Does your lock screen or background motivate you?
Mine (pic related) speaks to my mind, body, and spirit.
Does your lock screen or background motivate you?
Mine (pic related) speaks to my mind, body, and spirit.
Mine’s a picture of my gf, reminding me to look good for her.
fag, whe she'll cheat on you, you'll come back crawling here
>Wow look at user his lockscreen is a naked dude killing snakes
What is the separation between mind and spirit? Not trying to sound like an edgy atheist, just genuinely curious. Never felt like there was anything separate from my mind and body when talking about myself.
Enjoy your lifetime of unstable and untrusting relationships you poor soul
Hoes mad
It's just alegory for feeling good.
Well do you had any experienced which involve separation between mind and body. For example , you look at the pic of cute girl(boy) and you have a erection. If you a normal human being that hates being a fag, will felt very wrong about that ,in the sense morality and pride. But you can resist it , you known its wrong to fab to a trap pic , but your body unconscioulsy starting to like it.
>Enjoy your lifetime of unstable and untrusting relationships
The concept of trust never meant to be applied to women, History is full of examples of this, just pick one
Lock screen
Home screen
>being such a NEET to where you trust secondhand historical accounts that can be warped and distorted over time more than a century of psychological science and firsthand examples of the effects of trustless relationships
Ignoring the fact that most of what you wrote didn't make sense and you sounded like a retard, I don't find anything wrong with thinking that traps attractive. You can fap to them and do anything you like. Why would fapping to cis girls be ok and not to trans ones?
>>that can be warped and distorted over time more than a century of psychological science and firsthand examples of the effects of trustless relationships
Good job user, trust women all you want I never did and never will and I'm fine with it, love that peterstein pic by the way
Hehe xD someone angy little edgelord
Mine is there to remember me that I should aim for godlike aesthetics
Good music taste user.
Mine is of my 4 yr old son. My motivation, my life.
>freak that masturbates to the mentally ill cant seem to find his spirit
like clockwork
Because sexual attraction to women is normal, natural and healthy. Its the driving force behind the continuation of our species and is psychologically sound.
Attraction to men dressed as women is an inversion and a perversion of the natural order. It creates a society of chaos where black means white and vice versa, it creates unhealthy libido that only ends in detriment and degeneration. Its makes fetish of both a societal and genetic dead end. Its psychologically disturbing to the majority of people. Its just plain depraved for all parties involved.
Define the spirit.
The essence of a man that transcends his physical form and his sense of self and ego. The divine force which connects the material and immaterial world. The higher 'mind' that is pure and good.
>Does your lock screen or background motivate you?
home screen, definitely motivates
Mine reminds me that we ought to purge jerusalem
Mine is pic related. It's a metaphor for taking the bull by the horns. But that also actually happened.
Jesus Christ, there is soo much wrong with what you are saying that I don't even know where to start.
First of all, you are using the word normal. What does normal mean? Average? If so, a lot of people will naturally (without the influence of the outside (although I don't really believe that is possible for anything but that is another longer conversation)) not fit in. You next start talking about the continuation of our species and you present it as meaningful in itself. I don't agree with that at all. Sure some people might find meaning in having children but it's not objectively the meaning for every person. You could easily present an argument that continuing our species is wrong because it harms many other species and the environment overall. Everything depends on the perspective and what you value.
I don't even know what you mean by psychologically sound. Can you link me some studies saying that being gay is psychologically unsound?
What is the natural order? Where do you get the information that society will fall apart because some people will fuck man dressed as girls? I don't even want to get into the conversation about where the standards for gender expression come from. You aren't even educated enough to know how different societies had the same standards of gender we have for a woman (makeup, dresses, long hair) put onto the man. What is an unhealthy libido? Can you link me a scientific paper about it?
It feels like there is nothing behind what you are saying. It's all just gibberish without scientific backing, yet you use words like "psychologically", "normal" and "healthy".
