*Isolates your chest better than barbell*


*No setup required*


*Better ROM*


*Doesn't allow you to cheat using triceps*


*Leaves your triceps unexhausted so you can isolate them with actual tricep workouts*


*Don't have to wait for a rack*


*Can go to failure without spotter*


*Easier to do dropsets*


*Don't have to move pins to switch to incline*


Attached: dumbbell-bench-press-chest-weights-main.jpg (1280x960, 273K)

*snaps rotator cuff*

heh... nothin personnel kiddo


>Do Benchpress
>Do benchpress variation
>Do dumbell bench for high reps

Why have one when you can do it all baby

>*No setup required*
Nice try faggot.
You have to deadlift 300lbs or row 150lbs each hand just to get them in place, then you have to rock back with good form.
You can have 5pl8s on a barbell ready to be lifted off the hooks at any time.

fuck whenever I do this exercise my shoulder hurts so fucking bad

I definitely prefer db press and if you don't ego lift you're not going to snap your shit

Depends. I keep my dumbbells on either side of my flat bench. I lay down. I reach down, and I lift them up one at a time.

I'm DYEL, so the heaviest I can go right now is 35lb, so 70lb total. I usually do slow sets of 20.

I feel like if I go heavier I won't be able to lift them off the floor from that position, or lower them onto the floor gently.

Position them onto your knees as you sit, use your knees to assist in "pushing" them up into a seated press position then lay back in a controlled manner keeping your arms straight and dbs up in the air

When you're done, use the momentum of lowering them onto your hips to push yourself back into the seated position

I saw a video about it a little while back and it's been working great

Lift them up onto your knees like pic related then roll back on to the bench before pressing them up.

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 18K)

Someone hasn't been doing their facepulls.

>rapes your elbow tendons trying to get 80+ pound dumbells stabilized before the first rep

Attached: 1554946647502.jpg (700x734, 44K)

You be saying dumb bells are aktually smart

Yeaahp I do incline and flat db press. If you are scared of heavy dumbells you can just do high rep. I was using 45lb dbs 3 months ago and now I do 75s so I would say a good strength builder for sure.

This is basically what I do, up to 110lbs each arm and it works fine. The major argument against DB bench is that it is moving less weight overall, which is usually true because you need more stabilizers than BB bench. But I still use it as a main chest lift.

Wtf y’all do 35lb dumbbell? I can barely do 15lb/hand cuz my shoulder fella like it finna snap

Implying tendons can't be strengthened....dude.

"Muscles grow but bones and anything else CANNOT grow stronger" that's literal admission of retardation

Personally I prefer dumbbell press on a small incline, like 1 or 2 notches. It feels much more natural than having to lay down all the way on the bench, and I feel like I can stabilise better and use a bit more leg drive. That's just what works for me, so I stick with it.


Anyone else afraid of dropping this shit on their chest or face?

That’s a weird way to tell everyone you do them wrong.

Anyone not doing weighted pushups is a faggot

Attached: D481729F-45FB-47C0-AF83-42D269D84520.png (600x520, 292K)

Anyone else grip hurts benching?
it only happens to my non-dominant hand

That’s when you have to make the call on your limit of control.

What do you put on your back if you lift alone?

Same here, or wrist rather. I've dropped bench for good, only dumbells for me

Backpack and plates inside.

FUCK bench press

this post was made by dumbbell bench gang

there is literally no reason to do bar bell work outs

pic related is all i will ever need to work everything

Attached: teb.jpg (1632x1224, 567K)

I meant on the DB bench

DB bench doesn't produce enough force to be a main lift, but it's a useful assistance exercise.

>tfw the heaviest dumbbells in my gym are 42kg and they're too light

>poorfag cope

t. roid nigger

post body

Attached: Me.jpg (1440x1080, 497K)

people who say this are either enlightened or coping that they cant get good form/weight on bench

who the fuck posts their entire family on Jow Forums, fuck you dude

When I do this I have bruises on my thighs from the weight.


I do db bench at home until I can reach 2pl8 barbell because I'm too scared to go into the gym and do baby barbell bench weights

I hear that whatever weight you can do with dumbbells you can do slightly more using a barbell

ya, what's the problem?

I missed this meme.

Yes, DB press is superior.

Recently my barbell only friend tried it out. He couldn't even handle 3/4s of his Barbell weight, he was so unstable, his arms were like wacky waving inflatable arm man.

Dude has literally no stabiliser muscles because he never uses DBs.

You've gone too far beyond

I'm not gonna bother wasting 50% of my energy trying to setup 110 lbs

>do a pushup too fast
>backpack falls forward
>the weight in the backpack slams against the most delicate part of your neck
yeah really safe.

Just ignore Jow Forumss lies. I go to a pretty hardcore weight lifting gym and its still very rare to see someone bench 2pl8. Even 1pl8 isnt that common and a lot of guys do .75pl8

>5 plates

What's your point? Very few roiders even get there

>no ab wheel
never gonna make it

I do 130 pushups, then do 4 sets of 20 with 30 ib BD press. Great exercise for chest.

>not being too poor to buy an ab wheel, and using a skateboard instead
>not balancing your feet on ball while wheeling forward to improve stabilizer muscles


>skateboard gives you an awkward grip
>ball prevents you from keeping the correct form thus fucking up your lower back

>he can't keep the correct form
>his fragile stabilizer muscles haven't evolved this far
maybe one day, user. But you keep on doing your "exercise"

in all seriousness the correct form is not what you think ie it's not having your back straight. you have to arch you back like a cat and tuck in your tailbone and keep it this way for the whole rep. having a ball under your feet makes it impossible to do

Pretty good looking for a middle aged lady, nice job. And your family is beautiful.

For those that do DB press, do you also do BB press?

I'm 4 months lifting now and I can do 3 sets of 5x100 kg right now. That's 2pl8 right? My gym's pretty casual, so no way people in a serious gym won't get to that lv.

Sometimes. Mainly i do DB because the barbell bench is always taken, and its more dangerous whereas i can go to my limit on DBs pretty much, without a spotter. And spotters are fucking useless anyway and who asks a random person to spot for you anyway?

BB press always feels kinda easy compared to DB press. You dont have to manage your balance its just one combined motion.

Yes doing DB press from time to time is great to balance out strength asymmetry between left and right side.

Serious people can, it's just not that common to see.

Post body

>he only does one form of a compound

>Do a pushup fast
>Doesn't fasten the straps on the backpack
>Doesn't have the form to stabilize the plates, or even use something like a towel to keep them from moving if he has to

Oh no, it's retarded.

How limited are my chest and leg gains if my adjustable dumbbells go up to 52.5 lbs each? I'm doing flat and incline DB press and Bulgarian split squats for legs.

Attached: Dw42NeHX4AAUXt9.jpg (750x595, 77K)

Use lighter weight

I'd be more concerned about the embarrassment of failing the rep than actually hurting myself.

I can’t believe 66 faggots (not me) added to this legit Reddit thread