to catch it. Smash my finger on the rack tearing half the skin off.

Also a girl in the sauno started doing situps next to my crotch area while I'm wearing a speedo and I started getting a boner. She left and looks back at me. Missed opportunity!

What else... The best story is just the insane pump I got from benching insane weight.

how tf is his forehead covered in hairs

10 years or so ago I was in the gym and these guys were doing drop sets running the entire rack and they didn't put anything away.

It just made me so fucking annoyed, I asked if they were going to put it away and they laughed and said no and I just smacked ones water bottle out of his hand and said "put your fucking weights away, we're not your servants" and they actually put them all away.

I could have gotten my ass kicked then but somehow it got through to them.

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based if true.

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