Are you really embodying the fit life if youre a wagecuck who has to sit in front of a desk for 40 years of your life just to sustain yourself financially?
Are you really embodying the fit life if youre a wagecuck who has to sit in front of a desk for 40 years of your life...
ah ye nigga im just gonna go out in the wild and rayp and hunt for food lets get it real alpha males in the chat only please
If I could have guaranteed employment for 40 years i would he soo happy.
Become a dr or surgeon
>do cool and meaningful shit
>not a desk job
>power in your workplace
>status and respect
>make enough that after the first few years you can basically quit when you want and live off investments
Long-term wagecuckery resulting in a retirement, a pension, and a lifelong job is gone. All that exists now is downsizing, being underpaid, imported labor or outsourced labor being paid a third of your already crappy wages, and shitty benefits. Fuck our current system. It's broken.
So work as little as possible and lift as much as possible.
>Fuck our current system
nice occupy tattoo
i'm going to go to vancouver to get into acting because i genuinely love doing it. still have to go to uni and i'll live in the dorms there to minimize the wage cucking i'll have to do.
if the inevitable happens and i can't sustain a living off of acting at the end of the 20's i'll do a bunch of drugs and OD
>mainly doing bypass surgeries to fatties
>cool and meaningful
that's true for people with replaceable skills. you have to get a career path where you acquire skills over time that some 26 year old can't replace you, or a robot.
becoming a surgeon is one the of hardest, most fail out career paths on earth. like everyone who goes to college and majors in science wants to go to med school. the 3% who make it to med school all want to become surgeons. Only 10% of those do. Every doctor goes on to work crazy hours for the rest of their life until they pay off their 6 figure student loans, surgeons work even crazier hours and basically live for the weekend. They at least make good money. But many specialties are being replaced by PA's, Nurse practitioners, or even computers (Radiologists). AND the future of medicine in the US looks like doctors are increasingly becoming more like England's doctors, over worked and underpaid
Just be in the top 20% of your professions and you will
it's pretty rare to get a weekend off
You're going to have a shit time because the pool of Canadian actors is absolutely massive. Keep at it if you love it but you're going to need a part time job that you can drop at a moment's notice to go to auditions. I had been told this all throughout university but I'm finally actually learning it: make your own work. Write your own plays/shows/webseries and star in it. No one is looking for you until you prove that you can do the job because you, as a canadian actor, are infinitely replaceable.
Lastly, get an instagram following. I hate it, but you will be given or denied roles based on how marketable your name is
I'm finishing my engineering degree next year and I'm terrified at the thought of having to slave 40h minimum. Most people in my field work 50-60h/week. Just fucking end me.
im a neet boys ama
It’s more fulfilling to have a decent job and cool co-workers, than anything.
Currently a jobless Community College guy, that’s gotten pretty fit after my last job. Having a job with good people is definitely embodying the Chad life.
Lack of fulfillment is why I quit computer engineering and started work in theatre. I now don't think about killing myself on a daily basis
What you do?
I do kinda everything. I work with a company that has an in house shop, so I've helped build sets. I work back stage and in the booth during shows, as well as electrics works as well. When I'm not doing that I'm auditioning for shows using the connections I've made at the company. I've only booked a couple minor gigs, but with practice I hope for more
>US Navy reserves veteran
>ex-web developer
>current businessman
>also Latino
I'm dunking on you idiots. I'm closing a deal soon that'll net me $900k minimum along with my board of advisers.
Have fun working out 2-3 hours a day to "keep your gains"!!!! Oh, and get those 7-9 hours of sleep!1!1!1!1
>it’s the guy with the shitty 70 IQ shop again
Very funny mate
What type of business are you in? Private equity, banking, consulting??
that's something most of these people here don't understand. time management is all it is. but they lack motivation and drive.
stay poor guys. have fun being with your ugly gfs and eating cheap Chinese takeout for a "date" and drugging her up with birth control since youre too poor to have more kids. i'll be here making my mark.
xD it’s so funny dude XDD
I wish I was at a desk, I walk around all day stocking shelves.
Having a professional life and something that you really need to put your time and resources into in order to get better is fine and good.
It’s up to you to make a change so that you can eventually sustain yourself with less than 40 hour weeks
Is joining the military fit?
how did you accomplish so much? i'm 23 and have an A.S. in Math but am a NEET. how do i get out of NEETDOM and still living off $3k i've saved from my money i've saved??
It’s a shop. Read the thread.
That’s also how you make money btw: you turn your brain on and try to process information available to you as good as possible.
Nice man. Equity is key. Always nice to see people do well, but you forgot one thing:
>T. Overcompensating manlet
what's the alternative
No cause you're fighting for bollocks reasons. It's not even noble.
probably the least fit thing you can do, you'll have no knees left after you're done
It’s still a shop.
Or balls
Based as fuq
>beard in the military
I didn't think this was allowed
What’s a decent job that pays over 25k and requires minimal input? Thinking about becoming a train driver
Why? You wouldn't have anything interesting to say
I don't sit at work I am always standing up