How have you transcended your physical form and sense of self and ego? How are you connected to the immaterial world? What does your mind compared to others that you call it a "higher 'mind'"
We are all connected to the immaterial world through our soul and spirit. It is impossible for 'ourselves' to transcend this world fully before death, however, through living a pure life we can reach closer than if we live lives of greed, spite and degeneracy. Im not saying my mind is higher, the higher mind is the soul that we all have. The mind that doesn't sit at the front of our daily thoughts.
You should work on your comprehension skills and stop being so bitter, stop turning your insecurities regarding your poor choices into snarky hatred for people who are trying to be better and in turn show a better life to others.
You're so lost is ridiculous.
Continuation of our species is objectively normal because without it there will be no more humans. How is that in anyway controversial?
The natural order is clear, survival of the fittest. To the winner goes the spoils. You can't project human morality into other species and say its unfair to put our lives above theirs. We matter more to ourselves because we are ourselves. And we fight to keep it that way because doing differently will mean our death.
How can something which leads to our demise be psychologically sound? How can it be considered normal or healthy from our own perspective? All life struggles, all life strives, all life competes and fights to survive and pass on its legacy. It might not be the only meaning, but it is the core meaning and without it we are nothing.
What is your soul and spirit? How are they connected to the immaterial world?
My life is actually quite good and I consider myself a good person that will sometimes put the well being of others in front of my own. Still, I do believe that instead of believing is some pseudo-science we have better, more empirically backed methods of improving a persons life. The quicker we get rid of religion, alternative forms of medicine, astrology and other things like that, the more we can focus on actually useful things.
Also, my reading comprehension is good. It's just that you use a lot of words that may make sense in your mind but to me, they sound like a bunch of platitudes. You keep on talking about metaphysical things yet you are having trouble with defining them. Are you talking with a god of some sorts? Are you able to enter a different world? If all the things you are talking about are just feelings why don't you just ascribe them to the mind? It seems more logical to use the things we know actually exist to explain feelings, thoughts and other abstract things like that instead of making up some shit.
Some kind user posted this a while back. Reminds me of the quote of being the marble and the sculptor
Also saying that men having long hair is acceptable so fucking traps is okay is such a leap. These people are intentionally pretending to be women so your idea of gender expression being fluid falls short. They are exploiting the very defined terms we have about gender for sexual gratification.
They are accepting the terms and then willingly turning them on their head, it has nothing to do with nuanced expressions that could fit either category. Its clear and intentional perversion.
I clearly stated my definition. If you choose not to accept it thats your choice.
Why do you bother to be a 'good' person if all we are is chemical reactions and electrical impulses? How can you even define good if we are just atoms with no higher purpose?
Why is love better than hate? Why is life better than death?
Theism and scientific rational are perfectly compatible anyway, its supercillious and arrogant to think otherwise.
And behind every great man is a great woman. Or do you think you don't need help from your mother, at the very least?
Why should a logical individual care about whether or not his species continues to exist after his death?
Because we are here now by the same values. Its a duty to those who come after us.
What does duty mean? Will someone judge you after your death if you don't fulfill it? And can you remind me how anything you are saying is logical?
Of course, the only problem I have is with men who think that women are the goals in their lives when they're merely a collatereal benefit of your awesome life...
That's sad but that's only my opinion
A duty is something you ought to do wether you will be judged or not.
How is what you are saying logical if non existence is the result? Morality all hinges on the idea of a higher purpose, you are stupid to try and argue the point when you don't believe in one.
At the end of it all, you've made your point clear that you don't value human life beyond your own and if you do, somewhere deep down, you cannot justify why you would.
Had a pic of my gf, but she dumped me because she wasn't honest about problems and let things stew for too long. Now I have this.
Don't you mean your wife's son xD
Also, how does your wife's son motivate you to work out and look fit?
Niggas who do this are gimps.
My nigga
Mine is my dog. Loves me unconditionally so I have room to fail and try again. Pic related is not my dog but similar concept
But if he/she loves you unconditionally, why do you even try? Even if you do nothing, your dog will still love you
I liked Garou at first, but at some point he became ridiculous. When he beats 8 A-class heroes after getting stabbed, poisoned and shot, and then fights 3 S-class heroes and gets beaten to an inch of his life, but still gets up, and then gets rescued through a deus ex machina, you just can't expect me to care for this character anymore.
