Gay man offered me 300 euro to let him blow me.
Am I fit now.
Gay man offered me 300 euro to let him blow me.
Am I fit now.
Almost. Did they also inquire about your location, specifically London, England?
You made it
You're not Jow Forums until you actually go through with gay4pay
when I was 14 or 15yo some chink paid me $40 each time he sucked me off
I should've known better
I just bought a bunch of scratch lotteries and a leather Harley Davidson belt...
btw the chink was in his 40s or 50s
reminds me of a story
>be me
>move to new city
>walking around at night
>searching for weed spot
>see some young kids at park
>bad area, mudshit kids
>100% gonna score a contact
>kid comes to me
>"you want some?"
>"yeah ofcourse what you got?"
>"show me signs of smoking a cigarrete"
>"yeah, for how much?"
>*stare strange at me*
>"ask him of he got weed or wtf"
>"no man, no weed, yoh want me to suck your cock?"
>"get the fuck out from me, walk away"
>tell friends, they laught
>tell me its some lgbt hook up spot
you faggots ahould be hanged
pedos hookup at the arcades or at least they used back in the day
>turning down a free blowjob
Yes they were from london
Do you still have the belt?
i went to one a few months back with my friend, we're 19 but we both look about 15. not a scummy place either but this middle-aged guy started creeping on us and would keep following us to whatever game we were at. we got sick of him after about 10 minutes of this, told him to fuck off and we were telling the staff. it was crowded and in a mall so it was pretty easy slipping in or out, i assume he got away before they could find him. so yeah turns out they still do.
>i went to one a few months back
Bullshit there's no more arcades, that's 20th century
Only if you took the money
they aren't gone off the face of the earth, retard. go to any decently-sized city and you'll find one, hell mall arcades are busy as hell
>tfw no old fat ugly man ever offered you money to suck you off or to fuck him
I was buying coke off a guy and he offered me 2 oz to blow me
Turned it down and then I regretted it lol
wait, how did you know he was gay?
Watch out. Most pozzed gay men will bite your dick to try to infect you.
Talking from experience?
Like mosquitoes
>some dude wants to suck your dick
>lmao bro are you like gay