Do you have a relaxation routine? All this board talk about is the lift but none about the recovery, physical or mental.
Do you have a relaxation routine? All this board talk about is the lift but none about the recovery, physical or mental
Holy shit shes perfect
I shtipost in Jow Forums
fair enough
>ZOMG Shes so perfect dude!!! 11
Beauty fades you blithering retard.
She’s three fuck holes and a vote for Bernie. Don’t be a fag, go hang out with guys. Put a son in that walking incubator when you damn well choose.
lol imagine being so cucked you think this plain girl is perfect.
Holy shit at that moment she was perfect. Happy now?
She will eat your cum someday.
I fuckin masturbate.
After sets. After workouts. Preworkouts. During workouts (you can stroke your cock with the bar when doing barbell shrugs) in the car, at home, at work.
I love jacking off.
To porn.
All the porn.
Straight, transexual, hentai, nasty degenerate shit, cute vanilla shit. I'm beating my dick.
That and eating ice cream.
I miss my girl, man.
Bitch fucking left me.
Fuck you niggers
>work out
>smoke weed
best shit ever. except some days when it feels like the worst thing ever. no clue why those days come, but i really don't like it.
I'm with you user
God I need her insta.
Read books, do photography, hang out with mates, watch a bit of TV, write.
I find anything creative or social great for mental recovery. Do creative/social shit and find others to do it with, anons – make sure you got that balance right.
Watch Youtube and read random Reddit threads. Just waste time really. Want to do other shit as neither of these are really that satisfying in the long run. Fml I'm beta
>a relaxation routine
I used to masturbate nonstop for hours at a time till I was too exhausted to think or eat till I couldn't think or play games till my mind was numb or workout till everything ached.
I don't know if that relaxed me or not, but I just was too exhausted to care about anything or feel bad.
Relaxation routine?
I dont know what it means to be relaxed or not worry about things.
how do you do it
If I get overwhelmed I use escapism to calm down. Usually just something as simple as YouTube or Netflix, since I don't like watching a lot of that normally.
Get my lil sister to jerk me off
>Do you have a relaxation routine?
Yeah I´ve got the most mad, hardcore intensive Relaxation routine you could possible imagine. GRRRRRRRRR
>have a drink with a friend (preferably not alcohol)
>shitpost here
>sit outside in a comfy sunny spot
>cold shower
>CBD meme oil
>bust a nut
>read a book
>valerian tea
>some fag stretching routine
Pick whichever is appropriate for the situation
every day after work i walk 20km up a hill for some tea with the old people haha
I listen to ASMR while stimulating the inside of my ass with anal beads.
She's really not. She's ok but that's some good lighting plus she knows how to pose.
how do you learn to relax? if take any downtime at all i just feel stressed out and shitty
bro she looks like fucking shit
I watch another episode of whatever anime I am watching, then I go to sleep early to get that sweet 8-9 hours of sleep.
First: Work out legs as hard as i can
Second: stumble home
Third: put on fresh bedsheets
Fourth: take a ice cold shower
Fifth: lay in bed, put on a harry potter audiobook and think about nothing
Thats the highlight of my dayly life.
If i ever have a gf add her in the bed and add cuddling to sleep
While I'm trying to fall asleep, I listen to guided meditation videos on youtube, specifically Lauren Ostrowski Fenton. It's saves me an hour or two of staring at the back of my eyelids every night
a solid 6.5/10. bruh you must be ugly as hell
I have a group of 6 close male friends I've known for roughly 10 years with whom I hang out with a lot, we smoke a joint, joke around, talk about gym related shit, talk about serious shit, play vidya and just have a good time in general. I can't stress enough how important deep, profound male friendships are.
You sound like a massive faggot. Zero friends checking in
Make some friends dude come on, stop with the external hate it won't take you anywhere.
What is with nu males espousing the need for male bonding, gurus, masculinity talk, rituals etc CONSTANTLY these days? you weaklings are giving me second hand embarrassment
>JUST make some friends
you don't belong here, please leave
I didn't mean it in the rigorous sense, there are plenty more steps to undertake. There are so many sources out there which could help you on your path to growth, starting with stopping all that external and internal hate. What are you going to do, wait for things to change? Wait for the world to change? You got to take action.