Can we stop the manlet meme?
Society as a whole is anti-man enough for us to be turning againts each other.
We can all make it together as a fitmily

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I feel like masturbating but I don't want to lose my 3 days no fap streak, thoughts OP?

You small faggots make it a meme by getting mad about it

Manlet, lanklet, doesn't matter. Only 5% will make it anyway.

The worst offenders are the Jow Forums crossposters who think that their life is over because they are 5"8'. Blaming all your problems on something you can't control is the best coping mechanism, nevermind that it only takes one walk around the street to see that the real world isn't quite like what the LARPers on Jow Forums say.

Based desu.

It's like Game of Thrones where The North (manlets) and the Wildlings stop their fighting because there is a greater threat. OP is Jon Snow (also a manlet) who will unite the two forces for the better.

I have a 5'8" friend who used to cross-post Jow Forums and Jow Forums. He got to 205/285/355, installed tinder, got laid a few times, and stopped posting on Jow Forums.

Just having a body that "looks athletic" and using tinder is enough to get laid. He would even autistically send pepes and shit to the girls he was talking to, and he still got laid multiple times a month.

rk9 need to go away


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youre honestly worse than those numales that cant discuss politics without harry potter analogies

Guys who mock shorter men are basically doing women's jobs. Maybe they want to be women idk

I was just thinking today about how the ideal female type went from heroin-chic to thicc, I was wondering if someday manlet will be the new tall.

if that's ever the case the dwarfs and midgets and really short chinese and latinos will still mog them. they'll never win.

Girls like pepes.

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Read, nigga. Read.

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>Society as a whole is anti-man
We really fucked up, didn't we? Shitty times.

Feeling shit because of my height has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up for the past few weeks, this shit is really getting to me.
Losing weight and I'm looking better at least.

Dude forget about it, 5'9 here and I get laid regularly, my friend is 5'6 and has a qt gf, half the personal trainers at my gym are my height and get laid regularly. I could go on but literally every "manlet" I know is either getting laid regularly or has a qt loyal gf.

Yeah no, i'm not going to read that shit

5'9" is pretty much average. I'm 5'7", I wish I could forget about it but it comes up surprisingly a lot in day to day life and it really grates on me. I latch onto it and then think about it for the rest of the day. Not a healthy way to think and I'm blowing it out of proportion, should probably go to a shrink lmao. Literally just want a gf who likes me for who I am, not gonna lie I'm lifting to hopefully have a chance with girls.

You're an inch taller than my 5'6 friend, I also know several 5'7 men who have gfs who are all pretty cute desu. You'll find someone user, stop being insecure, its all in your head and people WILL be able to tell.
My 5'6 friend dated two girls who were both at least two inches taller than him, and he was the one who broke up with them. He doesn't even lift he just does callisthenics. Just get out there and live your life, improve the things you can and forget about the things you can't because most of the time they don't even matter.

People here act like being a manlet is a death sentence but go anywhere outside of Jow Forums and besides dumb women joking, no one cares. People might make a joke here or there but if you're not autistic you can just take the bantz. 5'8 here, have never had trouble getting with girls once I stopped being autistic. Its literally all about personality once you get your physical appearance to a decent standard (well groomed, not obese). Everything else is just bonus points (height, wealth, status, fantastic facial features, ripped body) which are worth working towards but not essential. Have seen so many regular looking or even a little ugly or fat guys completely own the room and get with the girls of their choosing. I have plenty of examples of different types of people making it if anyone wants some inspo.
Stop listening to this toxic board, get outside and get out of your own head.

The manlet meme has always been stupid. A man should not be more than 7–8 inches taller than his woman anyway. And guess what, there are tons of really short girls perfect for guys that are shorter themselves.
Honestly, every time I see someone who is just towering over a girl, I have to wonder if it's just some form of compensating, like the guy lacks confidence and needs something like that to feel good about himself.
t. 5'11"

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fucking this so much

>A man should not be more than 7–8 inches taller than his woman anyway

And? We're not dating womanlets either. If you're 6"2' you shouldn't be dating someone just 5'6" if you want tall strong children

>Can we stop the manlet meme
No, you look like a child and theres nothing you can do about it

My sides

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Thats what girls say to me all the time girls love short dudes that can hold their weight also 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.

This basically

>be me
>lab partner is a 6/10 with a 10/10 personality
>an inch taller than me but unnoticeable
>just as autistic as I am
>we joke around a lot
>she calls me small
>I call her flat
>mfw we both laugh
>mfw we have a date this Thursday

It is a meme, sure I wouldn't mind being taller, but it really doesn't matter, no one really cares what you are as long as you make them laugh

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Lighten up little man

Someone calling you a manlet and you getting pissed is proof you’re not lifting for yourself.