FINALLY under 365 lads!
FINALLY under 365 lads!
Oh, say can you see
Cut ur nail pls
Good shit, man.
imagine the smell..
I honastly have no idea what i would rather choose, to be 365 pounds. Or to have feet like that, dear lord i can't figure out which is worse.
Good job bro.
He probably can't.
You can fix being 365lbs
Those feet are more fixable than being 365 pounds
Good job, but you better hurry dropping more weight. Those toes look like they wanna turn necrotic in a few years
Is that gangrene?
I lost 20 pounds in a month on the ketogenic diet. It was easy. Literally just only drink water. Never eat sugar. Don't eat any carbs. But eat all the meat you can handle.
Forgot to say it was the carnivore version of the ketogenic diet. If a person ONLY eats meat, they will lose weight fast as fuck.
To newfriends looking at this image. The point of this thread is to look at the disgusting nail and leave a "witty" comment in the comment section. This image gets posted regularly with the same OP. Don't forget to put sage in the options field.
>be a genetic cripple
>told 10 years ago that I'd be in a wheelchair in 5
>not in a wheelchair yet but knees and hips getting worse every year
>still try and get out to walk
>can't lift because bad joints
>can't cycle because all my joints go to shit and recovery takes longer
>can only walk short distances in short bursts
>have to pace every part of my life
>life consists of taking pain meds, sleeping and physio
>still not 365lbs
>not even close
How do people do it. You can live an almost entirely inactive life but it's nearly impossible to consume that many calories to get to that weight with fat.
Even if you want to drop a few lbs, it's easy enough to go without food as long as you're not a moron.
How do you put on socks
Kek. Fucking Americans, amirite
man, that's really sad to see.
OP is probably not the person in the pic, but I really hope that person gets the help they need and lives a happy life
I will have nightmares about those feet
Keep up the weightloss, you can do it!
What you got user?
Even if your a faggot with shitty toenails we're still rooting for you, user!
from diabetes
I went to walmart for the first time in my life to see if they had a certain phone screen protector and holy fucking shit, the pictures are all true, all of them. I have never seen a more concentrated group of white trash and nonwhites in my entire life.
I feel more clean in a fucking stripclub.
It was a very American expirence.
Think of all the people in your life who could have scaly necrotic feet and you'd never even know.
>I have never seen a more concentrated group of white trash and nonwhites in my entire life.
Never been to family reunion huh
Peripheral vascular disease secondary to diabetes
whats ligma
ligma balls
I'd rather cut your nails for you than fuck a woman right now.
>those necrotic toes
Shit man. Better lose weight quicker before the gangrene makes you lose it rapidly.
>Comment section
>Thinks sage still does anything
lol do think he can even touch his own feet let alone clip his toenails
>that beetus foot
Rest in piss feet.
>falling for the bait
Great work op, now just lose 1 pound per day for the next year and you will have made it