>barely even trains anymore
>eats vegan junkfood garbage all the time
>still bigger than 99.9% of the people here
Meatcels btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
>suddenly increasing weights left and right after being at a plateau for years
why do i get the impression that he smells
Op, you (and others) need to come to terms with the fact that all these instamgrammers, youtubers, whatevers are on steroids.
if your job is to look good, and too look bigger/better than the other guy, you need to be on gear. And when you're on gear, the next tuber is also going to have to go on gear. YT/IG is one big steroid fueled human centipede.
I believe he was natty for years. And he never looked that good. Always looked kinda gross.
If he really looks like that picture, that's definitely steroids.
diosmio keep making those Veganal Gains
hes nigger
Lmao it would be incredibly ironic if he roided when he's constantly pissing on other youtubers for eating meat and blasting gear because it's so "unhealthy" while preaching about his own supposedly superior health.
Coping meatcels
Lol, what happened?
That's not natty at all
Arnold had 22 inch arms after years and years on steroids with superb genetics
You really think a vegan got 19 inch arms natty?
He’s on gear and still looks like shit. What a gay loser
Didnt know Synthol was vegan
Post body with timestamp
He started using fat grips, that's why.
I can't wait to add half an inch to my arms in two weeks / 4 arm workouts with these fat grips!
He looks fucking weird and bloated. Like big but not in an impressive way almost like he has gigantism.
meat has nothing to do with this, no matter what you eat you cant make high, fast gains after you reach plateau (as natty)
I know the kind of excuses he makes, I make them too when going on and off cycle.
Going off cycle - "Oh yeah, I'm gonna cut now, not eating much"
Going on cycle - "Oh yeah, I'm gonna bulk hard af now and I found this new way of training"
>constantly depressed
>has hallucinations
>has anxiety issues
>farts a lot
>shits twice a day (at 6:39)
>his shit smells horrible, confirmed by his gf (At 7:42)
>gets injections
Don't fall for the vegan jew fit.
he's way too deep into it, he can't back out now, he has to stick with it, even though he's lying and juicing
People will do anything for money.
If his shit smells he's doing something weird.
I'm a vegan and I lay GIANT shits and they don't really smell like much. There's no scary lingering odor.
>shits twice a day (at 6:39)
U don't>?
>I'm a vegan
Why have you decided to be dumb?
Not the guy, but I don't, once daily.
I'm eating 3500 kcals a day and weight 95kg @15%
One shit is the norm. Save it for the morning right before you shower
>>shits twice a day
What? I thought shitting 3-4 times a day was the norm
Look at the stomachlet
>>constantly depressed
>>has hallucinations
>>has anxiety issues
He was like that before he went vegan, so not sure what that has to do with anything. Not all things in life are diet related.
>>farts a lot
>>shits twice a day (at 6:39)
>>his shit smells horrible, confirmed by his gf (At 7:42)
That's not unique to veganism, but I will admit eating more fiber (typical on a vegan diet) makes you fart and shit more. Eating a lot of fiber has a good impact on your gut microbiom though.
>>gets injections
He gets these because he thinks his body might not be able to absorb oral B12, but you don't need to do that if your body is working properly. If this actually is the case then he wouldn't be able to get B12 from animal products either btw.
Black genetiks
he should try the meat only diet like peterson
>injects b12
>injects steroids
>injects anything
Lmao and calls himself natty, what a fat faced ugly joke
Why would injecting vitamins mean you aren't natty? Are you not natty anymore because you got vaccinated?
no m8. 1 shit a day, shower after so clean asshole and prevent an infection. i wiping till you bleed ain't enough brother, cheers.
getting basic nutrients/vitamins only with pills/supplements means your diet ain't that natural or normal
i shit like 3 times a week
Vegays will never have kids so cheers to his bloodline dying out in a flurry of iceberg lettuce like a weak fat bitch
Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:
Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:
"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"
Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:
"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."
These next five are case studies:
Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:
Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:
Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:
Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:
"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."
In nature you would get your B12 from the soil and untreated water, but who would prefer that over a supplement? We simply don't live in nature anymore. Most B12 is fed to livestock btw, so chances are you too are getting B12 supplements from eating animal products.
VG got a vasectomy btw
>In nature you would get your B12 from the soil and untreated water
And those sources would make you sick, unless you consume animals like our ancestors did
>who would prefer that over a supplement?
