Can’t lose weight

Jow Forums:
>Show i do intermittent fasting?
> do i have gyno or just fat? How do i correct gyno?
>how come I haven’t lost weight if i followed the sticky and workout and play basketball a lot?
>i want bigger arms but that’s the only part of my body that won’t grow, how?
> How gross is my body on a scale from 1-10?
> judging by how my body looks what advice would one give me to look beautiful?
>or am i just doomed to genetics?
Before you guys start talking shit i do workout everyday and eat pretty clean. Yes that also means i eat at a deficit. Please help me and motivate me because at this point im starting to think about quitting the gym, matter of fact im so self concious that I am embarrassed to have sex with women and avoid it. I don’t wear any other shirt color other than black cause my giant tits are always showing.

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You should switch to SS + GOMAD for 3 - 6 month get decent gains after it just hop on a split with a - 150 calorie cut and you are gucci.

>Show i do intermittent fasting?
Eat less in general
> do i have gyno or just fat? How do i correct gyno?
both. surgery.
>how come I haven’t lost weight if i followed the sticky and workout and play basketball a lot?
because you're delusional
>i want bigger arms but that’s the only part of my body that won’t grow, how?
because your fat is covering everything
> How gross is my body on a scale from 1-10?
absolutely disgusting. non-quantifiable
> judging by how my body looks what advice would one give me to look beautiful?
neck hangs till failure
>or am i just doomed to genetics?
mindset and not being lazy

i say dont even waste money on gym yet. do bodyweight exercises, eliminate sugar, fried shit and whatever dogshit food you re eating. do this until you see some progress, start gym again and go 1 or 2 months following any program you find and then go on a steroid cycle. my opinion here, this will get you in a decent shape in 1 year or so. goodluck in your journey lel

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>Before you guys start talking shit i do workout everyday
> and eat pretty clean. Yes that also means i eat at a deficit.
Do pic related.

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>cutting after 3-6 months
Why? Look at his body (sorry OP), there isn't any muscle anywhere, it's all just soft fat. It's going to take more than 3-6 months to develop a muscular frame worth cutting for.

OP post your height and weight (be honest) so we can quickly look at roughly how much you need to eat.

>Show i do intermittent fasting?
No, before you throw yourself in at the deep end you need to buy some scales and start calorie counting. Ease yourself into a routine of dieting so you don't fall off the wagon in a months time.

> do i have gyno or just fat? How do i correct gyno?
You have fat fucking tits, possible gyno but won't know until you have reduced your body fat. You can correct what you have now by dieting properly and hitting your chest with heavy weights for 2 years.
>how come I haven’t lost weight
Either you haven't been in a calorie deficit (you eat more than you think) or you have gained muscle which weighs more than fat
>i want bigger arms but that’s the only part of my body that won’t grow, how?
Everyone has problem areas, increase frequency of training biceps, consistently.

I don’t want to use steroids though. Why body weight excercises only? Whats the plan there? Why cant i just do a little of both?

How am i delusion
>neck hangs
The fuck are those?

Why do i workout everyday? Its pretty obvious isn’t it?

I am 6’4” and 280lbs. I was actually 295 when I first started hitting the gym. Should i do intermittent fasting?

Hey bro you seem to know what you’re talking about you think i can get your email or someshit? I really want to change man i want to bang chicks but I fear that if im about to bone and take my shirt off she’ll be disgusted and leave. I’d be so embarrassed. Also should i also supplement my weight lifting with basketball as cardio?

unironically do one punch man.

If you do any of the recommended weightlifting routines, then you're probably doing a full-body routine. If you're doing full-body, you should train 3 times per week, otherwise you won't recover. If you don't do full-body, then I don't know what the fuck are you doing.

bodyweight exercises so you dont waste money. you go to the gym and do what? 10kg curls and 20 kg squats lel. you are overweight so bodyweight exercises are more than enough. also if i were you i would really consider going for roids. just an easy starter cycle and then you can go natty. up to u tho

Im doing split

>Count calories. Creat 1000-1600 defecit through daily exercise and eating less.
>Looks like both. Just lose weight but plan ahead to have surgery in 6 months or whenever you get lean.
>If you didn't lose weight, you are eating too much. Hit your macros, never eat more than TDEE -500. You will lose weight. Weigh yourself weekly not daily, at the same time of the day and before you eat or drink anything and preferably after you piss and poop.
>Any part will grow if you train properly and consistently
>Your body is gross. Just lose weight and lift weights. Surgery might be needed for gyno.
>As above. Learn the fuck how to diet and train properly, be persistent for 6 months.
>Stfu about genetics, I doubt you even stuck to a good plan yet.