Original a fine day to die is much better
Literally why, you’d fuck the clone of your mother wouldn’t you?
I never understand faggots like you who don’t choose best girl
Sick of illiterate faggots who don't even know their own Western Traditions. Listen carefully, the foundational text of our civilization is the Iliad and the Odyssey. The academic interpretation prior to the Globalist "Liberalism" is as follows:
>the most important relationship in the Western ethos is between a father and his son, no other relationship even comes close. The book starts off with the father son ethos and it ends on it.
>Odyssey in particular is focused on the perils and wicked evils women inflict on men. Odysseus was a sex slave to Circe for ten years after the war of Troy. There after he followed numerous trails and tribulations to avoid the perils of women and other oddities.
>when Odysseus came home, his wife amassed a haram of princes who threatened to murder his own son. Upon his return he restored order to his house and his wayward son was restored.
Allowing women to dictate your life is akin to suicide. Women only breed weakness and vapid stupidity in men because they want to control them. It doesn't matter if that process requires turning you into an effeminate faggot. It is a literal biological neurosis in women to do this, Its why there are so many feminized fucking faggots now.
Secondly the concept of "equality" was the antithesis in the old world, Kato the Elder of Rome spoke clearly on the dangers of elevating women to "equality" with men, for it was openly known doing so would make women superior to men and this was known.
Now the "money masters" are doing this to have an iron grip on the social order.
Whatever Muzei chooses for me.
his wife "amassed a haram of princes."
The same wife who told all the princes she would be willing to marry them as soon as she finished knitting the burial shroud for Laertes. But, she was secretly unmaking the shroud every night so that she could faithfully wait for her husband?
And, even when Odysseus comes back, she still wants to 100% make sure she was him, so she tells the servant girl to "move his bed" to another room, because only he would know that the bed has been carved from a living tree and is unmovable, just like their love?
TFW no QT wife who is loyal for 20 years despite being courted by some of the richest men in ancient Greece.
Jow Forums has become complete cancer
Upload this image bros i want that
what a fucking reddit post
I work with cows everyday, post your story of grabbing a bull by the horns.
>Does your lock screen or background motivate you?
>that book grab
This is my background for max lifts for the Gods
Mine is jhonny bravo
Mine's a picture of my kids, either that they're just watching me if I need more reps & I cant let them down, or that they're in danger when it's heavier and I need to be stronger than normal
unironically gives me the push I need for new PRs or when feeling weak, there's just something primal that manages to hit much harder than the test fuelled horn I used to rely on. I hope they can always count on me when they grow up
She was also a piece of trash. You're romanticizing the impossible and ignoring the fact she orchestrated that haram to being with. Its also heavily theorized Odysseus banished her later for infidelity, unsurprising really.
You think she waited for years and didn't fuck her haram of princes on the side, you're delusional.
Got the same pic for my lock screen. Motivational as fuck for me.
Completely Black phone background master race reporting in
this is mine
Cringed out of my chair
Imagine reading the odyssey and the biggest thing you take away from it is hating women
Its a sculpture called 'An athlete wrestling with a python' by Frederic Leighton.
Post your gay anime picture or whatever you have fag
>Cringed out of my chair
Be careful your kikery is hanging out
>needing constant reminders for motivation in images and shit anywhere
I dont get this.
Sauce plz gonna use it
It brings me great joy and motivation every time I open my phone.
Subtle yet very indo-european.
>I'm a big strong boy, just like the Romans just like evola tells me to be!
>all my tastes are dictated by being a big masculine boy! Anything else is feminine and gay!
I changed mine today to a pic I took on a hike
where exactly is this from?
Its symbolic of mans struggle against his demons.
The way you interpret it speaks volumes about you yourself.
This fucking dairy bitch in every thread
Fuck you pseudo farmer post body
Pretty much actually
wholesome af
Likening your struggle with your demons to neoclassical sculptures (even calling them demons) speaks volumes about for ego
oooh, looking good joker
Mine is just black lmao
Based dadbro