That moment of no-consciousness after a heavy deadlift...

>that moment of no-consciousness after a heavy deadlift, losing all faculty over the physical self and drifting into the void
Nothing quite like it

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me after doing hyperextensions

Squat high is better

if you like that, try long distance running for consciousness gainz

>when an electric jolt shoots down my leg after a set of heavy squats
That's what I lift for bros

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>tfw my knee starts to hurt during a deadlift

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Fuck existence fuck demiurge and fuck void.

This but for cleans

Wait a second are you supposed to lose consciousness during deadlifts?

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only if you breathe like a retard

I feel like this just as I push out a fat shit

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tigers are the superior animal in aesthetic

Bees are, you fucking idiot.

That's your sciatic nerve blowing

>tfw you start seeing stars and your lungs are burning before almost passing out after a hard HIIT session

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Glorious bees

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Supreme bee aesthetics....mmmmmmmmm

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Yes,or at least barely hold on to consciousness, otherwise you are not going heavy enough.

Do you appreciate the bees ??

I love them.

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I wish I was a bee

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Bees are pretty cool


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Honorable mention for this little stinger. He's good looking too...

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Good to know I'm not the only one

Yesterday was a very bad day. I got rejected, found out that I somehow managed to get a reputation of a beta orbiter in the new social circle I just joined and I relapsed again.
So today I went to the gym and deadlifted until I felt that moment you're describing to get a moment of silence and peace. Hit new RPM too.

how much do you dl?


Even worse, actually. I got preemptively rejected, long before I even decided to ask her out. Anyway, thanks to deadlifts for getting my mind off of it for a moment.

Try out this book desu

Will look it up. But I'll probably just do the local non-religious version of AA again instead and stat avoiding those people.

It really is a spiritual experience at it's best. I once spent 10 minutes sitting on a bench staring at a wall with absolutely no thoughts in my head after deadlift set, it was great.

me after a pushup