>functional training
Functional training
Can someone tell me what functional training is? I’ve been lifting and doing judo for a couple of years and I still don’t know what that means
Training that contracts the muscles in all 3 planes of movement simultaneously. Also, those who say its a meme are those who will suffer from lower back pain by the age of 25
Might be dumb question but what exercise would make my muscle contract in 3 different planes?
Ah I see I'm an athlete in a team sport and I'm supposed to ignore the specific training I'm supposed to be doing and instead train for """aesthetics""" like some desperate kissless virgin? I don't think so.
Some of you really need to take a hard objective look at your priorities.
haha wow man that is very cool
Not dumb at all, most people focus on single planar exercises. One example is pic related, single leg deadlifts holding a dumbell on a bosu medicine ball. You have to isometrically stabilize your body for a perfect movement through the whole motion while at the same time performing the deadlift while preventing your body from moving left/right. It's extremely difficult but gives you insane neuromuscular gains and nerve adaptation. It's good to switch the goal of the exercises from simply 'lifting as much as possible' to something that benefits your kinetic model every now and then
>I’ve been lifting
>and doing judo
So autistic that the regular autists look down on you.
>going on fit
>not lifting
Why r u even here fatty?
I do crossfit
Overdose on HRT discord tranny
Ah so you’re a retard.
>implying crossfit doesn’t have lifting
You could at least say zumba
Seeing this input now makes me understand the exercise more. Guess I should give it a try to mix things up.
>it's always some redneck spinning a brick around in circles
>they're bitching about "barbell junkies" being haters while openly claiming that someone who squats 400lbs is not as strong as their brick spinners.
High school kids should not give advice.
>Not dumb at all
>post that image
You seriously need to get your priorities straight kid.
>You have to isometrically stabilize your body for a perfect movement through the whole motion
Yeah because deadlifting heavy doesn't require stabilizing your whole body or you'll snap your back
Take your circus act and fuck off the gym.
Just as much as tradies go "I do not need to train, my work is my routine"
Then having hernias or joint damage which they got at work or moving some shit at home.
It is a meme though. I'm older than 25 and my back's never been better doing traditional bodybuilding exercises. If anything, you're more likely to get back pain from doing retarded weighted bosu ball shit.
That’s the shit I see in gym cringe compilations on YouTube. I’ll pass.