Whats the best exercises if you only want to exercise for hormonal and chemical benefits

Whats the best exercises if you only want to exercise for hormonal and chemical benefits

Like getting exercise endorphins

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Any routine that includes strength + cardio + flexibility.
Ever since I've included cardio and stretching I've felt godly every day.
Limiting yourself to only one or two is handicapping yourself.

Cardio, easily

Is running up and down stairs good cardio?

Yes, actually.
Stair climbs and running on an incline have the added benefit of strengthening legs more than running on a flat plane.

Not bad but it's gonna be intense. More like HIIT.
If you want the full mental benefits, you want LISS, meaning long distance running on flat terrain.

Wait why is a flat terrain long distance better?

You could also try barbell complexes and widowmakers, shit's intense

From personal experience I've found that HIIT workouts are too short to release much endorphins. When you're running long distances, you have to go push through pain for an extended period of time, and that yields a really strong high once you get to the other side of the pain.

Well what if I go up and down stairs for 20-30 minutes, do you think that would be long enough for a decent amount of endorphins?

Boxing is pretty great, the exercises give you a pump and get your heart rate up, and sparring gives you that adrenaline boost as well. Afterwards it always feels like you’ve done more than you would in a normal week of college or work, maybe just because it satisfies more primal urges

Why not just go run outside you fucking rat

How do you add in felxibility? Just like stretch before you workout?

Reminder squat and deads increase test

how long do you estimate you'd have to run to start getting endorphins?

heavy lifts + getting a pump + cardio + good stretching

Don't all exercises?

Cycling is pretty /comfy/.

Kettle Bell Swings. Do them for as long as possible. After 50 reps @ 35lbs I feel like I'm going to keel over and die.

My usual routine is 5 sets of 50 @ 35lbs. Leaves me feeling pretty full of happy brain chemicals.

Walking like 30 minutes every day (if you feel up to it and there is nice weather)

at absolute minimum lift like 2 times a week and cardio at least every other day. If you're not looking to gain mass just keep your protein intake under 100 grams a day. It's pretty much impossible to gain without both eating and lifting progressively heavier stuff. Although start out with like more protein though because you'll need it at first.

Cocaine snorts 1*F.

At least 30 min straight. Although the more trained you are, the more it will take.

curls nigga
nothing but curls

Squatting on cocks

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Dynamic stretching before workout for a warmup
Static, holding stretchrs after the workout when it's already warmed up and/or before bed for max flexibility gains.

How about walking, running, swimming, yoga, tai chi, dancing, rock climbing?