>steals all your freetime
>kills your gains
>leeches you financially
>takes away your ability to pump and dump chicks at will
>tries to tell you how to live your life
Remind me why so many of you want gf's so badly and lift for them, Jow Forums
Steals all your freetime
I want someone to snuggle with on cold rainy nights like tonight.
I just want someone to care about me
Being alone all the time is boring, and you can't hang out with guy friends as much as an adult
nobody wants to die alone
>spent money on for dinners and shit
>missed a day at the gym
>dealing with her family
>tells me she needs space
>catch her on tinder when I say I am cool with her getting her shit together
>says her faggot friend made it for her
She actually had the audacity to try and argue against me at this point, I just said ok and she didn't respond
Lads I am hurting, all I wanted was an apology
>makes me have a little bit of hope in this world
I want someone to snuggle with until I get bored of it and think of all the other productive shit I could be doing besides just lying down with a half chub
The only one that fits my situation is the ability to fuck random girls but I did that for a while and it's an empty, lonely existence
You guys want it because you don't have it but if you get there you'll see what I mean
That awkward goodbye the next morning while your heads pounding from a hangover and then you say "I'll give you a call this week we'll go do something" but you know it's not going to happen
i'm sorry, mate
This desu. I've had a lot of hookups and it's not really satisfying. You can do the same thing with your hand. What's satisfying is caring for someone and them caring for you back. Somebody being there to help you through hard times and vice-versa. Actually being in love.
>being an edgy zoomer
Be okay with her leaving, say she isn't your GF anymore, stop treating her like a GF just a slut you're causally fucking. Don't be worried about cleaning up your condoms off the floor from the last bitch you were pounding. Trust me she's not going anywhere, she just thinks she is more valuable than you and can't tell your worth / bored with the relationship.
well we basically broke up so why would she text me again
>>steals all your freetime
Mine respects free time
>>kills your gains
She's a feeder, wants me to get bigger and stronger
>>leeches you financially
She has a rich family so not a problem
>>takes away your ability to pump and dump chicks at will
This one is true
>>tries to tell you how to live your life
Only to a small extent
>not having a gf with a job that let’s you fuck other girls
Sounds like you just have a shitty gf
fuck off jew
>pump and dump girls at will
yeah, i bet youre doing that weekly, 4channer
it sounds like youre bad at relationships. try respecting yourself
This is why dating men is objectively superior to dating women.
This does not bother me at all, also if they care for you they will rely on you for stuff, it's really not worth it, alphas don't need to be cared about
lol this 4channel poster thinks he's an "alpha"
>Stable love
>Procreation and subsequent child-care
>Care in times of illness
>Love, really you can larp as some sort of Çamusean titan, but you'll be empty inside
There's a lot of different people on here bro, a lot.
Go back
You realize that you are obviously rationalizing?
>This does not bother me at all
Go back
>>takes away your ability to pump and dump chicks at will
Jokes on her; my personality and lack of social skills did that a long time before she did
just get a fuckbuddy man is not that hard
you have either two way, dump her completly or fuck her and fuck her untill her vagina bleeds, also forcing her into a degenerate FFM threesome is great, nothing better than having two petites licking all over their bodies each other
I just want someone to love me intimately
i remember matching to a rich but not so cute girl on tinder, we talked a bit and she was worshiping me all over LOL, but i didnt go for it because im really poor construction worker despite being attractive, and a niggee so this wouldnt work and i would end beating her up like my past hookups
>I get bored of it and think of all the other productive shit I could be doing besides just lying down with a half chub
this is too real
based, people think im alpha cause im big and strong, attractive and assertive, but im a beta that watches anime in secret and masturbates to cartoon girls, i will never be an alpha despite looking like one on disguise,i could fake it but i will always be that guy who masturbates to EROMANGA SENSEI GIRLS, i dont know why you guys are so obsessed with the alpha thing, alphas are born,there is nothing wrong with not being alpha, as long as you arent insecure and a happy guy you are gonna make under your possibilities
Tbh been in exactly that situation, but currently seeing one who doesn't do any of that shit. Yeah she's a bit crazy cos womenz, yes it's hard work occasionally - but fucking hell it's worth it for various reasons, from having a daft fuckable friend around on days out to do stuff, to crazy nights in and out doing stuff drinking then ending the night fucking to spending sleepy hangover mornings snuggled up on sofa watching bad tv while she makes cute noises as I stroke her hair. It's a nice feel. Not necessary to my happiness, but definitely a nice addition to my life for as long as it lasts.
>and nothing lasts forever.
How am I?
I think men in particular have been taught to be too emotional these days, I'm not convinced in our primal state that we cared about the shit people seem to these days.
All my friends who are either married or in long term relationships are not as happy as the single guys. You are at your happiest when you can get laid but have no attachment.
Too much bullshit about love etc, it actually doesn't exist but stupidly nobody seems to realise that
Well. That escalated quickly.
I'm in love op. Just love waking up to a warm cuddle while shes still asleep then heading off to the gym at 6am and being back before she wakes.
