What workout routine should I have if I'm not interested in gainz but just want to be healthy?
What workout routine should I have if I'm not interested in gainz but just want to be healthy?
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Stop eating carbs
Cardio & diet
Sure but what about in the gym?
Dont listen to him
Just do cardio, lift, eat healthy and sleep well
is keto a meme then?
No, but the "keto diet" is.
Yes, just as veganism and carnivore. Eat a balanced diet.
This. My favorite diet is common sense. Eat treats on occasion, make sure to eat enough variety of fruits and veggies, get enough protein, and avoid fast/junk food.
Yoga or Pilates are the pinnacle of healthy but soft fitness (they will increase tour mobility and stability and fix every posture problem).
Then do cardio (for stamina), and lift: no heavy, just do bodyweight squat, bridge, push-ups and light weights 12 x 3, never to failure.
Last but not least, diet.
Bodyweight stuff. Or if you want to use actual weights...pick a light weight and do 20-30 reps of whatever exercise. There’s also CrossFit, which gets memed pretty bad but can be great for muscular endurance and overall health.
You honestly don’t need much despite what retards here will tell you. Try doing body weight squats for 3-5min straight and you won’t be able to sit on the toilet with any semblance of grace tomorrow
1x3 sets of gym fuck arounds
20mins a day
If you just want to be healthy then you don't need a gym. Do cardio and eat clean. And instead spending money on a gym join a soccer club or something where you need to run a lot
Calisthenics/Body weight
Super set with 12x6x20 bent over barbell’s in ur ass
cardio and calisthenics
thats it
4000 met minutes a week (basically an hour a day of intense cardio)
Squat twice a week.
3x full body routine
3 mile run every other day (honestly no reason you couldnt run 3 miles everyday)
Omnivor diet, eat at maintenance, mostly home cooked meals or food from restaurants that use minimally processed ingredients ie. Chipotle.
Why bother chimming in if you have no idea what you're talking about?
It's still strength training user.
>prevents loss of bone mineral density with age
>reduced risk of chronic lower back pain
>improve physical ability and balance among elderly
>lower resting blood pressure
>increased cognition, beyond aerobic training alone (pic related)
>improved metabolic health in type 2 diabetes, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, no difference in efficacy here in strength training and aerobic training
>extremely positive effect on mental health
some studies showing improvements in memory, but the data seems inconclusive to me.
>And obviously, longevity
EVEN if you have ZERO interest in aesthetics or strength training, strength training is the SINGLE most important thing that nearly every human being in the world should be doing for their health. (That isn't to say that cardio is bad, but if you were forced to choose only one)
I cited sources for all of these, but I got spam filtered, sources here
Even your own chart says aerobic PLUS strength
nothing wrong with lifting but LISS cardio is superior for the purpose of longevity as well as mental health
Yikes dude NGMI
>Cardio (LISS and HIIT)
>Daily stretching and dynamic movements
>Beginner strength program until linear progression stops and then focus on maintaining strength
mostly nutrition and cardio
>nothing wrong with lifting but LISS cardio is superior for the purpose of longevity as well as mental health
you have ZERO actual evidence to back this up
just walk to the store and work and your fine
Cardio + light weights.
Neither do you, none of the studies you posted indicate that lifting extends longevity or promotes mental health better than cardio. In fact they all indicate that both aerobic and strength training yield different benefits, and that the combination of both is ideal.
>From these studies it appears that both in the short-term and long-term
there is something about combining aerobic and cognitive training programs that benefits
older adults more than either alone.
Lifespan - here is the evidence that cardio is superior for the purpose of longevity.
As far as mental health, you don't need studies to know that the runner's high is vastly superior to the lifter's high.