Starting Strength LP Advice needed

Hey friends, I Just finished week 7 of my SS/LP routine as a beginner and am running into some problems having energy for Deadlifts.
Squat: 255lb
DL: 275lb
Bench: 165lb
OHP: 125lb
I'm finding that later in the week my Deadlifts are starting to fall to my squat level and sometimes even lower, I just can't get the bar up. It feels like my squats are just exhausting me hard. Anyone else face a similar issue when they were a novice? Any input would help, thanks everyone, together we can get strong.

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How often are you deadlifting? Are you squatting 3 times a week heavy, or are you doing a light squat day wednesday?

Also, weight, and weight change in the last month. Sleeping okay, enough?

first 4-5 weeks I DL everyday. Now I DL Monday and Friday, and row on Weds.
I'm squatting max all 3 days.

What does your routine look like. There are a lot of iterations of SS and some are shitty

For sure start throwing in a light on Wednesday at about 80% of Monday’s weight for squats. You can do them paused or tempo to be less bored. Also drop to 5lb jumps on DL if you aren’t doing that already

How about your weight?

who told you to do that? because it wasnt mark rippetoe

I'm 6'1 with super large shoulder frame and small hips, started with chicken legs.
I started at 200lb and I'm at 212lb. I had some chunk goin into this (I cut from 350lb fatfuck - 188lb) but even though I went up in weight I look way better. Eating somewhat vertical diet with some extra cheat meals for social time.

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Here is a really solid way to transition SSNLP to a weekly progression.

Heavy Squat 5x5
Medium Bench 4x5 (5% less than Friday)
Medium Deadlift 3x5 (10-15% less than Friday)

Light Squat 3x5 (80% of Monday)
OHP 5x5
BB Row 5x5

Heavy Deadlift
Heavy Bench 5x5
Medium Squat 4x5 (10% of Monday)

Increase 5 pounds per week on each thing

I sort of freestyle'd the first 4 weeks, but as of the past 3 weeks it's been:


I usually finish with assisted chinups,pullups, or dips for 2x8.

Definitely here to fix my routine and not say mine is the correct one.

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Do what said. Also switch out your deadlifts for power cleans, they are easy to learn and they assist your deadlifts.
You should be deadlifting every second session, so it'll be deadlift/power clean/deadlift one week and power clean/deadlift/power clean.

Also, you doing your chin ups, buddy?

At his stats, he has time before he needs to get fancy.

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and 3x5!!!

DL 1x5

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Have you read the book? You really should. If you're cheap its on Search Starting strength. Third edition is the third result down.

I haven't read it cover to cover, maybe I just need to sack up and do that.

Another issue I'm running into is my thumb placement/grip for squats. I was told that I need to not wrap my thumb around but it puts so much strain on my wrists, and feels way more secure when I do wrap my thumb, same for OHP.
All I get online is conflicting info basically to every aspect of SS.

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Yeah, it's worth taking the effort to read.

For wrist pain, check out this videos and see if they help you.

>tfw lifting for 18 months and still haven't reached what this guy did in 7 weeks
kill me

You need to watch more Shonen anime and unlock your strength dormant inside of you.
Only way.

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I honestly can't recover from 5x5 in one day. It takes me like four days.

are you gaining or losing weight? bulking and maintaining and i handle 5x5 fine, but cutting even .5 a week and i feel like death

He might've started off stronger than you. Don't be down on yourself.

It's a longer road for us manlets, this is normal.

>7 weeks
Damn bro, how much do you weigh? That's good progress

I started at 55 kg (5'10") and had trouble with most lifts. Here are my starting stats:
Squat BW
Deadlift 30kg with rounded back
OHP not even the bar
Bench Bar 1RM
Now I weight 82 kg. Current stats:
ATG Squat 80kg
Deadlift 130kg (proper form)
OHP 45~50
Bench Haven't benched in forever but it's probably 55 kg
I just eat as much as I can.
I know, but my stats are shit. My training was very erratic. The first year I trained, I actually only trained for six months total and my longest streak was two months. I had a severe cold for a month, exams for two months, twisted ankle for a month and procrastination for two more. As I type this I haven't been to the gym in three weeks after a 1.5 month streak. I think I've only properly lifted for 8 months.
This is not true

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