> be me, 37 yo male > trying to get Jow Forums > get test tested recently, it’s unsurprisingly low > doc downplays it, says it’s ok, test fluctuates throughout the day > doc tells me that test boosts significantly after road rage incidents > idea.jpg > next day, daily 10km bike ride, morning warmup before lifting. > nearing 10km getting a bit tired. > notice some asshat letting their dog take a shit in the baseball diamond > shout at them “Hey fuckface, no dogs on the playing field for a reason you pathetic piece of human garbage” > get in big argument. Lasts a few minutes. > bike off SUPER pumped. > go home to home gym. > hit new PR in all lifts that day.
H....have I just unlocked the secret anons? Should I just pick a fight with a random stranger every morning?
On Saturday I had an argument with a biker using his motorcycle on the pavement. We almost got into a fight. The fucker was like chubby and probably reaching 1,90m (I'm 1,68m) he could easily kill me using one hand but I swear to you guys I could sense I could beat him.
Adam Clark
> doc tells me that test boosts significantly after road rage incidents 100% believable
Andrew Torres
My friends and I use to do fight club and the guy who lifted is pretty ripped now.
Dylan Nguyen
Why does it have to be like that though? There are plenty of douchbags about, you can just find someone who is breaking the law and yell at them. They will yell back, and you will argue and then you just bike off once you got the test boost. How does this land you in jail? What are they gonna do? Run to the cops? “Yeah officer I was breaking the law and some guy yelled at me”.
Jonathan Ramirez
He said it was from a study. I could try to find the paper later when I’m off work.
Ryder Sanchez
top fucking kek
Nolan Lewis
Don't pick random fights with people you fucking moron. If you go looking for trouble, you're eventually going to find it. You are essentially being a bully
Jeremiah Lee
> not down with picking fights with random strangers for test boost.
James Brooks
Who gives a fuck if some dog shits on a baseball field... fucking autist
Eli Harris
Imagine being such an insecure person, that you try picking fights at 37 years old. Do you work as a salesman? Do you get drunk with "the boys" every weekend?
Seriously fuck people and their fucking dogs. Lazy fucks. There are parks that are dedicated to their fucking dogs, they can go there and shit up those parks all they want. But no, instead they gotta take their dog to the fucking baseball diamond where little kids play baseball. Little kids who trip and fall on their face. Straight into some retards dog shit smear? Fuck that. It's a bylaw for a reason. Fuck lazy ass mother fucking dog owning cunts.
Jacob Jenkins
Gettin a Little Tyler Durden in here.
Charles Wright
There is nothing wrong with fighting. You just live in a bubble.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Starting fights with strangers is like walking up to a wolf to pet it expecting not to get bit because you've played with puppies before. You're going to mess with the wrong person on the wrong day and catch a bullet.
Adam Howard
i wish i had a group of friends with whom to fight and then hug each other like bros, would be amazing.
James Gray
Post body
Levi Williams
I like this. Think I'll try it and report back in a week
Jack Ross
> t. Amerifat
Jason Fisher
You could just join any semi decent martial arts gym that has regular sparring you massive retard So could you guys. Why the fuck does everyone ride fight clubs dicks when every single place I’ve seen is 80% posturing and guys yelling about how tough they are. I’ve seen more people get injured doing fucking pussy ass BJJ than in a fight club.
Ryan Reyes
It was a free way of venting anger and hanging out with friends. I got a tooth chipped but that's about the worst injury that happened if that's what you're worried about.
Brandon Garcia
This guy is taking the angerpill!!!! He's getting that test boost by getting mad while all of you pussies try and avoid internet altercation.
Andrew Flores
>picking fights with pricks makes you one
Nah that’s not how it works.
But OP should def work on his ground game
Logan Reyes
Welcome to Jow Forums club
Elijah Ward
Lol, calling assholes out is not a felony.
Robert Bennett
Was about to make a thread about this
I've got in a couple of arguments (that I didn't started tho) with random people recently. Luckly neither end up physical but in those ocassions I felt the same "tingle" in my balls and a bit of hornyness afterwards
Isaac Lee
terrible idea, your body gives you energy and strength TEMPORARILY when angry because it thinks you're about to get into a fight and possibly die - it's the same concept as absolutely punching it out of every red light, you'll burn through your gas and fuck your engine up in return for getting there a little quicker and with a little more style
tl;dr: the repeated stress will fuck your body and mind up
>it's your body they can't tell you what to do with it YEAH BUT THEY CAN REFUSE TO GIVE YOU DRUGS lolcaps he thinks hes too mature to get drunk with the boys
Brandon Brown
I do this, except I just walk my dog over public grassy areas and wait until some twat like you accosts me about it. Just kidding, it's a joke, I don't do that and I never have
Logan Kelly
Are you retarded, if no one cared it would be the sign of a civilization's death.
Asher Perry
Damn bro you almost gave me a test boost, I was ready to punch your goddamn mouth but then you were just kidding haha you silly troll.
Leo Morales
road rage= high test
Levi Peterson
>> notice some asshat letting their dog take a shit in the baseball diamond >> shout at them >“Hey fuckface, no dogs on the playing field for a reason you pathetic piece of human garbage” >> get in big argument. Lasts a few minutes. >> bike off SUPER pumped. >> go home to home gym. >> hit new PR in all lifts that day. I could never do this I'd just feel awful and replay it over and over and feel like the aggression was me lying to him and myself, I'd get worried and anxious before and after, I'd probably not be able to even act like I'm not nervous