Maybe there is hope after all

Maybe there is hope after all
maybe we can make it

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Look at his gonial angle. He's a chad, it was over before it started.


Just be white and non-deformed theory strikes again

>dating someone with pasta in there hair

Big oof

Isn't that the couple where the girl posted on Reddit saying her father was furious she was dating a white boy?

Fucking look at him and look at her, I would be mad too if my daughter had such terrible taste in men

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In a month, she'll suggest an open relationship

n*g*e*s lose again

We're all gonna make it.

The part about the beard gets me every time.

She is literally not black. The melanin receptors under my foreskin are not even tingling in the slightest

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>gonial angle
So what is the 'theory' on that one?

she's half black
her dad is a Caribbean dude and those guys have almost 100% west African genetics and her mom was white
result is a tanned white girl with Afro and a big booty

What angle do you suggest is the best one

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Wow shes so cute, when do i get my afro qt?

they beg to serve white men

he's ugly as fuck, what do you mean he's chad

Now imagine being latino, nor black nor white.

in the original reddit post she said she liked him because he was smart and funny and made her feel special and would have liked regardless of his skin color

That's just shit women say as rationalization.
She likes him because she finds him hot and attractive. He's a big, good-looking guy with strong bone structure.
Get over it.

This was a video her dad sent her
"dad" left when she was four and then didn’t talk to her for 13 years now he's lecturing her not to date a white guy

Why can't humans get over race. We're not colonizing space at this rate by fighting over who has the Better looking markings and colors.

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can you imagine the smell?

you're right I competently forget about height
I have seen fat dudes managed to pick up chicks just by the benefit of being tall
a tall fat doens't have to work out but is considered a bear

>Diversity is our strength
Someone post the highway exit pic

Space is overrated. The earth could be a paradise, our planet is worth traveling lightyears for and we have it. Also fuck niggers.

120 degrees

>Also fuck niggers.
I want to literally fuck oiled up nigger women

>losing all of their women to white men
>losing their right to vote in the south because they don't drive/afford cars
>genetically lower IQ

Okay but really, nignogs BTFO

Racemixing ew

We also won’t be colonizing space if we have 1,3 kids per woman and niggers have 8 (with us paying for them)

you know the black birth rate in America is just only slight above the white birth rate and Hispanics and Asians actually have the highest birth rate in the US

He's exaggerating but also referring to the African question I would assume

The 8 is exaggerated, but I was talking about actual Africans, they will have gone from like 800 million in 2000 to over 4 billion by 2100, and will migrate anywhere that lets them in. By “us” I meant europe anyways though, no offense but the US is already lost

I wouldn't go that far. The US and Europe have the same cultural weaknesses, we've just got more muds

Chadism is literally a state of mind

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The African birth rate is also declining the more African nation get devolved the more birth rate goes down

Not sure there is much to devolve from desu
Yes, african nations are slowly improving, and more people are moving up into the middle class, but the population growth is just so explosive that even that won’t do much. Keep in mind that a high birthrate will also retard development of a nation due to having a constant supply of unemployed and unsatisfied young people that commit crimes ans drive wages down

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That’s exactly the problem, the muds especially, how will you ever get rid of those? At least in europe the interracial mixing isn’t so far progressed yet

Is that what this image is supposed to mean? Because that's not what I read from it.

laughing at him/laughing with him

can it really be this easy?


Yeah, those nuggets gone learn

fuckin kek

Ai ai ai! Que lastima!

Get yourself a qt black girl that calls you cute by day and forces you to call her a nigger whore by night.

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God fucking damit. Why the fuck do all these beta fucking fucks on reddit getting laid. They're weak fucking children. What the fuck am I doing wrong

I think I'm starting to understand incel patterns across races. Thank fuck I thought it was just white spergs for a while, but it's the rest of you too.

the underlying layer of contempt and insecurity probably isn't helping your cause irl desu

stop posting porn especially shit like this

Way ahead of the curve, bro

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Seething blackcel tears are the juiciest

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Man I did not realize the pope was all about black power.




No, I'm white user. I just see so many (unironically) fellow white bros bitching and complaining, probably atomized to no end. It makes me sad. But look at the patterns, the niggers and beaners are complaining about impossible expectations as well. It's basically how I can spot someone whose never going to make it.

Can I get sauce? Also I hope this is not a shitty guy wanks to cum scene

>especially shit like this
U mad black boi??

I don't like the pron jew, especially interracial perv shit.

Man imagine posting this shit with your name and face permanently attached to it. Twitter-cels are even sadder than Jow Forums-cels.

I've seen frail scrawny nerds have girlfriends too, they just date women who are also unattractive.

I just know that it's Ana Foxx.

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I don't get it she looks lightskinned/mixed. So if her dad is in the caribbean they probably have mixed blood depending where they live.

>not just telling the truth
Come on Bruh

56% meme strikes again.

Thanks bro

How much does she weigh?
How hard is it holding a girl up like that?
How much to OHP to OHP a girl like that?

>how hard
For me pretty hard. I can easily benchpress 40kg after 3 years doing nothing, but can‘t do this.

How about you fuck off-cel back to pl*bbit, or YouTube or wherever you came from?

>benchpress 40kg
No wonder you can't OHP a grown woman. You are weak as shit

On one hand, he's a fucking horrible father and can fuck off on the other hand, he's fucking right. That dude looks like a bitchboi and and is like a 3 at best while she's a solid 7 or higher depending on what's your type.

See, imagine if your face and name were tied to this comment. It would be even sadder.

The black man abandoned his child?
Surely you jest!

>That dude looks like a bitchboi
>while she's a solid 7 or higher
LMAO, lookism incel butthurt.

She looks about 130 or so. It's pretty fucking easy. You need to be able to press at least 180 so because balancing a person above your head is way harder than a barbell.

Maybe she just likes that dude, who cares?

Do 3years nothing and try to do it then we talk.

My max was higher than that after 21 years of no lifting at 62kg
I'm not saying I was strong before I started lifting, I'm saying that overhead pressing a human is hard

I could legit stop lifting right now and do shit for 3 years and I'd still be benching more. Hell, I benched more first day I walked into the gym.

You do more than 40 10-12x3 after doing nothing for 3years? Not bad.

I've gotten more hate from black girls families than they've ever gotten from mine, and my family is certified uneducated and rude as fuck.

Everything from uncles literally fighting me in a backyards, families passing the food past me have at dinner then gettin mad when I plate up anyways. The PASTOR not letting me in to church.

The worst are friendzoned black guys and "woke" friends. Always trying to convince them that "its just a phase" or that she needs a black man and I'll never measure up. Or that I act all kinds of terrible and racist when she's not around. Or trying to sleep with her right in front of me because they assume it's just a front. or accusing me of saying the N word in party with 50+ non white people.
>Shoutout to Antwan for watching my back on that one.

t. White guy

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Then you say "40kg for 10-12 reps"
Otherwise you are implying that 40kg is your max bench

Read out loud what you just typed. This is why you are the way that you are. You're pathetic.

Yeah, let’s make it baby
Bee yuself

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they want to see a white man lose brother, it's tough.

40kg is fucking nothing, I could do that first day in the gym, I literally did nothing for 7 years and I could still do 60kg for 10

Please tell me where I can find porn that is centered around white men fucking black women and calling them names

Fuck you too

You aight white boi

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This is true but the catch is the girl has to be non-white

Whats that, never seen it


Hmm.. what event happened in germany from 1930-1945.. hmmm