I love her cooking despite her having a job as well.
She'll realise what she lost
What a raging faggot, forget about her and move on to the next cum bucket
Living alone fucks you up. You ultimately have to live with someone to have good mental health, whether it be a woman or a male roommate.
how it feels to share your bed with another person?doesnt she get smelly. i shower once every 7 days, if i had a spouse or girlfriend living with me i would have to spend a fucking hour in the bathroom everyday shaving and taking a shower to not smell like shrek
Threads like these are why i have a drinking problem
Not if you are socialising when you want, I prefer my own space, but to socialise regularly
if you have a drinking peoblem because >tfwnogf
you are a pussy and never gonna make it
>i would end beating her up like my past hookups
what the absolute fuck
you'll figure it out in time, hopefully not too late.
Based an brownpilled
Shower you fucking neet faggot
Showers are the liquid Jew, your body cleans itself naturally
im 32, and look exactly the same (but bigger and stronger with a more attractive face) than when i was 18, my skin didnt age by any means
wanna know how? i shower once or twice a week only, with COLD WATER, even on winters, on hollidays i go as much as 10-20 days with no showers,this is why my skin looks so perfect,also i eat lots of oranges a week, only drink alcohol when going social and get drunk once or twice a year and little to no smoking,it also makes a light more enjoyable
showering too much just fucks your skin,my sister is 25 and she looks older than me also shes getting fat and im the leanest ever lol
yeah i smell good 2 days and like shit 5 but who cares i will not age like shit
imagine the smell
What country are you from?
Ok i dont actually have a drinking problem. But how do i stop caring about >tfwnogf?
thats 1344 showers in 14 YEARS
thats what a normie showers in 4 years sometimes less
so im still passing like a 22 year old guy lol (i totalled the showers a 18 y.o normie to a 22 y.o normie goes from)...thats why i look so young
so by the time im 74 year old i will look like your average 34 year old man
i hope this is bait
>shares your freetime
>helps you with your gains
>equally financially responsible
>takes away disability to be a mindless unremarkable sex-driven npc as you care for her and she cares for you
>help each other become better together as one
why wouldn't you want it?
just put on the work on what your lifegoals are about if you have none just end yourself or become a deadend office worker
dream big
That's just bull shit. It's literally genetics. I'm 35 and still get carded every now and then when drinking, I shower twice or thrice a day because I live in a bullshit tropical country surrounded by seas on the fucking equator so it is hot and humid all year round.
>having a best friend who you can rely on and give each other to one another completely in every aspect and way.
Not sure about you broken people, but I love long term relationships. Ive only been in one and after it, im never going back to fucking random whores and stuff.
I can relate to a lot of stuff in this thread. I still do tinder hookups, to meet people and have fun with no strings attached. But my goal has shifted from achieving simple one night stands to finding a girl with the right body/personality to keep me around. The hookups taught me what I wanted, especially those details that wouldn't occur to a virgin; I want a girlfriend who has good breath so that I can actually enjoy kissing her, and she has to be a fluent english speaker because a language barrier is going to prevent the kind of close connection I'm after.
A lot of the stuff you're saying is reasonable, but you've gone off the deep end a bit. Love exists, and if you've met the right people then you may have one or two close friends that you could say you love. Not everybody can experience love, they're either too immature or they've been fed too many mainstream lies to appreciate its fullness. Imagine the kind of relationship you have with your closest friend. Now imagine that this friend is a girl and that you're fucking. True love.
It's not something that anybody inherently deserves. If you aren't able to inspire this feeling in another person then you don't deserve it. You need to be able to hold them spellbound in conversation, make them laugh uncontrollably, and remain aloof enough for them to feel the need to seek your affection. I've noticed that when a girl feels this way, she'll start to explore your body, poking you randomly with her nose or nibbling at your shoulders. This has happened several times, it's like some kind of reflex they have. True love.
Honestly this is the truth. Despite all the nice images in my head I know that I won't be happy for long with a gf. They need too much attention and are nagging too much. If you could just call up a girl whenever you feel like and send her home after you're done with her.
My family is dysfunctional and holding hands with my gf fills in the void
Maybe 1% of women would do any of these. Realistically it's more like
>demands you make time for her, not time for each other
>feigns interest
>seriously user?
>until she finds someone better or more "exciting"
>usually only one sided
Lived it first hand, unfortunately.
How about not trying to jump from one relationship right into the next one by using tinder and online dating crap?
There is no wonder we have such shitty relationships these days - everyone is going around actively trying to get themselves into on and take the first person of the opposite gender that they find attractive and that like them back.
Great foundation for a relationship.
id rather have a fuckbuddy woman, but im not judging you
>end beating her up like my past hookups
Truely based
The first night I met my GF I ended up fucking her, she told me I didn't need to wear a condom, she also originally said she only fucked 4 guys, but I found out later that it was 12 before (she's only 19) are these red flags going forward? Will it effect anything? I like her but it kinda disgust me - she said I'm the best fuck she's had though, which counts for something I guess
I don't really want a gf, I want a rotation of like 3 girls that I can take out on the weekends. None of them too needy, or too distant. Its a very hard balance, which is why I don't believe I'll ever find it.
