I would rather go without masturbating for the rest of my life than having to do cold showers.
I love hot showers.
I would rather go without masturbating for the rest of my life than having to do cold showers.
I love hot showers.
sweet, thanks for the update!
>not showering ice cold
fucking hotlets
imagine that stream hitting you right in the dick lmao
cold showers reduce hypertrophy
it's a meme to keep people small
is having cold showers every single morning safe for your endocrine system?
This. Dont take cold showers after working out. It cancels the oh fuck gotta repair state you put your muscles in. So youll go back to making fat.
Cold showers in the morning are good though.
> (OP)
Gee i wonder wgho coudl be ehind this post....
who cares they feel nice
Imagine being so much of a pussy you need to heat your water to wash yourself
You will never gonna get those mental and spirit gains
based schizo
Yeah wouldn't that be weird haha
>what's a preference
Cold showers are significantly better for your face and hair. Hot showers would strip my skin and hair of their natural oils and dry them out. I've been taking cold showers for months and the difference in my hair is very noticeable. It is much softer, looks healthier and is easier to deal with.
I only use hot water for my face when I want to clean it.
Haha he said the thing like a boss, ayoooo
so what you're saying is this:
>if you dont shower cold, you lack warmth
are you an idiot, or just an incompetent writer?
>tfw you blast your taint and balls with a squall of near freezing water in the shower after doing hot yoga
if you cant do cold do lukewarm
hot water is shit for your skin and hair
lukewarm is the masterrace of showers, too bad I'm weak-willed and always end up roasting myself with pleasantly hot water until I'm too tired to stay upright.
never gonna make it
Actually I'm making it but I'm keeping the hot showers anyway.
Besides it's summer now, soon I'll be forced to turn the temp down to deal with the blazing insufferable heat.
try lukewarm then a bit cold at the end