Anyone here have depersonalization/brainfog?

And manage to cure it? The last few years I have the feeling I'm not ''existing'' like I'm watching myself through a third person perspective. Also the last few years feel like one giant blur with no real memories. Because of this I find it hard to talk to people because I have to think twice as hard to figure out something to say instead of words coming out naturally, plus I can't focus for shit.

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visit psychiatrist for real this is a bad sing

No social media
More water
More sleep
More sunlight
Clean up diet
Less stress

Fix your posture.


user, dpdr is a serious mental illness
please seek treatment

Please, lisren to me:
Supplement with 50mg Zinc Picolinate and 5000UI Vit. D3
This help me so much, Ive never felt better. The brainfog is gone, tho DP still comes ftom time to time but in a mord relaxed "zen" way

That usually happens if you don’t socialize enough

I took modafinil for a month and it was gone forever


damn this hit close to him


lost focus when typing lol

Yes, but it took me a long time to get back to normal. It was gluten, simple as that - tested negative on celiac's disease. GL

My girlfriend has this and it's destroyed a few special moments we've had together. She gets really upset about how out of it she feels and heads home for alone time.

How do I help her bros?

can you specify user
only have 20 200mg tablets

I used to get this frequently when I played video games for 6+ hours/day.
Don't know if it's correlated though.

I took 200 mg, once daily in the morning. I had 40 pills so I guess it was almost 6 weeks

man i've been this girlfriend for so many times, so fucking heartbreaking to think about all the times i been sad and ruined amazing moments with a man who genuinly loves me because i didn't feel "human" and situations didn't feel "real", everything felt like some kind of staged trap to make me feel alive and i saw how it tore him apart to try to understand it all. can't for the fucking life of me understand how anyone could be able to live with someone like that.

Try Aajonus raw primal diet my friendo

when she gets upset, try to tell her she is in the room and that the floor is under her feet. if there's a chair in the room, tell her to describe the chair and compare it to herself ("it's brown, it's hard, it's made by wood, it's smaller than me"), then a glass ("it's round, it's see-through, i can fit it in my hand") etc. go on until she feels safe in the room, and when she feels safe she can leave if she still really wants to. just try it, shit that seems silly can do miracles sometimes.

I get this shit sometimes the next day after drinking heavily. Also silence becomes uncomfortable .

Not OP but I'm going to try to get a prescription for this once I have insurance again

its all real, all the negativity too. Live with it to accept the good.

Yes. Some people call it autism I have the same thing. What I realized is though that this is my life. Sounds simple but you have to realize what you are experiencing is what life is. Just play it like a game and have fun. Who cares if you are viewing yourself in 3rd person, be the best 3rd person viewer you can be

take some zoloft and get some therapy, worked for me

Try doing something you enjoy

Quitting porn and masturbation made me feel human again. Like I could stand to be with myself.

Yes. It got steadily worse to the extent I don't exist most of the time. I am a simulacra which has empirically tested what passes for normal and provides the correct responses most of the time.

Sometimes its as simple as a brain chemical disorder that you will never truly be :fixed: without medication.
The pain in the ass is finding the right meds that work but even harder sticking to them.

Good luck user

yeah, i get the "nothing is real" feelings when i spend too much time alone in front of a screen, especially when gaming. It's a terrifying feeling and it really makes you feel like you're going insane.

Fucking hell this and
I've battled and dealt with for years. Its almost impossible to explain to others. Do what the first user said, learn to accept this is what life feels and looks like to you. It isn't how other people experience the world and that's ok, it doesn't make your experiences any less real. I have awful memory loss as well. Entire years of my childhood and life are nearly blanks

>go on date on Saturday
>it's great we both have a great time together
>make out and watch shit together
>leave her place at 2am
>she tells me she wants to do it again next week
>text her later the next day
>she never replies
I had a shitty workout because of it today. I was sad.
What do?

I feel like you do OP. I wasn't always this way though. I'm a boomer now and I don't feel human. I experience no joy. All I do is smash chicks from apps. I haven't seen my friends in years. When I'm out at bars I look around and wonder "why bother"?

You're sinking, and if you think it's bad now wait until the last few years become a decade.
I don't know if there's any way to fix this. I'm going to try TRT.