I doubt you count calories properly. Define "pretty clean". Do you eat almost entirely chicken, broccoli and rice like the people who have the body you want or do you eat fast food every other day? Do you hit your macros? Do you weigh your food? Do you count the fat you use in cooking?Do you know what your TDEE is? Excuses. Work harder

At 6'4 and 280lbs you really don't have to eat that much to be in a calorie deficit. I'm a bit confused by your post because you're not really specific about your goals.

If you want to lose weight (become smaller) then eat in a calorie deficit at about 2200. This doesn't mean estimate 2200, or 2200 some days, it means you go buy some scales and you start weighing all the food you eat and pre-preparing meals. Pic related is what I'm currently eating every day (5'9 174lbs).

If you want, I can duplicate the google docs and give you access so you can start filling it out with your own food (there's already a small database that I've started)

If you want to 'grow' then you need to eat in a calorie surplus. At your height/weight I would think that would be about 2600/3000 calories a day. You might be thinking "cool I can eat pizza erryday" - you can if you want fat gains. All of your food sources need to be nutritious if you want lean gains. Even then you will probably put on a little fat.

If you're new to lifting I would reccomend eating at roundabout maintenance levels (2400ish). Looking at your size rn, eating at maintenance levels you'll probably still lose weight because you're pretty fat and your newbie gains will allow you to pile muscle on anyways.

>also supplement my weight lifting with basketball as cardio?
If you enjoy it and you're pushing yourself then sure. Cardio will help your metabolism. If you're strict with your diet then you don't need a massive amount of cardio every day. I'd recommend 10/15 minutes a day.

>I really want to change man i want to bang chicks but I fear that if im about to bone and take my shirt off she’ll be disgusted and leave
Sorry to say this bud but getting in shape can take a long time. You've got a good year or two ahead of you before you start 'looking good' if you don't have that lean genetic disposition.

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>already having loose skin

you look horrible, but you know that. it's all or nothing. lower carbs to start with, gym doesn't matter at all if your diet isnt good.

count your calories. reduce by 500 cal increments until you start losing weight

use meal timing and high satiety foods (protein, fiber) and get used to being hungry for an hour or two before you eat

>Yes that also means i eat at a deficit
if you arent losing weight then by definition you are not at a deficit

jeez OP but those bitties away I'm on hour 2 of nofap

>how come I haven’t lost weight if i followed the sticky and workout and play basketball a lot?
Because you're over-eating, and gummy bears count. There is no way you are at a deficit unless you started last week. And there is no reason on Earth that you won't loose like 30+ lbs in 3-4 months while following the rules. You can't bill belichick a diet. If you cheat, you only cheat yourself, and you just end up making yourself look like a retarded faggot because you're going around telling everyone how much ass you're kicking, but in reality you're just another fat lying sack of shit. Now you know why fit people don't trust you.

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Does 1900 keep you at maintenance or are you cutting right now? I'm 5'9" 165 and 2100 is maintenance for me.

>eat pretty clean. Yes that also means i eat at a deficit

Yeah fake and stupidpilled. You're not eating at a deficit if you're not losing weight. See pic related- you're a lying liar who can't do math

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Oh yeah, just recommend steroids to a clear novice, you sound like you've got a solid head on your shoulders.

No mention of how many calories you're eating lmfao. I had to eat 1400 a day to lose at 5'11 230. Anything over that stalled. People saying you'll lose at 1900 are delusional and have never lost significant weight. You might lose like 1 pound a month at 1900. "The healthy, slow way!"

you aren't loosing weight you aren't in a deficit
you have ot be willing to drop your calories lower if your not progressing simple as that

fatty is going to need a 2 inch needle to make sure he hits the muscle and doesn't dump the depot subq faggot