People who don't want to depends on lab made drugs and pills ?
>We simply don't live in nature anymore.
Yet we have the worst the worst diets of all time. Sugar and carb consumption are at their highest in our modern time, and the only "alternative" that is promoted by the big pharmas and capitalist industries is veganism. Meanwhile, meat consumption is demonized constantly. A meat diet with low carbs and no sugar is our ideal diet.
>Most B12 is fed to livestock btw, so chances are you too are getting B12 supplements from eating animal products.
Cattle make cobalamin (B12) in their rumen via bacteria that's part of their microflora that convert trace elements of cobalt from the grasses/forbs they eat.
You guys realize we humans are omnivores, right? We can eat pretty much whatever we want, so long as we get our vitamins and exercise.
That being said, protein is very important, make sure you get enough whatever your diet.
I easily shit 4 times a day everyday
Thats honestly not normal/healthy lmao
I get the impression he and his mongoloid gf engage in scat play, regularly shitting on each other.
What the fuck...
Once a day masterrace here.
oh shit, gains goblins really do exist
Are you implying our ancestors didn't drink any water?
>Sugar and carb consumption are at their highest in our modern time
The problem isn't carbs, it's that people eat processed foods instead of whole foods. Have you ever seen anyone get fat from eating fruits and vegetables?
>A meat diet with low carbs and no sugar is our ideal diet.
That's a bold claim, do you have any evidence for that?
>protein is very important, make sure you get enough whatever your diet.
No need to worry about that, unless you work out. You can eat nothing but potatoes and get adequate amounts of protein to be healthy.
>has hallucinations
He talked about this many times, he has serious mental issues
Can you link some spesific video where he mentions the subject or is it in almost everyone?
Is he abusing some drugs, according to his videos?
>Are you implying our ancestors didn't drink any water?
They didn't eat the soil or raw plants.
>The problem isn't carbs
High carbs will always be bad, worse if you wanna lose weight.
>it's that people eat processed foods instead of whole foods
We can agree here on the rise of processed shit
>Have you ever seen anyone get fat from eating fruits and vegetables?
Actually yeah. Consumption of beans, sweetcorns, potatoes etc can make you fat.
Fruits still have sugar in them, so you can live without them.
>That's a bold claim, do you have any evidence for that?
Officially, you're not gonna find many things, aside from your average myths like "meat gives you hearth disease and shit" sponsored by your local cereal company.
Look up legit people who've been on carnivore / mostly meat diets with no sugar or low/no carbs. It worked for me, digestion wise and losing weight.
He has a history of depression and suicidal thoughts, even after becoming vegan. In fact, some of them are recent. He made some vlogs if i remember.
You're kidding right?
kek, and he even larps as a natty
>They didn't eat the soil or raw plants.
They were drinking untreated water and of course they were eating fruits and vegetables lmao
>High carbs will always be bad, worse if you wanna lose weight.
Please show me why whole foods are bad. It's hard to overeat on whole foods. There is even a guy who ate nothing but potatoes for a year and he lost a ton of weight. Look up SpudFit on YT.
>Have you ever seen anyone get fat from eating fruits and vegetables?
>Actually yeah. Consumption of beans, sweetcorns, potatoes etc can make you fat.
They definetly weren't just eating whole foods then. They probably still ate oil, sugar or fatty animal products or something like that.
>Officially, you're not gonna find many things, aside from your average myths like "meat gives you hearth disease and shit" sponsored by your local cereal company.
>Look up legit people who've been on carnivore / mostly meat diets with no sugar or low/no carbs. It worked for me, digestion wise and losing weight.
Ah yes, anecdotes from people on the internet, the gold standard of carnivore science.
Holy shit.
That call of duty clip was very disturbing.
>and of course they were eating fruits and vegetables lmao
Most of our recent vegetables and fruits are man made. Look up wild carrots , wild watermelon, wild corn or wild avocados etc. No way your teeth or stomach would like those.
>There is even a guy who ate nothing but potatoes for a year and he lost a ton of weight.
He was physically active , not sedentary. Have him be a couch potato with that diet, and he'd be a lardass. Also, i can imagine he didn't get a lot of nutrients for 1 year. Either he supplemented or secretly ate other things.
>They probably still ate oil, sugar or fatty animal products or something like that.
