Is there any race where you're utterly fucked by genetics?

Is there any race where you're utterly fucked by genetics?

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pygmee and abo maybe

Physically it must be asians

White people.


there's possibly nothing worse than being indian/paki/bengali

each race is better at something.

Most fucked: Asians or Arabs
Least fucked: Slavs. They got that retard strength going for them plus they tall as shit


How are Arabs fucked

I disagree. There's too much malnutrition & shit diets in their countries so it's hard to say what their potential is. Look at the Dutch. Went from a country of manlets to normal height in 2 generations from eating better and deciding taller women were hotter.

lol pajeets look like shit no matter where you go, the best looking pajeets like the ones in bollywood look like the average arab/iranian/afghan basically, that says a lot about them

Jewish. Bad environmental allergies and sinus problems, never quite fit in with the chad Goy crowd, weird body proportions, pale sensitive skin, shit facial hair. Prone to pogroms from time to time. At least I look white.

t. half jewish half white

Indian or asian

all of them but white

>how are manlets fucked

Jewish or amerimutt, take it from someone whos every race crammed into one pathetic being (apary from kike)

Go back to Jow Forums

All of them except white and black, although black is a crapshoot of being a thieving skinny nigger black or a black with sickass genetics that has CT Fletcher potential.

S rank:

A rank:

B rank:
Gypsies, Ranjeets, Pajeets, Jews

C ranks:

E rank:

F rank:

I'm brazilian and race mixed beyond belief. How fucked am I?

Gotta awake those nazi genes

gotta specify which blacks
african americans are objectively superior to pure subsaharans when it comes to strength and muscle building.

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Well...those digits don't lie apparently

yeah the whole "MOY ASTHMA!" stereotype comes straight from reality. There are some Russian, German, or Eastern Euro Jews who aren't completely gene cucked but I grew up in an area with a heavy Orthodox Jewish population and give them like 2-3 more generations and they'll be at a genetic dead end, they seem to have a very high rate of down syndrome and so many of them have terrible allergies and breathing issues.

feels good being slav. lets get these masterrace gains brate


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it's true though. african americans were brought over as slaves. and when you take in slaves you primarily want the slaves that have more than average muscle mass.

imagine being butthurt enough to make this image lol. this is as bad as the negro "We wuz kings" meme shit. where they photoshop them selves on pharaohs. grats Jow Forumscel youre literally nigger tier stupdi

>children are a race
>woman are a race

how ironic

are you seriously nitpicking a typo you dumb faggot. is that really the path you want to take redditor election fag

>thinking I made this
75 Somalian IQ spotted.

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> i didnt make this i just saved it and reposted it thinking it was an epic counter to a lame joke that offended by right wing SJW sensibilities
absolutely based and race aware

you missed a comma there, bud

Asians are proficient strength athletes.

in terms of physical fitness? Probably polynesians. Those fuckers were never intended to eat a western diet, and when they do they all instantly balloon up. They're the fattest people on earth unless they stick to their traditional native diet.

>being so big-brained that you call people out on not making OC and reposting
went from nigger-tier to abbo tier in sentence.


>S rank:


Samo napred brate

>no one wants them

>no one wants them
Expect for white women


based and redpilled inb4 polcel cope

Yeah, the white women no one else wants who have massive daddy issues and aren't worth more than their holes, sure. Good to see you agree to everything else though, you should know your place.

right on cue

There is no races there is individuals you dumbfuck

White boy cope

>When you down whole sóy bottle

Indian and Asian
>But what about the Asian olympic lifters
Superior training

post body

You first

>the polcel deflects

Your posts change a lot when you switch over to Jow Forums

Attached: Muslims_1.png (1328x334, 246K)

That's probably a hindu poojeet who dislikes muslims

>He is so butthurt about muslim he has an entire file directory for them. rent free cuck. rent free.

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I will post body after yours. You have my words

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They can't all be.

I just snipped these now. This shit isn't hard to find.