How do I socialize? I talk to people at work but we don't hang out. I used to go to bars and chat with anyone around and it was cool but alcohol started destroying me so I had to stop. All my hobbies are isolated (lifting, biking, gaming, podcasts) so I have no reason to interact with anyone other than at stores. I'm usually happy being alone but after a weekend where I might not have one meaningful exchange with another human I start feeling down. Considering going to AA because I truly am an alcoholic even though I've stopped drinking but I've gone to some meetings in the past and didn't make any pals even after staying and talking afterwards and getting a sponsor and doing the steps seems like more of a pain in the ass than anything else.

tl;dr how do I make human connections now that I'm out of school and don't drink?

you never text the day after a date in the beginning stages of a relationship. you failed her beta test

To add to this I had a gf but we broke up 3 months ago. I met her at a bar and she was a drunk like me so the relationship was rocky to say the least but she was a good person sober and we had some fun times together. I was cool about it when we broke up because I remembered how much of a pain in the ass she could be when she was drinking, but now I look back fondly at just having someone who wanted me around all the time. I miss the whats up texts and sharing a bed together and having someone to go to dinner with. Fuck I'm lonely. I usually don't feel depressed though. Anyone dealt with this and fixed it?

I experience the same thing. It's not quite the exact same as yours, since I don't often get brain fog and I have no trouble talking to people as I usually just let I guess my subconscious take over, but I haven't felt like I was my own person in years. There's a couple years of my life I don't really remember, and large chunks of time which seem to whiz by. I used to think it was because of videogames, but I haven't played a real game for any notable amount of time in probably 5-6 months now, yet it still persists. It's especially bad in the physical department, as it causes a severe difficulty for me to gauge the difficulty of any particular thing, IE lifting is only so hard all the time and I don't really realize it getting harder until I hit failure. Same thing with fear too, I have pretty much no primal fears anymore since I don't feel myself in my own body. Things will spook me and I'll feel adrenaline, but there's not very much I wouldn't do, providing it didn't have a permanent affect on my body.
Is this bad? Do I need to talk to a psych? My friend's mom is a registered psychologist, so I could ask her about it. I'm against the idea of pharmaceuticals from a philosophical standpoint, so I wouldn't take any meds for it, but it'd be nice to live life in life again if I could do it without drugs.

You dont cure it, Ive had it for 14 years now and ive accepted it will never go away. You can learn to manage it better with therapy but not much more than that. Doing psychedelics helped me to break out of the mind fog but i still dont feel human. Sorry to be so negative but maybe you should work on accepting it as is.

I'm only 18 and got this shit from smoking too much weed in the past. I need some advice bros, I'm scared this is going to get worse.

I had severe, crippling, brain-fog for three solid years. Felt like I was at the end of my rope so I stopped taking my SSRIs, and a month later I felt like myself again. Personally, I blame the jews.

it just means you're waking up

I had an ex like that. Dumping her was one of the best decisions I ever made, even though I think about her regularly and get really lonely. Breaking up with her basically killed my social life, but alcoholic girls are a nightmare, and from time to time I feel completely relieved that I don’t have to deal with it anymore.

Everyone is giving different answers. OP, I'll just say for me it is social anxiety that caused it

I also got it from weed; it was november of 2013 when I got an anxiety attack and it broke loose. Dont tell NOBODY about DP, only a therapist if you see one

You will get used to it and eventually you will "forget" about it and live a normal life; let it go, accept it and move on
Get away from anything that creates syntetic anxiety such as weed and other drugs

I've had this for 2 years hough and it's only gotten worse. I honestly don't see a way out besides killing myself at this point. My life has progessively gotten worse each year I've had it.

Im the one you quoted
Try this: It changed my life; they both incriese test and helps lift you from depression
Take them for at least 2 months
Take it from me, I know what you are gping through

she said next week not next day cuck

wait till next week and if she dodges hanging out you're out, if you hang out again you're in.

It's diabetes

Stop being vegan you fag

>see a therapist
How can they help? Just drugs?

I only take the occasional benzo when axiety gets bad, none of the shit pharma shills keps trying to force on me since it makes no difference for DPDR. Talk therapy can help by making you understand how your thinking and behavior patterns makes your dp worse and teaching you to manage it better. Just try it.

Well fuck it I'll try anything.

I had this really bad, it made me feel emotionally unstable, felt like crying 24/7.
I ended up crying to my parents at 23 about how weird I felt, mum wanted me on SSRIs. Don’t touch them, I read philosophy, threw myself into my studies, job and lifting.
It may feel like you will feel this way forever but don’t worry user, all things must pass. Feel the harmony of being alive and relish in it :)

Oh and also, take up something creative! The arts are a great way to feel in touch with and in control of reality

Is it really though? Had it back when I had a lot of anxiety. Disappeared as soon as I changed up my lifestyle and cleaned up my diet. + Hitting the gym also helped.

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everybody in this thread is a FAGGOT. Either get on/ get off drugs and go to therapy for fucks sake. Easy fix faggots. LOLing at your lives.

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