I'm gonna quit playing video games cold turkey

I'm gonna quit playing video games cold turkey.

I went through a depressive episode and got addicted to it, became lazy, lost 11 kg (76 to 65 kg) and now I want to get my life back on track (especially gaining a few pounds of muscle). I already started working out and doing nofap but I need some tips for what I can do if I get cravings again.

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Are you me? Selling picrelated this week. I used to olay online for years but online makes it way too addictive especially considering I am extremely good at a game called Onrush (yiu might have not heard about it)
The reason why I say "this week" and not today/tomorrow is because I need to clean my appartment, I'd be embarassed for a buyer to see in what kind of a filthy mess I live in

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Just have something else to do. I setup Anki recently, which lets you use flashcards to learn about anything.

How well you do on a card determines how often you see it again, so that if you repeatedly get it right it'll be months or even years before you see it again.

The result is an efficient learning system where you master cards and only see them frequently enough to know you've mastered them.

I worked my way through the presidents by number, the NATO alphabet, every country/capital/location on map/flag with great success.

I'm not going to sell my Ps3 I think. I'm going to unplug it and put it in a box for when a friend comes over once in a while, but I'm going to delete all of my Steam games from my Laptop for certain.

Meant to say I used to play offline

I'm actively looking for stuff to do in my free time atm. I can already do voluntary work in a garden every saturday and when I'm not going to college, do some chores around the house and help my grandmother when she needs groceries or rubbish taken away.

I lost my job a few months ago and decided to go all in on my side-hustle to scale it up.
First thing I did was delete all my vidya and cancel my playstation plus membership.

I still procrastinate sometimes, but now when I procrastinate I do things like:
grooming (started paying attention to my skincare)
going to the gym more often

>help my grandmother
also based, treat her well. my grandma died yesterday ;_;
she shot a fucking bear that was too close to her cabin... while pregnant

>she shot a fucking bear that was too close to her cabin... while pregnant
oh, I should mention, that's not how she died

get rid of it. it's making your life worse. it's a figurative bag of trash in your house and you need to take it to the dumpster - or give it away/sell it. Forget your what ifs. You arent a 14yo anymore you need to stop playing vidya

based roomcleaner

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my condolences. She is my last grandparent (she's 82) who's still alive and I make sure to treat her well.

get the zanki deck

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I'm not going to sell it. I'm just going to unplug my Ps3 and delete all the games from my Steam folder. I'm just going to play when a friend of my comes along once every 2-3 months or so instead of hours playing solo everyday.

videogames are not a part of a balanced and healthy life past the age of 16

Tell me one pro of playing videogames. One (1)

you should probably quit this website too while you're at it. you're just wasting time here

I'm unironically gonna do that as well

I actually want to get back into vidya bros.

What the fuck should I buy and what game should I look into?

I completely stopped caring about vidya like 5 years ago and everytime I play it feels like a chore.

I liked games like mount and blades, minecraft. I'm not into multiplayer very much I like to play games to relax, I'm stressed enough already with my job.

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discipline is actually putting barriers between you and your temptations
discipline doesn't happen in the moment. it happens while you are strong and preparing for the times you are weak

>zanki deck
that's for med school, right? I'm not in medschool.

I'm open to learning about first aid or similar.

well why tf are you learning about president #s? learning about your body and health is more useful

how much you selling ps4 for

videogames actually help me to be happy, suck to not have self control

Fucking this.
Everytime i see these faggots giving up any kind of entertainment in a search for discipline (even if they won't make their beds in the morning and are disgusting neets) I remember that one time Chris-Chan destroyed his playstation and regretted it afterwards.

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Play a real character.

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working on nihongo myself

>Not meeting a buyer in a busy public place.

Came here to say this.
Learn some self discipline and control your urges. Don't drop all your fun stress relieving hobbies like a retard looking to prove something to himself

>Making fun of a based, recently deceased grandmother.
You feel good about yourself now, user?

Nobody's going to buy a console if you can't plug it in to prove it works.

Play the original Deus Ex with the GMDX revision mod, literal best game narrative to ever exist