Has getting fit affect the way other people see you?
>be me
>6'2" blonde aryan
>always fit my whole life
>started lifting a year ago
>couples staring at me and then kissing
>older and fat men grunting
>taller men sucking their teeth when walking by
>fat or older women either miring hard or looking very angry at me
I don't give a fuck due to my literal autism and nihilistic attitude. I just boggles my mind how insecure people can get, if someone is fitter than thm
>blonde aryan
nice larp shit skin
oh boy
a LARPing race baiter thread
this should be good
I can be purposely aggravating but people will still back down from a fight. Its too bad because I'm trained and I like fighting.
coping slavs
Have sex brown haired manlet
>literal autism
>being able to interpret how other people feel about him
>people are doing things bc of how fit I am.
You’re an idiot.
I have the same experience except I'm not even fit.
I don't understand why people can't accept that there's just levels to attractiveness and it really doesn't matter that there are people above yours.
>started working out a lot more after me and my gf broke up.
>go to a gym like 5-6 days a week every morning
>old guy follows me around the gym and copies my routine.
>Tries to lift a lot heavier weights every time he sees me
>two fat bitches sat down right behind me when I was doing abs/stretching and just watched me
>my friend who started going to the gym was blown away I could deadlift 350 (lmao had to deload because of a broken wrist this isn’t even my final form)
>sister comments on my perfect body and gets awkward around me when I’m not fully clothed
Feels good man.
Fuck your sister and make your friend suck her gush off your dick.
of course. fatties always try to size me up. it's hilarous, the insecurity literally permeates out of them. pretty weird stuff.
Imagine (You) being tall (6'4"), slender yet built and then tell me again that jealousy and envy don't exist
Based Alabama poster
They're not doing it because you're jacked, because you're not. You're probably a dyel who looks like a tryhard. I'm pretty modest and I'm stronger than just about everyone at any gym I go to and I'm huge but no one tries that dumb shit on me.
You probably look like you don't even lift. Also natty 1RM is a meme
You're probably just ugly, m8
How you say that you are 'pretty modest' and 'stronger than just about everyone at your gym' in the same sentence is purely cope mate, just deal with fact people get looked at more often than you do
Ugly cunt: The post
>lemme tell you how i just don't give a fuck
>being a tall Jow Forums aryan alpha
>noticing other people
Also r8 me. I know I'm not massive. 22, at 6'5 the square cube law is a bitch.
>Nervous people grunting and flexing around you
What is the square cube law
haha yeah I know that feel. imagine not having blue eyes and blonde hair anyway LMAO shitskins
pleasefucking be op hahahahah ahhaha
Post body and height
187cm alpine swiss bro. wash and cut your hair grease ball
Please shave your body
Cool blog faggot
ye im germanic whats your point
I am 6'5 and I'm telling you exactly that, manlet
based swiss bro
>Good friends that I used to hang out with that doesn't lift stopped talking to me.
>Every time I walk outside I get gross cat calls and I can feel eyes on me.
>Most of my DM are just people who pretends to be my friend but in reality they just sees me as nothing but a fuck toy.
>When people talk to me all they talk about is gym and nothing interesting.
Not trynna larp here. I'm just honestly so sick of people sometimes. I don't bodybuild for the shallow reason of "attracting people", I do this because I simply enjoy it and I like competing. Ever since I got muscular it's like I attract the wrong crowd.
>being able to interpret how other people feel about him
This is a completely normal thing, user. If you can't do that, you probably either have actual autism or are just plain stupid.
It means if you want to double the apparent size of a muscle you have to increase the volume by 8x. So a guy with short arms has less volume to add to look big. Between 5'5 and 6'5 guys who both 'look big', the taller one would have to gain twice the weight to have the same apparent size.
Just imagine that arm bone being shortened by 3 or 4 inches. The arm muscle diameter would go up by like 2 inches.
>all these replies
>no rates
>still doesn't post body
Fuck your sister
is it really that unbeleivable that theres a few blonde haired, blue eyed white guys on this board?
are you that much of a mutt that you dont realize some people dont have degenerate nigger parents?
I'm the fittest one in my army unit and the newest guy there. Almost maxed out my pt score and a bunch of the old broken ass E4 MPs got salty at me. Everyone else loves me though because I'm the medic. Idgaf what anyone thinks though, I just wanna keep it up so I can be selected for SOF
They never do lol
I'm not gay so I can't rate but I see your dick and I wanna suk it
It’s him
>get new suit at work
>actually fitted on right
>muscles seem to bulge
>most of my coworkers “make fun” of me
>they’re just jealous i get to wear a nice fitted suit that show off my muscles
Getting mires from your lil sister is the best feeling imo
>blonde aryan
Dude full on tongue kissed kurt angle in the middle of the ring a while back....