Farted twice while squatting yesterday and made a qt move her yoga mat to the other side of the turf as everyone stared...

Farted twice while squatting yesterday and made a qt move her yoga mat to the other side of the turf as everyone stared at me in disgust have I achieved peek performance Jow Forums?

Attached: F3AD90BC-D875-4BD4-9C08-4C23B501E6B5.jpg (1242x1061, 727K)

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>wish we could back to before we had rapid access entertainment so that life would be so boring that people would talk to me.

This, but unironically

Attached: milk tho.jpg (585x467, 62K)

what an absolute shit choice of pic for this retarded statement. literally anything with people sitting around wouldve been fine but this retard chose people swimming which is the one instance were no one would have a phone. if this happens to you just get better friends

also yeah one time in a training session for those us us that had taken a swimming classes I let one rip while doing squats, a bunch of qts looked at me weirdly. They wouldn't have gone out with me anyway so fuck it.

Op here it’s literally an album cover

it's fine OP were making fun of whoever made the image not you


Attached: 1553487089589.jpg (228x212, 6K)

good album

Attached: 26F901CA-6580-40A2-B916-370D5D50230F.jpg (600x516, 67K)

I miss blockbuster

Attached: 1557531076240.gif (404x303, 1.92M)

for fucks sake man this is one of the reasons we have squat plugs

How do they know that the photo wasn't taken with a cell phone with a black and white filter? Also their phones are waterproof and they're taking underwater pictures of their dingles.


Just once think before you speak

Farting is a big issue but females can piss themselves and floor and this is socially acceptable? Hmnnnyyaaagh!

>females pissing themselves in public places is socially acceptable
I think you're mistaking tumblr for society

yeah? Female pissing is nice, what's your point?

based slintposter

great album