>sex once a week - IF that much it's lucky
>constantly complaining about life
>shit diet and lifestyle
thot, neglect and move on
>is it ok my girl let 19 guys fuck her raw lmao
hillary for 2020 :^)
but its okay hes the "best one"
honestly cuddling with a girl is probably the best feeling in the world
>12 already at 19
>no concern about safe sex, probably let the other 12 raw dog it too
>flat out lied to you about it
These are blaring sirens, not red flags.
First of all, it is 12 that you know of. Women lie their numbers down man, there is never any way to know for sure but it is always safe to assume whatever she says is lowballing.
I'm assuming you're a young guy. Brah, you've got your whole life ahead of you and I hate to break it to you but the longer women live the higher number they will all rack up. If that is the only thing stopping you from looking at this girl as an option, I suggest you get over it because every girl that looks halfway decent nowadays is going to be comparable to that.
Personally, I'd recommend continuing to date her but not committing. At a young age you should have more on your mind than looking for a wife. Keep your options open, date around, and if she ever gives you an ultimatum or threatens to leave because you're not settling down with her then leave. Focus on getting the shit you need/want to get done done. IE education, skill, and financial growth.
I'm 28
I did that with two separate women last summer, but it gets tiring. Even though both knew it wasn't a relationship, they eventually became needy. IT's tough.
>not allowing yourself life's greatest pleasure: cumming bareback deep into the pussy of a girl you care about
honestly can't be beat.
it's 2019 dude let it go
how do you do this? i am OK with girls but i get nervous with really cute ones.
Damn bro, I'm mirin. I can balance two girls, but three is all falls apart. I can't ever decide which to take out and usually the one that I don't take out on either Friday or Saturday interprets it as disinterest and moves on.
At 28 you should be making pretty decent cash brother. Keep smashing that 19yo pussy, but again don't commit to anything. Play the field, if you're a successful guy you're only going to hold more power with women. I understand securing a girl 10 years younger than you would be pretty sweet, but its not all it is cracked up to be. Especially when you could probably have your cake and eat it too in that you could fuck the 19yo and fuck other girls too.
it's easy to keep jealousy from letting you commit to girls. no one wants to think about their girl with another guy's cock insider her, it's rage inducing. but ultimately, it' silly. if i have a random drunken fight with another guy, does it mean anything? will i care about it a day or two later? of course not. to degree it just doesn't matter what a girl has done in the past if she's genuinely into you and wants to only fuck you.
it's very easy for some guys to let this overwhelm them, though. there's nothing wrong with feeling weirded out, but letting it cripple your dating life is a problem with you, not with her. of course Jow Forums doesn't see it this way because Jow Forums dudes are deeply distrustful of women and have limited sex/romantic experience. and another sad honest truth is that girls with very minimal sexual history, especially in their 20s, are almost without fail boring, ugly or both.
tfw she never had a profile pic of me and her
doesn't feel good senpai
none of her family wanted to talk to me at her party
i talked to her cousin, who was happy that we exchanged numbers again as he thought we'd never see each other again and with one of her cousins husbands
i believe her bf didnt like us talking or me talking with them, dunno, as i overheard him sort of shouting / ranting at her
oh and she was giving me a very long smiling look when i was outside with other people and she was talking to some of her family members
What a post
>i would end beating her up like my past hookups
Jesus man at LEAST shower every other day. It's such a basic fucking thing that improves how you look
>If you let her
>If you let her
>If you let her
>If you let her
>If you let her
No srs, Im starting to get a good grasp on why women avoid you like the plague.
Being a feeder, dosen't that mean she just wants you fatter.
Disgusting. Leave and get tested you fucking retard.
>if i have a random drunken fight with another guy, does it mean anything?
>does it mean anything?
Yes, it means that you're the kind of irrational, self-destructive degenerate that gets into fights and thinks it's nothing. It means you're probably the kind of guy who goes to jail because you lack self control and maturity.
no, it means nothing. well, maybe to eugene with his shirt tucked in and a bible in his back pocket thinks it's some pivotal character defining tragedy, but really it's nothing. a silly drunken scrap, nothing more.
If a girl cheats you with a dude that knows you're her boyfriend, then you must destroy them both for disrespecting you. "Being cool" and "just letting it go and moving on" will create a perception of you as a bitch and people will know. First serious gf did this to me and I ended things peacefully. Guess what happened? People called me a cuck who gets cheated on and takes it and my ex got the impression she can do anything without any consequences. With my second gf (my now wife) I behaved different. I caught her creating a tinder profile about a year ago and smacked her across the face in an instant. Guess what happened? She never even thought of talking to another man and is considering me her master. That's how you get women in the line, not by being "cool and avoiding drama" by walking away like a bitch. I don't say you should slap girls for everything but the line needs to be established FIRMLY and she needs to be aware of the consequences of fucking over a guy that can end her.