Attached: Muslims 2.png (1324x289, 170K)

>talks shit
>Gets called out
Semes a common theme for you Jow Forumscel

>talking about cuckery when you are a whitoid master cuck
Not a smart move

>heh yea i just browse cuck subreddits to get material to post on
fucking imagine

Literally the pugs of the human race

The state of modern white men lmao

Calm down all that estrogen is making you angry.

I can create a tinder, set my location to an arab country and probably get 50 matches in a single night. the reverse is not true, you'd get maybe 1 or 2.

Women of all races crave what the white man has to offer. Beauty, strength, height, intelligence, kindness and stability. Something few shitskins can offer their own women. The truth is, black women realize perfectly well that a white man will take care of her financially, will raise their child and won't beat her up

Do it and post results

>Arab countries

>being a pay-pig is the height of my races capabilities
omfg this is too good

leftist cope, cucks are fucking hilarious and it's real interesting seeing the extent of depravity and pitifulness humans can reach.

Attached: essence_of_leftism.png (750x1334, 367K)

...So where do the american natives fall in all of this?

>spends hundreds of hours compiling a highly thorough cuck folder

Why are white boys so insecure

There's actually a huge culture around cuckolding in the middle East and India

cope harder my man.

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you have a fucking cuck folder dude wtf this isnt projecting im dying of laughter

Arabs are extremely arrogant and yet so insecure that they simply can't help themselves when posting online out of envy for the white man

Recently an Arab family moved into my town and it is now common to see the man of the household bicycling infront if his wife who's carrying 4 bags of groceries. To us this is a sing of weakness, but to Arabs it's a sign of masculinity

>man doesn't put his wife on a pedestal and demands she carry her weight in the relationship
>white cuck wonders how he can save the fair lady

>intentionally ignoring my point
Contributing to the wealth of the household and providing financial stability is honourable. Something a black man can neither appreciate nor provide

>White men propagandized 24/7 as the oppressive masters of everything
>He's surprised when other race's women and debased men feel the overwhelming drive to submit

Whites getting cucked is literally a forced porn meme my dude. Take it from a proper degenerate, as soon as you get out into the real world of people wanting their rocks off, the shoe is on a different foot than you're expecting.

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tips fedora

Even if this is true Still doesnt compare to whitoid cuckness

The limp wristed Arab reveals himself
No wonder women don't want you. You have got masculinity completely backwards

Abos. Not a single one is attractive.

Pure Dravidian male. Dark as night, but with a small weak skinny fat body and ugly face.

If you're lucky enough to be a pale north indian it isnt too bad. At least you'll score amongst the indians.

>unsheathes katana
>what did you say about me wh*toid

>Most fucked: Asians or Arabs
That really depends on the Arab. Some of them are basically Italians.

>no argument
No wonder your women are fleeing into the open arms of the white man when your kind abandons honour

Theyre inbred as fuck

Except I don't. You're clearly extremely butthurt and unintelligent on top of it, what triggered you ITT?

hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhaahahh this fucking incel cope

>in terms of physical fitness? Probably polynesians. Those fuckers were never intended to eat a western diet, and when they do they all instantly balloon up. They're the fattest people on earth unless they stick to their traditional native diet
I think they just have no concept of diet or health at all. They're not really any worse than rural mexicans. Give previously poor people unlimited carbs and they'll expaaaaaand

another problem arabs have is that they're so incredibly ugly from the massive inbreeding. as if their squat bodies weren't enough, on the weak frames are hung the most deformed, swollen heads of any race on this earth, punctuated with huge noses and smelly hair.
look it up, in some parts almost 50% of marriages are incestuous. doing that for thousands of years is what produces this pitiable race of goblins

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yea wh*toids really are a fucked up abomination

>This thread
One really butthurt Arab and one guy really butthurt about Arabs

Remember to shower daily. Your kind has a particularly foul odour that the white man just doesn't have. Maybe if you put some more effort into being like your superiors, your women would want you

t. inbred paki
fucked a couple of your women on tinder when I visited the UK, all of them had backhair. you can keep em dude the lion has had his share

>t. Pajeet

>the absolute state of this insecure assmad arabcel ITT