Sugar, carbs and vegetable oil are at their highest nowadays in our history
>Ah yes, anecdotes from people on the internet, the gold standard of carnivore science..
Yes, because big businesses, capitalists and pharmas want us to be healthy and not dependent on them rather than make profit, good one. Like the guy that made cornflakes who also supported circumcision. The origins of veganism in the US is capitalist and to some extent religious, it even influenced the modern food pyramid. Veganism is modern and artificial.
What's next, diversity is our strength ?
If you want to be healthy you should keep an eye on protein and calories, but yeah, you right.
for years you guys said he was weak, now he actually changed his training methods and managed to put on mass and suddenly he's on roids now?
Here's a radical thought: maybe it's just possible that if you eat enough and train correctly you'll get stronger
At least post recent videos if you're gonna claim he's having hallucinations currently
He changed alot since he started dating his gf and after they tried to shut down his channel
It's the "anyone bigger than me it's on roids" argument.
Someone accidentally shut down his channel. Vegan activists (leftist/antifa faggots) don't lose their channels on youtube lol. VG was back up in extremely short time, and some mid-tier decider lost his or her job.
Getting banned and having your channel get shut down is stricktly for right wingers, which you know.
VG is a sick self-castrated vegan, all vegans are weird antifa and he's just one of them.
They weren't even 22 inches. With a pump they were barely 20.
also VG is not very lean, Arnold was shredded
This. His entire personal identity and income, is tied to his online identity.
If he started eating mean and animal products he instantly loses EVERYTHING. Money, and his very identity, and he KNOWS his suicide cult friends will turn on him too.
Vegans are more cruel toward Ex-vegans than normal meat eaters.
He's 1/2 way redpilled on certain subjects, but shilling for ((((((((((veganism)))))))))) is where he is most leftist, he's also dumping on anyone who thinks women should not vote, etc etc.
He also raged against a vegan (John Ross) for trying to redpill people on Hitler, so VG is just another faggot non-white jew-worshipping vegan shill to me.
You probably are too
Who fucking cares? Humans are bad for this planet anyway. Anyone raising more of them should be beat.
He isn;t natty
He injects shit into his arms
He looks like utter shit
He complains about poor health and mental illness every video.
Why are vegtards still a thing on here? Veganism is for braindead teenage girls coerced into destroying their looks and fertility to "save the animals" by far-left zealots. It has no place on a fitness board.
Sure enough, vegans hate ex-vegans more than anyone else.
Why bother being in shape when your wife looks worse than a post-op tranny?
>Jow Forums posting outside of Jow Forums
You have to go back
You probably just cant smell because being vegan has ravaged your body and reduced your senses
Why does his head look so weird
Nig er
Been on Jow Forums for a long time and I hate niggers. This shit just gets old. Like haha, we all hate niggers, no need to make the same boring fucking jokes everyday and expect everyone to laugh.
>look look! I hate niggers too1!!!
I usually don't care but something about the expectedness of your joke made me angry. I could see it coming from a mile away and it's like someone telling you a pun for the thousandth time.
i shit 1-2 times a day on average. Yesterday I did four times.
I shit like once every few days.
This is that guy who laughed at the cancer patient right? Didn't he also make a video about how he wasn't sorry that his grandfather died of a heart attack?
You were probably giggling and posting "lol niggers" when you were in middle school. Don't deny the little amoeba the same fun you grew out of.
Yeah the next level is when the attitude is just embedded as a fact, no need to assert or discuss it.
He's a common-or-garden narcissist who will either grow out of it to fit in among humans or actually grow enough as a human to be empathetic. Either way, being callous and ideological is the historically proven recipe for killing millions and playing the victim at the same time.
A 225x5 bench isn’t that great considering you’ve been training to 10 years lmfao
Anyone know Durianrider? Fuck that animal abusing piece of shit. Pic related look at his response to me. Feeding cats a vegan diet.
Fat AF with tiny shoulder joints. Ever since he got fat it's been hiding how fucked his insertions are.
Don't forget fit, he's also a low IQ high school drop out.
>but I'm sure that's just a "coincidence" with vegans
He's got a doctorate in Google studies.
literalJUSTboi here
High school lowers your IQ. Good that he dropped out
miscegenation. You really thought two completely different species could breed without things going wrong?
Cory McCarthy is superior to VG and this must be known