I spent two year killing my body and stuffing my body with god awful foods. I was miserable this whole time...

I spent two year killing my body and stuffing my body with god awful foods. I was miserable this whole time. I came here and only felt worse with my body image. I'm insecure about my height, my hairline, my build, and even my fucking jaw.

I was happier before I did all this. I'm giving up lifting and I'm going to go back to doing what I was before. I can enjoy foods and have more time not working out. I hope you guys see how much you're suffering

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forget to mention, I also became gay, and Im in love with sucking big black cocks, like seriously once I went black I never went back, fuck yall loosers keep suffering.

>kid is half Asian
Every time without fail

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op here, wow I would just deepthroat him hard

op again, do you have his number?
I want a threesome with him and my wife. He would be on top of course I just want to rim his asshole while he cums inside my wife.

>have more time not working out
nigga with a homegym youll spend 3x 90 minutes per week and you can even watch a movie while doing so. the benefits of that 180 minutes per week are enormous. Even if you went back to eating shitty food you could mitigate the damage by working out.

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>3x 90

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Damn you can see the soi in his face

>he cant lift 3x90 minutes in 180 minutes

Damn this guy had a really good body but gave it all away to drink IPAs and raise someone elses kid

>vietnamese kid


Most of us aren't suffering because we don't take this lookism crap seriously, you need help if you do.

you rack disciprine, you cuck

He was already dyel and fat before anyways

I wonder how he feels to have doomed his son to live as a HAPA.

IPAs aren’t bad. I’m pretty sure the people who drink IPAs are on average just as bad as the people who drink lagers

> I’m pretty sure the people who drink IPAs are on average just as bad as the people who drink lagers
Cope. Lager is great. IPA is disgusting hoppy citrussy shit.
IPA is catered towards soibois.
Lager is just for anyone.

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IPAs lower test

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>race mixing

Finna be a yikes from me

Without fail

lmao at those upvotes all those lazy fucks love seeing people regress

that's just your opinion man
nice broscience. but i hope you know there's hops in ALL beer user.

Yes, but some beer is less hoppy than others. IPAs are literally double/quadruple hopped then dry hopped during fermentation, rather than just a single hop addition in the boil like most non-hoppy beers.

The handwriting in this is barely legible

I spent four years trashing my body. I drank almost every day. I ate fast food almost every day, if not multiple times a day. I binge ate. I got no exercise. I had no energy. I hated life. I was close to 230 pounds. A size 38 waist.

And then I started to lift. 8 months later, I am 165 pounds. I eat clean, never for pleasure and only to get bettet at weightlifting, which has become my passion. I literally have more energy than I know what to do with. I'm a size 29, smallest I've been in my life. I've completely stopped drinking. People at work comment how I am noticably more confident and alpha.

I am living my best life because of lifting and living healthy. Fuck you, you dumb nigger OP. For every crab in a bucket shitter like you who has no drive to make it, there are dozens of people like me here who transformed their trash lives with fitness and healthy living.

That is his kid

What was your diet like?

>god awful foods
It's ok op. If you dont enjoy eating healthy you never would have made it anyway.

I think this is the real cope. Most IPAs are in fact shit, because they aren't bitter enough. Good triple hopped and imperial IPAs are few and far between and my preferred beer. I also like Imperial Stouts. Lagers and the like are too sweet and malty, plebbit fodder. Come at me bro

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>guys eat all the junk food, do all the drugs, and indulge in everything. Any amount of hardship is bad. Only seek comfort

Struggle is a means to an end
If you just struggle because ''muh stoicism i like the pain'' you're some late blooming troglodyte

If you just subject yourself to pain and suffering without some reward or goal at the end its worthless

t. brainlet.

You're like that kid who can't read cursive.
The writing, while not great, is still entirely legible throughout