What’s the Jow Forums consensus?
Unnecessary or essential?
What’s the Jow Forums consensus?
Unnecessary or essential?
Only meal important, eat reakfast and fast 23hours
I eat a 500cal brekky with no carbs, i dont like carbs in the morning but i need that meal to hit my protons
Kill. Your. Self.
No, I don’t eat breaksfast because I don’t feel it’s necessary and i don’t usually feel hunger in the morning. My first meal is at ~12 am. Basically just veggies and skyr. Than I have dinner anywhere between 6-9 pm. That’s how I like it but I am not telling anyone it’s superior way how to eat.
What are your lifts? 30kg bench?
I eat on a similar schedule and can bench 140kg
Post your body
Have you tried eating only one meal?
Have you tried eating 0 meals?
Heh found me a Seething Seppo, just not cluey enough for Aussie slang eh?
Yeah, afraid of Goin under the bar if I ate nothing
If you do machines with 10kg fasting is good bu when you squat 3 4 plates its no joke
this. It depends on your lifestyle and other eating patterns. Personally i cant do breakfast, eating in the morning just makes me drowsy - It's a boomer meal honestly, unless you plan on doing a day of physical work and skipping lunch it useless. There is no reason to break a fast until you actually need the calories.
How do you even know?
Unnecessary, i'm doing intermittent fasting and i eat in the evening after my workout, i feel like i have more strength and motivation than i when i ate regularly.
I don't bother. I get lethargic if I eat too much. I tend to not eat in the day until I've worked out. OMAD if I know I've got the time to take a nap, lighter if I know I have to do shit after. Always keep it in an 8 hour feeding window but a good chunk of the time significantly less than that like 2-6 hours.
Unless you're a fatso trying to lose weight there is no reason to skip breakfast.
Every meal is breakfast on OMAD
I have new job, that requires me to wake up at 4:30 am. This early in the morning, I'm dizzy and have clouded mind, which can be fixed by eating. However, I also feel sick on my stomach. I'm afraid that If I will eat anything I will throw up, or become ever more hungry.
This last until about 10:00, where I'm just really hungry so I eat breakfast. I'm trying to get used to this, but I don't know I can. The first four hours of my shift are absolute hell.
only correct answer
Hate us cause u anus
Skip it or dont doesnt really matter, your body will adapt to whatever your routine is, If you need the extra meal to hit your counts then go for it otherwise no real harm in skipping if you dont feel hungry.